
WILLIAM BENBOW, WHO ONCE VISITED US WITH Los últimos didados. HIS MIAMI FOLLIES CHARGED WITH MURDER Por VERA WINSTON HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE Próximas salidas de PUERTO LIMON EUROPA: From the Pittsburg Courier, the recipes of Joe Louis on the we hove the Information regar poor fifty. five year old Ben, ding the sad fate of that unluc This was followed by a pistol ky Showinan, who, during his eneounter the intruder firing.
tours in these parts, entertai the first shot, but not being, apned us with his Little Bit parently, a good marksman, his and others of his troup trot effort only slightly damaged ting their stuffs. After failing Ben in the head, who seemed a to obtain lucrative results in much better gun man for his various places, Benbow gave it shot fatally wounded Sanders.
all up and returned to the land for this rash act, he is now of his birth.
charged with murder The Stage of today has 50 The Report further states many brilliant Coloured Stars, that Benbow has sent out a ge who are far ahead of the earlier neral appeal for financial help Entertainer s, that the mediocre to assist him to secure a defengroups are forced to seek ot ce Attorney. to, at least save her avocations, hence the cne him from the death dealing time famed Stage Manager had Electric Chair.
to join the staff of Culinary We deeply sympathise with Caterers. White managing the unfortunate man, especialCafeteria in Cincinnati, ly since it is declared the acA, says the Report, it became tion was one of self defence, necessary for him to discharge and will consequently be glad one of the female help, and to know that he receives some as was to be expected, the Eve assistance from th end for went for her Adam to defend though so distant true charity her cause. An alicrcation en knows no boundary.
sued between Benbow and the The help should be sent in man George Sanders when the care of the Pittsburg Courier.
latter quickly applied some of SESOSTRIS 19 de Febrero a lo ID lle lo HAPAG LLOYD se AGENCIA COSTA RICA to AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 ta fe ES co FELLOW CITIZENS STAND BY. ties Fierce Battle is about to be fought. So Fellow Citizens, set Stand By! It will be on me es MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 6th Ipe ed co PUERTO RICO POSSIBLE CENTER FOR Las telas de rayas gozan de gran apogeo esta temporaCULTURAL EXCHANGE dc da, y es indudable que impeThe announcement that becau ved highways now make it eary da rarán durante la primavera. se ot the closer ke for visitors to reach outlying viIdei Aun en pleno invierno algu ween the Americas, Puerto Ri llages, ranches, coffee and tonos de los más hermosos y co, half way betwen the conti bacco plantations (last year encantadores trajes están in nents, is being considered a pos more than 000. 000 pounds of terpretados en esta clase de sible center for cultural deve coffee were shipped. For sports telas. Que éstas merecen to lopment and the exchange of men there are oftcoast fishing do el entusiasmo con que han Spanish speaking and English. and hunting at Mona Island, sido recibidas por los arbitros speaking scholars, focuses atten known as a former pirate hidea de la Moda, lo comprueba el tion once more on the island posway. For the sociable foreigner al insuperable modelo con que session. For some time surveys there are yacht end golf clubs LC se ilustra esta plana. Esta aci have been under way looking that extend courtesies to visiting calada creación está interpre toward United States coopera touri ts.
tada en tafetán a rayas rojas tion in establishing schools of y blancas, y desde lejos pa agriculture and forestry. These Winter carnivals are rece estar hecha de piqué. El and other recent activities make rous, with the Ponce de Leon ce ajustado corpiño ostenta Puerto Rico an interesting tou lebration in February a high fruce acanalado en la parte rist stop spot. The annual joint manoeuv superior. La elegante falda es New buildings are pushing be res of the United States Army bien amplia y recogida por yond San Juan limits into the Navy and Coast Guard is expecmedio de pequeño frunces mountains and along sandy beated to be the largest in years, en el corpiño. Este lindísimo ches. Close to 55, 000, 000, it is with many planes and soldiers y original modelo hace dies said, has been spent on apart participating during this month tacar toda la esbeltez de la ments, cottages and modern ho when the Pacific and Atlantic graciosa silueta.
tels, in urban and rural districts fleets are scheduled to visit near adjacent to the capital. Impro by waters.
sa that the GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP CHALLENGE CONTEST will by staged in the Arrasty Theatre when the well knoron champion Elocutionist will defend her Crown against the Hopeful and Intrepid Mr. Walter Barnett, who says. am feeling well prepared and perfectly fit for this Great Contest You may bet your last Dollar will not fall short of the mark this time This coming Contest will, without a shadow of doubt, be the MOST INTERESTING AND EXCITING ELOCUTIONARY BOUT ever witnessed in Limon. The Night select Programme will include some fresh Jamaica Talent due here on the Excursion Trip. More than a thousand persons are reasonably expected to attend. The Prelude will start at O CLOOK SHARP, when we hope to bid our Jamaica Visitors a hearty Welcome.
numeGeneral Admission Charge. 00 Tickets will be on Sale a Week ahead.
va Wh After a brief illness of only her sterling qualities, of sety(All items are obtainable at two weeks, Alma Campbell, a ing as Secreary for the Juvenile little cost)
lass of niancteen years, succamb Department up to the time of ed to her fate on Friday the her illness. New history has Salted Pearruts (crispy On his way to the West In mong others, he ratified the se 10th. Instant. She was buried been made by the last respects Fruit Cup (chilled)
dies and other divisions of his lection of Mr. William Daysley during the following afternoon. paid to the departed loss Consomine a la Princess exten ive Diocese, Archbishop as Lay Reader, in place of the Although her life was so The Boys Brigade of the Bu(Buttered Einger rolls)
Arthur Dunn made an unexpec late Catechist, Mr. Henry HulRoast Sliced Chicken with ted call here last Tuesday. He ton. We sincerely wish Mr. Daybrief, she spent it most usefullyrial Scheme Association, accomShe was native ardent Sunday panied by the Cadets and Girl was the guest of the Managing sley every success, School scholar, as well as a Guides under muffled Drum Currie Committee of the Parish for a Griddled Porterhouse Steak short while.
member of the Girls Lergae preceded the hearse which was His Grace gave the assurance Rice and Peas a la Creole Although his time waz excee that the new Priest for the Par She was received into the Me followed by numerous sympathising members and friends Laily Jane Peas dingly limited, His Grace found ish would not be long in arrivthodist Faith in September last it possible to deal with a few ing. an dthat the Asistant Bis year. She ato held member from the Hall to the Methodist SALAD: Sliced Tomato and Beets important matters touching the hop will be here on Palm Sun ship in the Costa Rica Burial Church where Mir. Edward Piu DESSERT: Scheme Association, where she affairs of the St. Mark Church, day to conduct Confirmation Frozen sweets in Tasse with had the distinction, because of To Page 10 and the Parish generally. T Services.
St. Charles Cream an DEMITASSE!
be Per Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 dias de cada mes.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pene de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take BOOTH THE PEOPLE BAKERY BEST BAKED BERLIN ВРЕАЛ BUNS LISCUITS CAKES COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON PO Box 173 Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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