
S IN as Budweise gard lly.
whir to an SALVATION ARMY NEW COMMAND TENDERED Fernando del Barco HEARTY WELCOME BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de ABOGADO experiencia en su elaboración.
Oficina. Limon MAJOR AND MRS. THOMAS LYNOH ARRIVED ON La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido Frente almacén Peña Sucs.
THE 29th, ULTIMO Apartado 446 La poprlaridad de BUDWEISER fundó la cel These two great Pilgrims on Sick Aid Society, while Mr.
their onward march through a Duckett conveyed felicitations vecería mayor del mundo.
San Jose sin wrapped world, endeavour from the Costa Rica Buriti Apartado 626 Tel. 4420 ing to bring whatever knees Scheme Association. Mr.
Frente Botica Francesa they can to the feet of Jesus. Davidson School was efficien Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas. la have come to lend their Aid to tly represented by two recitaour material and spiritual needs. tiens delivered by the Misses COMO BUDWEISER ninguna lo LOS ULTIMOS DICTADOS Although, unknown to us per Linda Brown and Linda Berzonally, yet, in spirit they had rick. Little Miss Claris Clarke por VERA WINSTON inhabited our hearts because brought greetings from Mrs.
their fame had preceded them. Carnegie. Master Rupert The record which they have Francis held the audience spellplaced on the Scroll of time bound in his scholarly rendiwhile labouring in the neighboution of the Oration of Mark LIMON TRADING ring Republic of Panama and Anthony over the dead body elsewhere, will, unquestionably of Caeser. This little seven year serve them tower of old magnet was loudly cheered DISTRIBUIDORES strength in contronting the va on the completion of his conried problems so pregnant in tribution and many coins were this their new Charge.
showered on him. Mrs. De He Although it is but a brief La Bastide and daughter recei:pan since their feet touched ved the plaudit of the as embly our soil, the names of Major for their splendid contributions.
Annual Missionary Meeting at Baptist Church and Mrs. Lynch are already They represented the Wesleyan High being heralded with pleasing Methodist Church. Miss Linda With a well filled Church and a volume of Eloquence, defea commentation Brown waz again heard in a Service was a decided success The warm hearted Reception well rendered solo, another ad Wil Programme convened in their dition to the credit of the Wes So inspired a service can able to give the thesis on nearil honour at the Army Hall on leyan Sunday School, not be adequately described high lights of that memor, bero Wednesday night, the Ist insComrade Mrs. Roper climbed in a few short sentences; it event.
tant, and the packed audience great heights in her address on would require many chapters The platform was occuy exerc day were characteristic of our com behalf of the Comrades of the to do so, hence we are only by such distinguished pel form munity. We believe they will Army. We think we still hear rages as Miss Elsie Tryon, in They place a very high value on this the voice of Mrs. Laird Rev. John Chinn of the HUMOR public demonstration of good her pathetic and action Solo leyan Mathodist; Major will, more so as it was given which was unaccompanied by Lynch of the Salvation Art voluntarily and unsolicited.
instrument. The songstress was El niño Papá, la cólera es un Messrs. Maxwell, the of Our town was well represen highly cheered at the end caballo?
lie Angus and Reid, a Met roic led. An old and reliable public that melodious item. The CorEl papa ¿Por qué lo dices? dist Layman from the feel spirited personage and a pro net Duet by Major and Mrs El niño. Porque aqui dicen: ed States of America, and ven friend of the Army, made Lynch gave the first impression El bandido montó en cólera. Rev. Forde, Pastor of al Engalanamos esta plana the necessary acrangements and that they are jolly good ShepChurch ry con un primoro o modelo, it is very gratifying that fort the herds, and we are tempted uno de los más novedosos que efforts were crowned with come was of a genuine order The service opened with ue one of the popular phrasio and the greatest jewels belong congregational singing pla exhiben los grandes almace overwhelming success.
logies, They know their onions ball to all who helped to make nes de modas de la metropoli it Hymn Nº 553, followed by few and morteamericana. Este encan Sheet Stand up for Jesus was hours notice, got the choir to Event.
The opening song from Song Mrs. Bernard with a such a long to be remembered reading of the Soripture as son by the Pastor, while tador modelo, de tan sencilla lustily dia The sung by the congrega gether and befittingly they con Chairman hechura es ideal para announced blessing of God was evok asis tion. Prayer was next offered tributed two rich Anthems. The that the Rev. Pitt tot and by the Rev. Chinn. Inga tir a los deportes. Al mismo by Mrs. Douglas. Comrade Major and Mrs Lynch almost Mrs. Jessie Wright had been ing tribute, the Rev. Forde gar tiempo, sirve para asistir a Mrs. Roper read the Scripture brought the roof of the struc kept away on account of the ill troducted Mr. Maxw spl reuniones semi formales, pues lesson. The curtain was raised ture down as the audience, with ness of the former: while Re theas Chairman; who, in acce lucirá elegante y vistosamen by the introduction of Major merriment and the fullest ap. Rev. Forde was prevented ing the responsible positid thi te, según los accesorios que and Mrs. Lynch and the han preciation for their addresses, by reason of the Missionary shewed by his introductory se usen. La blusa es de ga ding over of the programme to filled the air with laughter. Campaign he was conducting marks that he was quite di muza negra, y las mangas Mr. Angus who, with mar The Major, without doubt, has along the Line Towns. They home. His comments aft son de punto. Se cierra por ked ability, presided as Chair a wonderful talent; it is no however sent their heartfelt each speaker, were of a ve di detrás, por medio de una creman. From a Public View Point, wonder he has reached so high congratulations and good wishes high order.
mallera. La esbelta falda es Mr. Sam Nation, true to ta his a rank in his chosen field. Mr. to Major and Mrs Lynch, and Our well esteemed citiz también de punto. Puede lle years of experience in matters Davidson, one of our or wished the meeting verey suc and popular Layman of bi varse con cinturón o sin él. of such import electrified the ganists of accredited ability pla cess.
El collar de piedras le prestal audience with his humourous, yed for all the congregational Wesleyan Methodist Chur It can truly be said that the of our City Mr. Ang mayor elegancia, y para que, yet scul stirring address. The songs. Mrs. Douglas deliver Welcome was of a genuine rolled away the susper parezca más deportivo, pue weight of years is apparently, red the vete of thanks after order from every angle: the gre with a de usarse con un pañuelo de no barrier to him.
which the Chair pronounced the atest jewel belonging to those dress.
heart stirring The air was nep vivos colores, Fron: a Benevolent Source. final of the evening program who had assisted in making it charged with the humoro Mrs. Bernard ably spoke for me.
the long. to be remembered prelude of Major Lynch the St. Anthony Burial and From every angle the Welevent.
most interesting discourse Missionary Work. Third in der was Miss Elsie Tryon, delivered a much appreciate COMERCIANTE address. The Rev. Chin por más ut años followed and captivate Establecido en la Provincia audience with his eloquend Vende al detal, Vinos y Ll.
cores extronjeros y del pais, The closing discourse can MISCELANEA from Mr. Reid, a Methodi abarrotes en general.
Layman from the United St stablecimiento esquina El éxito en los negocios y en la tes, whose glowing expres Norte del Mercado, ions seemed characteritic Entre vida está siempre en espera del the Sriptural injunction hombre que tiene el dinero nethe keeping of good wine fo cesario en el momento preciso.
the last.
Sentiments of the greate TO SELL value were expressed by a the Speakers. They touche Timekeeper Cottage on both tilled and untilled field Maribell Farm in this important work on be half of the Master Kingdom Single Flange Banana The Report on the year la Car.
bours was most commenda Single Flange Switch.
ble. The meeting was undou Several Car Frames tedly very inspiring and en Apply Newton Aquart tertaining and supported SUCURSAL Rio Hondo DE LIMON the guiding philosophy whic seemed to have united all pr sent. Edgar Young AHORRE Ud. debe ser de esa clase de hombres Banco de Costa Rica Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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