
Ethiopian Fighters InNORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY tensify Operations AND OPERATED LINES COSTA RICA HORARIO PUBLICO que regirá desde el 26 de Abril de 1937 hasta nuevo aviso (EL PRESENTE HORARIO ANULA TODOS LOS ANTERIORES)
Since according to the Dji.
bow Correspondent of The Voice of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian fighters co ordinated their for ces some three months or EO ago, and began a rather extensive offen ive in various sectors of the country, the Italians have lost more than 3, 000 of their fighting men.
During December, the Northeastern section of the city of Addis Ababa was subjected to a surprise attack by troops operating under the command of the noted warrior Abeba Arra gal, when over 400 Italians, white and black, were slaughtered and a large quantity of arms and ammunition captured, The Ethiopian losses were plas ed at around seventy.
ESTACIONES Doming solamente Diario Daria cicepto Domingos Diana ercepta Dumingos Diario Diario Dario Diana Diario actplo Domingos Duria ncepts Deminges Dario Domingo salmente Hores Horas Hora Horas Horas Hore Hora Horas 14 30 14 40 Horas 600 10 10 30 10 38 Hores 15 15 15 07 15 55 15 45 Flores 10 13 10 03 LUIS WA CHONG 14 40 14 54 15 34 15 41 10 30 25 45 LIMON MOIN JUNCTION MOIN JUNCTION CASTRO ZENT ESTRADA 15 45 15 25 14 30 14 10 10 03 45 00 51 no HL GUACIMO GUAPILES וח Hores Horas oras Hot Tor Loss Of 19.
Sabado Hora Hora 10 38 MOIN JUNCTION 15 07 Abarrotes en general dra 15 41 fo 45 11 25 ESTRADA 14 20 14 10 51 15 46 00 11 30 MATINA 14 15 13 45 46 16 50 Tienda bien situada 13 45 40 12 25 SIQUIRRES 13 35 12 15 30 47 en 16 58 13 51 48 12 31 LA JUNTA 13 20 11 25 25 37 Precios sin competencia he C!
18 05 15 25 GUACIMO JUNCTION 610 30 18 35 16 00 GUAPILES 600 00 Dedication of Seventh lo 16 10 TORO AMARILLO 50 Day Adventist Church 48 12 31 LA JUNTA 13 20 11 25 As an extension of the work pr 11 00 00 13 30 PERALTA being carried out by the Se12 24 18 45 TO 10 th venth Day Adventist Conferen12 00 640 14 00 TURRIALBA 11 53 18 10 25 ce, a new church, at Guacimo, 12 35 15 14 28 TUCURRIQUE 11 25 17 37 he 35 will be dedicated tomorrow to 13 15 50 14 50 01 JUAN VIÑAS 11 05 17 14 00 the principles of that religious 13 45 15 15 OS SANTIAGO 10 46 16 54 23 Body.
of 14 25 41 15. 36 PARAISO 10 20 16 29 53 very interesting programlas 14 45 55 15 55 CARTAGO 10705 16 17 35 me will, it is understood, be 15 10 28 16 22 TRES RIOS 28 15 45 00 rendered in connection with the 17 15 the merits 15 45 55 1645 SAN JOSE 00 15 15 30 ceremony, which 55 17 40 presence of all who can conveHEREDIA 30 niently attend, particularly the 18 10 ALAJUELA 00 or re idents along the Old Lines.
te Horas Horas Horas Horus Hores Hores Horas We be peak a most successful de day.
RIO BANANO RAMAL DE CAIRO RAMAL DE INDIANA RAMAL DE MONTE VERDE fo ar RUMBO AL OESTE RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE ROUSO AL ESTE Lee Pebalo) ESTACIONES Les per amte Lea poraba ESTACIONES Lea pera antes para bajo ESTACIONES pora umbilica para a ESTACIONES Martes Martes Microtes Miércoles Sabado Viemes loc y Shado Sabado solameste solante solamente stente (From Page 8) Horus Horas Hores Hora Thor Hora performed the Religious cere. hi 13 10 Bananito 50 14 00 Siquirres 16 15 40 Dorotea 30 15 20 La Perla 14. 30 mony. From the Church, a dlo 14 10 Beverly 05 14 06 La Junta 16 10 50 Carmen 20 15 55 Monteverde 14 15 throng of more than five hunte dred joined the march, and its 14 40 Limón 30 14 11 Cairo Junction 16 05 10 35 Siquirres 645 impressiveness must have cour14 55 Golden Grove 15 20 16 10 Siquirres 14 00 sed through some hearts and Horas Horas Horas Horas stirred contemplation toward a life of usefulness while yet there is time At the final rest CHITTENDEN, SHEEHY, ing place, Mr Leslie Angus completed the Religious rites, GERENTE.
while Mr. Peter Blackman MOTIVE POWER MOW DOWN TORBILLINOS se who attend their exercises: Promoter of the Association without spectators the game ustered with much piety, the WITH SCORE OF 11 TO could be played in a burrow. Defend Title parting words of respect to the Lacking the spirit usually as team mates, and, co incidental be their standard of efficiency The Goal at all times should memory of their departed young sociated with such The announcement comes from and zealous Officer.
Exercises, ly, this bit of fun worked magi the opposite leads to non sup New York that Promoter Jalast Sunday game of Baseball cally for they were beaten. As port and ultimate To her sorrowing parents and destruction. cobs has was uninteresting.
arranged for Joe othe: relatives, as well as to the play continued in its lifeWe are quite aware of Rather peculiar, though in a less manner, many of the spec varying physical condition, but fence of the World Champion the Burial Scheme Association, man Louis to meet Jack Roper in de the Officed; and members of humorous mood, one of the Tor tators left the Stadium and we hardly think a change can ship. The encounter will take and the Methodist Community, billino players, prior to the grounds in terrible disappoint be complete in all respects. We place at the Base Ball Park, Los who all now mourn her loss, start of play, threw a bath to ment.
believe that even when defeat Angeles, on the 18th.
wel into the diamond as a sym It would be well if our play is certain, the spirit of a good next.
Apri: the Atlantic Voice tenders its bol of defeat because of the exers would have a greater deepest condolence.
sport should remain jubilant.
ceedingly late arrival of his mount of consideration for tho Weakness does not harmonize with a desire to secure fame and Los mejores pastos dan la semilla que vende el distinction. Slothfulness has Para comprar medicinas se necesita tendency of taking rapid posseEL ALMACEN CENTRO COMERCIAL ssion of the human system; and Confianza.
once there is the stigma it 13 de TOMAS FERNANDEZ hard to be thrown off.
La confianza suya la merece la Each team played out the JARAGUA GUINEA. AGENGIBRILLO nine innings, and the end was BOTICA ALEMANA CALINGUERO reached with a score of eleven runs for the Motive Power así como afrecho de la mejor clase para alimento de and two for the Torbillinos sus ganados, Messrs. Bailey and Ralph were LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD Teléfono 2198 San José, Apartado 614 the Umpires. Let us hope for a more lively game tomorrow.
acional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca Hores Horas Horas Joe Louis To Again aa del Este uocumento es propiedad de la DIDEL


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