
CGT Chic 510 By TEMELE MANNINC DICIEMBRE DE 1938 Jamaica is on the southern cruise list all right. Over 40 Fecha VADOR Embarcadores Consigntarios Desmo Sere KI cruise liners have the lovely isJe on their itinerary, augmentDie CHIRIQUI Ixcher Cia Orient Tamburgo 813 PHOENCIA Kizing Steinsort Unsen ting the regular steam hip runs. Nichaus co.
Ronisch Held And, of course, there is the run Nichaus Co.
Cinden 124 out of Florida with King ton Niehaus Cn.
Orden ru but five hours by air from MiaHinnen Store CH. Donner Han burgu ro TANE mi. Kingston is all very nice, Agencias Unidas Hi Tonner.
Mlachner Denne but there are other parts of Ja Lindo Brus Lid. Donner 27 maica that beckon and lure, Efto looser 14 Montego Bay. the ruins ok 10 COSTA RICA Lachner Cia CH Donne Port Royal and Spanish Town, 11. TALANACA Bananera CR CN Choco Colonia the Castleton Botanical gar14 COLOMBIE Cm Pro. Per Ep Orden Havre 97 18. QUIRIGUA Limon Trad. co dens, Mandeville, the lovely litBanco Popular Perú 704 Mlachner Cia Orden Har burgo 176 tle villages, the hedges of poinAllan Sims de Abate Genova settia and hibiscus. the e are 20. CARIBIA Niehaus Co Banco de hile Chile Ion the gems of Jamaica that shine Gerlin Co Colombia To moit brightly for many a travM. Lachner orden Haniburgo eler. So let make some trips is 388 feet above sea level.
Kituring Steinvath Orden. Agencias Unidas SA Notrebchmo out cf Kingston after we are The north shore offe. much 25. JAMAICA Ca Bnnaneta CR. Mosqueta Coloniha 123 weary of shopping and bask with beautiful Montego Bay 26. PHRYGIA Nichaud Gerlin Colon bla ing on the beautiful beach. For some 120 miles from King ton. Sisus to Giden Hamburgo there are short and lovely runs playing starring role. Its blue TOTAL is 614178 out of Kingston to pots that bay, rimmed by an almost per seem far removed from this fect sand beach and dotted with UFCO PAG RSSC. weary world. And then you may coral isles, is sheer delight. It be tired of water and beaches is connected with Kingston by Sosas 9125 PS and be glad to see some moun la rail line and a motor road, RESUMEN tains. For Jamaica boasts the But the hiring of cars by tourhighest peak in the British West ists is a pretty expen ive pro Nichaus Cn.
2161 Hamburgo 4743 ZO Colombia 1875 Indies. Blue Mountain, which position, and so the railroad is ROL 231070 Inco best if one cannot go by air. The Lachue. Cia Cia. Bananera de CR 15 77816 Peru beautiful new race track, BelKitzing Steinvorih 821 2260 Gerova 14000 field, offers the diversion of gencias Unidas 2600 Havre US Francisco Fonseca Ch. horse racing when you are tir Lindo Bros Ltd.
49750 Allan Sime ed of the racing waves.
TOTAL 614078 14oo 200 Limon Trading Co.
100 7000 to LAWYER NOTARY The run from Kingston Hinimel von Storren.
30 8454 PUBLIC Montego Bay takes in such locom. Pro Rep. Isp 9135 Port vely spots a3 Antonio, Emilio Looset Office: 184 904 Dunn river and Falmouth.
Adjoining to the City TOTAL Siis 614075 Public Library Port Antonio is a most attracENGLISH SPOKEN tive tropical spot, having a harbor that lives in one memory FORMER JUDGE OF THE and also in one snapshot al EXPRESSIONS OF SINCERE SYMPATHY home to us that, nothing can LIMON DISTRICT COURT bum, for it is a must on the make amends for the great list of every camera enthusiast loss you have suffered. We who visits Jamaica. There is a THE FOLLOWING NEED NO COMENT deeply realize that mere new hotel, and the bathing at Change of Date For words wholly fail to cheer Boston beach is good: Half hour Mrs. Hylton, To Him then. leave the rest. your almost broken heart, or from Port Antonio is BerrydaLimon.
Memorial Service to cease your tears, yet. we le, from where visitors raft cannot but hope that this exdown the Rio Grande river. The Dear Mrs. Hylton: Very cordially yours, pression of heart. felt and As previously reported, the sixmile trip takes about sincere sympathy will, in soCosta Rica Burial Scheme As hours, every minute of which The Promoter, Officers and Costa Rica Burial Scheme me degree, help to sow needs sociation had arranged for ais packed with enpoyment and members of the Costa Rica Association of courage, faith and mental Service to be held on the 21st thrills, e pecially as the bam Eurial Scheme Association strength to endure your sufinstant, for the purpose of boo raft clears the swirling ra are moved in very deep sym. Signed) Evelyn Carnegie.
fering cherishing the memory of pids. It also is worthwhile stoppathy (impracticable a being Recording and Corresponding We would ease your sorrow the late Henry Hylton, who ping at Dunn river, with its described) at the death of yoSecretary yet me know not how. We fulhad served them so faithfully lovely falls tumbling over rocky ur husband, and beg thorugh ly acknowledge that this afand effectively. Due, how ledges a perfect shower af this medium to accept, with Mrs. Susan Hylton, fliction is God will, as it is ever, to a clash of other ac ter a swim.
sincerity, our heart felt contivities for this date, and in There is much to at dolence for yourself and ſa Dear Mrs. Hylton: Port Limon, Costa Rica. He Who givesh and also taketh away order that it might be con Spanish Town, the old capital of mily.
Over in that far away Land venient for as many of his Jamaica which must have been former friends to attend this quite a piace judging from the Besides having been a bro At the meeting of the St. we may not doubt that your worthwhile Cause, the Pro the remains. The ruins of the ther, he was a friend and Anthony Burial and Sick beloved husband is free from moter of the Association and King house, the ancient House always willingly dispo ed in Aid Association convened on the pains he endured here, his associates have consider of Assembly end the Cathedral performing acts of useful the 24th. ultin. o. we the Ex and that with the Lord he has ed it advisable to change the tell the graphic story of a richness. We do not know when iecutives, Officers and Mem found perfect rest and peace.
past. Port Royal was once he shall be erased from our bers present acting by interdate to the 22nd, instant.
While commending yourself All intere ted parties known as the wickedest town memory. The burden of grief nal impulse in consequence of and children to the care of the asked to particularly note the on earth, at that time the heads that is aching the hearts of the loss your household and Lord Jesus, at Whose feet we change.
quarters for pirates. Then came yourself and children is un the Community have sustain are taught to lay our burdens, visitation in the form of an derstood, but we commend ed in the sad passing of your griefs and pains, we beg to earthquake and in its wake a you to Jesus, in whom you beloved husband and our es remain, with the Blessed AsMy wife extravagance istidel wave which, swept the will find solace and comfort, teemed friend, Mr. Henry Hyl will be the recipients of due more than can stand; she ex town and all its sin right into and Who will strengthen you ton, resolved collectively to comfort and solace.
peta me to give her a new hat the sea. Now it is a sodate mill to bear your loss.
forward our sincerest condo Very cordially your Executievery time get a new car. tary station.
lence, through this medium, ves, Officers and Members said a man in trying to explain And one should visit the 10 Weep not we cannot see as a visible representation of the cause of his financial diffi vely Castleton botę nical gar Why we should so stricken be our impressed hearts.
St. Anthony Burial and Sick culsie.
dens, a riot of tropical bloom. Wather er God wills is best It is concientiously brought Aid Association CE We are two AS prm ay he he yil he tre Et nhe OD ne Elle su see Fa ler porn Jor ire are pe Clu Fan era LUIS WA CHONG Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota ol dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
GUACIMO GUAPILES We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
DE LIMON Abarrotes en general Tiendo bien situada COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA Precios sin competencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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