
SNE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Campaña en favor del.
AHORRE Ud. debe ser de esa clase de hombres Banco de Costa Rica ng Viene de la página UXO)
tituciones que se preocupen e Cartago vimos el plan más por el futuro del país.
fectivo para enseñar a aho Por eso aplaudimos la ini.
mar a les educandos. Los a ciativa del Banco de Costa Risrendices de oficios, tienen la ca. Un banco del Estado tiene oportunidad de colocar los mil medios para estimular el rabajos que realizamy el ahorro; el corriente de las caEl éxito en los negocios y en la producto. va en parte, a forjas de ahorro; el estímulo del vida está siempre en espera del war un fondo de ahorro para mejor tipo de interés sobre que, al terminar su curso, ten colocaciones hechas especialhombre que tiene el dinero negan un pequeño capitalito ini mente en la sección de ahocesario en el momento preciso.
rial. Aparte del servicio que rros; la colocación de bonos se les hace, dándoles oficio y por amortizaciones reducidas, algo con qué adquirir las he que va a intentar el Banco Inrramientas más necesarias o ternacional, etc.
los primeros materiales, se les La economía costarricense inculca el hábito del ahorro. mejorará notablemente el día Un obrero de formación sa que hava una mejor comprenJesiana sabe que una parte de sión del valor del ahorro. Por.
lo que se gana debe ahorrar que el beneficio es doble: el se.
ahorrante hace su previsión Ahorrar no es privarse de para el mañana, se defiende todo; no es dejar de comer pa para los casos de enfermedaSUCURSAL DE LIMON ra guardar; es restar un cen. des, de crisis o de cesantías; tavo al gasto diario, a fin de y las instituciones que guartener un fondo de previsión. dan esos ahorros, tienen maEs pensar en el futuro. Es no yores recursos para atender Great Idea Launched re Naturalization of quirements that the West Inconformarse con vivir para la demanda de inversiones re.
dian came to Costa Rica; and comer y divertirse. Pero ese productibles. La producción offsprings of West Indian Parentage as he laboured and died for a hábito hay que tomarlo des es mayor; la riqueza pública great cause, his children de la infancia. El padre que se fortalece con el ahorro de The meeting convened by interest. At present they have should, in all justice, have pro da a sus niños cuanto le todos. Por ese camino se hace Mr. Nesbett, at the sino authoritative claim either tection as Costa Ricans. This den, sin buscar medio de en patria libre. Porque nada ga Vark Parish Hall last Sun as Costa Ricans or Britishers, they are promired by our señarlos a guardar, procede rantiza más la libertad indi day night for the launching unless at the time of their Democratic government so mal. El maestro que exige alwidual, que la solvencia eco of his great idea regarding birth their parents made the long as they know themselves escolar más útiles de los ne nómica. Pais de ciudadanos the naturalization of the boys required registration at the and do what is proper and necesarios, que le obliga a des endeudados, es país que rum and girls born here of West British Vice Consulate here. right.
perdiciar hojas en blanco, no ba hacia la exclavitud, por lo Indian parentage. excited It was by reason of labour reeduca en el sentido económi menos la moral, que lo ata e much mental emotion, and co. Esta campaña en favor del sus deudores.
although there was not a larahorro tiene que ser general: Pongámonos todos de acuer ge gathering present those del hogar, de la escuela, del do en ayudar en esta cruzada who attended expressed much sacerdote y de todas las ins en favor del airorro.
saristaction with the embracCARD OF THANKS ing lecture accorded them.
wir. Nesbett, a coloured na On the eve of her departure to Jamaica, on a visit, Mrs.
tive with legal status, who is Orane, the widow of Mr. Jeck Orone, our much lamentBALLS BATS MITTS convinced of the great im ed and late highly esteemed Proprietor of the Business portance attached to the na Known as The People House, wishes, through this meturalization of the youngmen dium to express her heart felt gratitude to her larga and women born in this coun BASE BALL number of friends for their very kind interest and deep try and who are not possessympathy extended her in her sorrow.
sed, at present, with any recognition. The Chairman maTHE PEOPLES HOUSE de it clear that the meeting had no political aspect whaA GOLD RUSH ON THE PACIFIC SIDE tever, but was intended to At Jack Orane Sucs. Limón stir those concerned, regardWith the opening of the Ba sifting Auriferous sands.
benefits derivable nana Industry on the Pacific In its last Tuesday impresfrom the possession of a legal status. In placing his facts side of the country, Puerto Corsion, El Diario de Costa Rica tes became one of the points states an appreciable number of and deductions before his au of attraction for those of our persons are leaving Puerto CorCLARENCE SANKEY AND FERNANDO RIVERS dience, who were held in a workers who sought some of tes daily for the district called pindropped silence, Mr.
IN CYCLE COLLISION the financial benefits offered in El Carate, distant about two Nesbett proved he had his subhese extensive operations. days journey along the coast, ject fully at command.
re action has however, we ob where gold bearing sands The day was nearing its clo lea ed, after the authorities had serve, set in, as it is announced reported to have been discovee. The sun was fast retiring. It made the necesary investiga It is sincerely regretted that, that large group of the Port red, also grains of gold, some vas but a few mimtes after his tions and Mr. Sankey, on regain se valuable an opportunity newly acquired populace are weighing from three to lay task had been concluded, ing consciousness, declaring it should have been so slight daily leaving for the more al grammes, others from eight to when just as he had mounted was an unavoidable accident. ed by those to whom it mostluring, if illu ive, employment nine.
is bieyole and was attempting According to an eye witness, als belonged. The weakness of of hunting Grains of Gold and o cross the street by Provee truck parked in front of the clinging to the things which pora that Mr. Sankey was hit Grocery store blocked Mr. they should not, and utterly y Mr. Rivers and thrown so Sankey view and caused Mr. disregarding those which they iolently to the asphalt that he Rivers to bump into him. should follow, is becoming eceived several severe blows more and more chronica BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de nd cuts about his head and Ctence, as everyone calls mong our young generation.
experiencia en su elaboración.
ace. He was rushed to the hos him, is so pleasing a personage. We recall that during the latLa calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de nital in an unconscious condition always ready with his smile and ter part of the past year, Mr.
ind the Doctors had to place words to chase away the dullest Mitchell organized a con everal stitches in his lip and moment, that almost every citi ference, with this same matLa popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la certher parts of his face. Up to zen goes out in sympathy for ter as one of the items of his he time of writing this, he vecería mayor del mundo.
is him, with the hope, in which agenda, but through lack of till a patient in the institution. weheartily join, that he will attendance and support, it Young Rivers was placed un soon throw off the ill effects of was not pur ued. Now that Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
ter arrest but subsequently re the fall and be about as usual. Mr. Nesbett has taken up the subject, we hope to see a con COMO BUDWEISER ninguna solidation of efforts with view of bringing about the desired result. Inspiring addresses, have also been delivered on this same topic by Me srs. Horde and PritMATINA LIMON TRADING y24 RILAS chard.
Los més surtidos Establecimientos de We do believe that the naDISTRIBUIDORES LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES turalization of those of our sudweiss Hocanos una visita.
younger generation who saw S9 the light of day in this counthesis of more than passing Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec ing the are four a HOP LEE LUNG Нор tomo de rara yavre, Co


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