
th. 193 On The Sick List LA JUVENTUD LIMONENA KLIM GIVES BABIES THE BODY BUILDING ELEMENTS THEY NEED años guido slo que desea progresar, ampliar sus conocimientos, PREPARARSE MEJOR We very much regret having to mention that our popular townsman and Commercial Clerk Mr. Eugenio Browne, is again indi posed and unable to leave his home.
We wish he will soon be res tored to his former good health para alcanzar posiciones de responsabilidad le ofrece das.
la ESCUELA DE COMERCIO CASTRO CARAZO RELIEVE TIRED inguna la mejor oportunidad de lograrlo por medio de sus EYES MURINE FOR YOUR sissa Why Plagarism Instead of Plagiarism INMEJORABLES PRACTICOS CURSOS Murine soothes COMERCIALES and refreshes irritated eyes Use it daily EYES drinking water as you need que enseña por correspondencia KLIM supplies all the vital elements that pure.
fresh milk to feed your baby.
fresh milk contributes to None is wasted because you Pidanos hoy informes al Apartado 1900, Son José Congratulations straight bones, strong teeth use only as much Klim as you and resistance to disease. need at the moment. the That is because Klim is rest will keep for weeks even Our sincerest congratulapure, fresh milk.
after the tin has been opened.
tions to Mrs. Linda Coward, This makes Klim economical.
Heredia Snatch Victory from Vesubio with the esteemed wife of our veKlim is fresh milk pow.
dered. just the water re Notice, too, how all the nur Goals to ry popular fellow citizen, don moved, nothing added. and fresh, natural flavor of fine Guillermo Coward, who, last packed by an exclusive milk remains in Klim Thursday, celebrated another process that insures the unchanged. Order Klim ente High Standard of play with ability to break through anniversary of her Natal Day. milk reaching you just KLIM for your baby today.
defence of Vesubio Goalie brought Heredia the Victory The Atlantic Voice earn as fresh as it is a few hours after milking. You estly hopes she may be blessWith the Football Season, among them, and secureded with a great many more mix it with boiled or hem nearing its close, quite a num three more goals almost con such pleasant days.
ber of admirers of the great secutively. The effectiveness The Milk That Keeps.
exercise turned out on Sun and consistency of these pladay last to witness the per yers, match after match, have And Keeps Its Natural Flavor formance of these two teams. always been noticed with Card of Thanks Tye They have always been re much interest and admirajort garded as ranking almost equation.
Through this medium Mrs.
In At lly. The play started with Reviewing the League ga Susan Hylton, her son and ell whirlwind motion. There was mes for the 1938 trophy. daughters, desire to express Dear Mr. Editor: and natural heritage of one Me the thrilling spectacle of he evident that had the Limon their unbounded appreciation space in your valuable and in militant usurpers, all wlio proKindly allow me sufficient racial brethren is ravaged by he roie bumpings shuffling of Junior not excelled in their and sincerest thanks for the tere ting Journel to reply to an less a deep concern regarding feet and kicking of ball. In determination to play like numerous acts and expres article written by the Editor Race Emancipatica, instinctivea jammed display, at the ve world beaters, but had rested sions ry entrance to the Heredia on the Laurels early obtained, them during the darkest pe newspaper celled the Central ce of mulual usefulnes; while of sympathy tendered Manager of the small four page ly direct their efforts to a servi marie fortrees, one of the Vesubio the final victory may haveriod of their grief in the loss American Express. The article anyone who would subvert the players, unkindly bumped the been otherwise.
ing of husband and father.
ball into the enchanted area appears in the sue of the 4th interests of the whole, whether be and effected the first goal. In instant under the Headline by cold indiference, vain selfure PLAGARISM a sensational struggle, Herenile interest, or injudicious aspiradia took less than ten minutes In the Spring. time of Life Death Overtakes man, who would make his tions, at once commits an injuend to return the compliment. The Miss Iris Lord liberly secure, must guard that ry against the group. Such, ungame then continued in a most of his fellows from oppression. fortunately, is the conduct of ord the If he violates this duty, he esta the Editor. Manager of spectacular manner until the an Yet another of our young, as. flower of youth glowed on her biishes a precedent which will Central American Express, who Referee whistle announced piring and well beloved viti cheek, while, like a ray of sun eventually reach him ell.
the rest. off zens has left us for that land shine, she darted through our seeks to undermine the mutual In these trying periods of Ra unifying confidence which pretor On the resumption, Here. whence none have ever retur busy avenues extending her acial history, when the sacred vails among us.
dia stormed toward the winned. Into the Valley of the Shaccustomed greetings. But, alas.
The following is a reproducning touch; the issue was not dow of Death, where no further the heart from which sprung ills nor afflictions can of the attack he made on me: doubted. The blocking and again those words of cheer, and the. On page seven of the Gleanbefall her she has entered. Her tongue which gave them uttertacking brought loud cheers er of the 18th. January, a news from the onlookers. The Vesu days of bitter agony are ance are now still and silent.
item under. From Our Corres bio of forever gone. The burden to have gone to pie Having experienced, for pondent. furnished in extenso hu ces by this time, their defence sorrow felt by those who mourn somewhat lenghtened period the her demise is exceedingly hea milder and more bracing climaa news item under the heading was disjointed, and lacked Priest coming for St. Jago Capel real force and activity. Discovy, but we feel confident that te of the upper regions, it the Goodness and Mercy of the would appear that on thedral. De Correspondent vering this, the strong and coming powerful Heredians pounced winds and waves obey, All wise Dispenser, whom might have had the decency in the back to our oppressive temperawill ture, and in endeavouring saying. Copied from the to subdue the tempestuous billows reciprocate the social appreciaCardui helps to rellere To err is human, to reof their hearts and give them tion shewn her on all sides, our functional pains of men pent divine, to persist devilish.
struation; and, in cases Verbum Sat.
peace and consolation.
dear departed one suffered a seof malnutrition, it aids Miss Iris Lord health gave rious relapse. This necessitated May 1, in reply, inforn the in building up the whole Editor that his paper Bot the way some eighteen months or her going again to San Jose WATER FACTORY system by helping womonly source from which news so ago, and her dear Sisters for further special treatment, en to get more ener53 items can be had. The Gleaner took her to the Capital where which it was hoped would have she was afforded the best me secured her recovery. This was from their food.
Correspondent in Port Limon, Fábrica de Hielo who is the writer of this article, dical treatment. She greatly de not to be, every effort failed, sent a news item to that paper nefitted from this, for we can and she quietly passed from y Refrescos recall her pleasing a few weeks ago re the arcival develop this Vale of Tears shortly be 3rd. instant, After being accorment on her return here.
of a Priest. Unfortunately, a few The fore the dawn of Friday ded the impressive religious cethe 1 remonials in the Church. La of the same words in connection Limón merced. her remains were de with this Priest, which appearposited in their last resting pla ed in the E. also appearFLORIDA ICE AND BALLS BATS MITTS ce in San Jose in the presence ed in the Gleaner, though not of her sister and brother, Miss copied from the former as its FARM CO.
Edna and Mr. William Lord, and Editor would have the public a well represented number of believe symathising friends.
May further enquire of this LA FLORIDA To Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Editor if the Crime with which Coward, and the other sorrow he is endeavouring to charge THE PEOPLES HOUSE Fábrica de Hielo ing sisters, brothers, and relati me, is that known as PLAGIAves, the personel of this Wee RISM. The word he uses in Venta de Leche kly Journal extend their unli the headline of his article is At Jack Orane Sucs. Limón mited condolence, and beg that PLAGARISM. Was this spey Maderas they look in their distress, to cially coined for my benefit?
the Hill from which cometh our help ecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. TO PAGE 9)
now CARDU)
Costa Rica Soda BASE BALL


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