
239 THE ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Frequent intercourse, even with an earthly friend, if he be of a strong, marked character, quickly makes itself seen in its influence upon us. We grow more and more like those with whom we associate; if we espeDevoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone cially admire and look up to them, we unconsciously imi ate them. It is no less so in our intercourse with God The more time we send in his presence, seeking YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA, FEBRUARY 18th. Nº 233 His face and communing with Him in prayer, the more surely will godly graces and tempers spring up within REGARDING THE EUROPEAN SITUATION re either ill or suffering from us and bear fruit in our lives.
erious injuries.
according of de Jure lisagreement has occurred bet Italy and Germany are said ognition to the Nationalist ween President Azaña of Spa hove concentratea between fernment in Spain by En in and his Prime Minister by 30. 000 and 40. 000 troops in AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF OUR YOUTHS hd and France is expected ceason of his refusal to leave ybia.
any moment, in view of Paris for Madrid to lend his By means of her Diplomatic opinión held, in diplom aid and influence in the carry representative in Rome, JaThis is a very pertinent matter and requires much circles, that this should ingon of the conflict.
an has stated her intention conscientious analysis. It is a well ripened problem. None done without further del The French Military Autho of aiding Italy in her Colocon question the desirability for ameliorating the present an order to offset the dras rities are considering the ne nial demands against France, degenerating propensity of our rising generation for the efforts being made by Ita cessity of partially mobiliz while the semi official pres and Germany to consolida ing their Medical and Engine Berlin has re opened the purpose of ensuring their welfare.
their political and econo ering, Corps for the purpose campaign It is widely admitted that by taking care of the chilagainst England influence in that coun of ameliorating the terrible for the return of Germany dren, a country is given the opportunity of taking care of although there is just conditions existing among prewar colonies.
itself. Very often have we heard the uncomplimentary repossibility of France hold the 200, 000 Spanish republicmark from authoritative sources, that the social problem back a bit, in the hope an soldiers confined in the is not with the foreigners, but with their offspring This the Republicans will re three WIRELESS NEWS concentration camps may not be pleasant, but it is nevertheless true. Our task is and so relieve her of the located near the frontier. An Bulty with which she wo average of fifteen deaths are HAMBURG. Germany therefore to SAVE OUR YOUTHS.
have to contend from reported daily, in view of the Fuehrer saw the Reich gre Children are the source from which notions are retse who are still opposed to ipatility of the nearby medi atest battleship slide down plenished; therefore their neglect is an indirect way of Franco party.
cos and hospitals to efficien the ways on the 15th. inst.
thwarting sound national progress. They should be affordis reported that a seriousl tly care for the thou. ands who bearing the name of Bismark, cultural ed all the requisites for their intellectual, and and declared the Iron ChanMUSSOLINI ESCAPES ASSASSINATION cellor hopes had triumphed spiritual development. When fitted with these three major at last. through Adolf Hi characters, all other enobling virtues will be acquired noOME. From authorized con supposed to be demented, tler. Before 50, 000 heiling dig turally. They should be made to realize that talent is prirces it is stated that Pre fired a shot at the private de nitaries and onlookers, Hitler celess, such a knowledge will help them to devote same er Mussolini miraculously tective of Il Duce, mistaking eized the opportunity of pic when acquired to the service of their fellowmen. Our hunaped assassination during him for the Premier. The at turing the creator of the Gerearlier hours of last Wed tempt was made in front of man Empire as much the sagry infonts should be fed, the sick ones given medical iday.
the private residence of Musso me kind of a man as himself core, the backward ones placed under efficient tuition; but The matter has been kept lini. The detective was woun destined by Providence to most essential he delinquent one, those with a tendency ictly under cover, but it is ded.
be a lonely figure fighting toward vice, must be reclaimed. On their behalf we make jerally declared that a peragainst a world of obstacles.
this conscientious appeal The warship is of 35. 000 tons When we cbserve the downward tendency of the great HANKOW. Strained relaS HOLINESS THE LATE POPE PIUS XI LAID AT REST the French, cions between majority of our youths, it comes home to us that they Amid the greatest magni red into the grotto beneath Concession and Japanese aushould be, must be, rescued. Leaving them in so chaotic ence and solemnity seldom the dome of the noted St. thorities, which threatened a state would be an indication that our civilization is still tnessed in these modern Peter Cathedral, Is was there to reach serious proportions on the way not yet arrived. large number of the visiies, the funeral ceremonies received by thirty candle bea last month, have developed tors to our city are English spoken, and it is very reprehenconnection with the burial ring Cardenals an dother dig again. For unexplained reasthe mortal remains of His nitaries to be deposited near ons, the French prohibited sive that our wayward youths should indulge themselves in Jines the late Pope Pius he tombs of his two imme Japanese from entering the their most profane and vulgor expressions of very vantagewere celebrated last Tu liatte predecessors, and a few Concession and the Japanepoint Our respectable citizens must at times feel tertay afternoon, and at which, ards from that of St. Peter. se retaliated with an embar ribly ashamed of such conduct. Hence this appeal for sois estimated, not lees than The successor to the late go on foodstuffs entering the me tangible effort to combat the evil and save the guilty 00 persons were in atten Pope, who will be the 262nd. French area, threatening CONTRI (TO PAGE 11)
occupant of the Holy See, food shortage.
As night fell on the dimly vill be chosen by the College PRAGUE. Leaders of the hted Basilica, the body of Cardenals, who now num Czechoslovak government Pope of Peace. invested er 62, in a secret conclave were startled by a blunt war.
a red chasuble and a mitre alled for the 28th of the ning against their treatment cloth of gold, and reposing resent month.
of the Nazi German minority still within the borders of the a triple casket, was lowelittle Republic. Ernst Kundt SERVICIO DE VAPORES who was Nazi leader Henle in right hand man before Salidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York en ROYAL NETHERLAND the cession of Sudetes to Gerescala en Cristóbal y Habana.
many last October, advised the Czechoslovak governmLlevando café para todos los puerto.
ent in a speech to learn a lesEuropeos y Americanos son from the events of 1938.
He declared the position of VAPORES SALIDAS (Campania Real Holandesa de Vapores) Germans in the Republic was unbearable, and said life had TALAMANCA been made deliberately harFebrero 19 der for them.
QUIRIGUA Febrero 26 SHANGHAI, The ChineJAMAICA Marzo PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON. se government is reported to have reached an agreement with French and Russian authorities for the establishment of Chinese French and Chinece Russian air lines connecting West China with thoOFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 se nations. These projects haVapor TETELA ve been undertaken as mea ures to assist in their war resis 24 de FEBRERO de 1939 FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG tence.
Llevando café solamente para Londres CAWNPORT Twenty persons were killed and 200 ALVARADO y Cír SUCS.
injured in rioting among Mos lems and Hindus. Police firAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
ed among the rioters six tiPara más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la mes and then arrested 500.
AGENTES EN LIMON: The clashes climaxed several UNITED FRUIT COMPANY days of tension over Moslem Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
protests against Hindus playlos bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ing music in front of a mosTEI EFONO 1 56 DIA que.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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