
Lers tions COM the Ethiopia their for hs of her att ousse e Italia 3, 090 the Nort e city jected troops nmand eba Are Italia slaug antity captured ere pl eration.
Edgar Young The Anniversary of George Washington Birth Costa Rica Soda WATER FACTORY On Wednesday next, the, which cannot escape the me22nd, instant, we look to the mory of his fellow nationals: commemoration of the birth in offering to you my coun The Fábrica de Hielo of George Washington who trymen, these counsels of an was popularly called The Fa pld and affectionate friend, ther of the United States of care not hope they will make y Refrescos America Wherever North the strong and lasting impresAmericans are domiciled, they sion could wish that they Limón never fail to commemorate will control the mental curthe Birth Anniversary of ren of the passions, or prethat noble Statesman, who vent our Nation from runFLORIDA ICE AND saw the light of day on the ning the course which hitt 22nd February 32. From her has marked the destiny FARM CO humble parentage of English of nations. But if may even ancestry, at Creek, Westmo flatter myself that they may LA FLORIDA reland Country, Virginia, he be productive of some partial rose to the highest position benefit, some occasional goad, obtainable in his country. His, that they may now and then Fábrica de Hielo father, Augustine Washington recur to moderate the fury of ONE MILK SUPPLY THAT NEVER FAILS Venta de Leche was a planted an dunable to party spirit. to warn against give him a college education, the mischief of foreign intriAll the. nourishment of milk y Maderos be however taught him the gues, to guard again the im KLI ger lift a load of worries from yon. Wor is still Klim. Because only art of civil engineering postures of pretended patrio Ties abou: the freshness and the water has been removed History records the facttism, this hope will be full purity of the milk your baby. nothing added. And its fianeeds. Worries about getvor is still that of fresh milk, that in almost every age some recompense for the solicitude ting and keeping fresh milk! Mix Khim with water to SACRILEGIOUS ACT one appears seemingly Divi for your welfare by which NG make fresh milk as you need nely blessed to accomplish they have been dictated.
Klim is fresh, pure, cows! it. the test will keep for Shortly after the very some notable human achieve To the American Colony re milk that stays fresh and wcks even after the tin has nowrnfolinews of the death of ment. Hence the appearance sident here the Atlantic Voi pure. For Klim is powbeen opened. None is dered and packed by an wasted, making it most PILES His Holiness Pope Pius XI of George Washington, as the ce extends its heartfelt wish exclusive sanitary proeconomical reached this City, our Cathe great coldier, who led the ior a joyous celebration of cess so that it will keep KLIK Order Klim today.
prol dral was draped in a manner then Continental Forces to the 207th anniversary of the indefinitely in any climfully befitting the sad ate. without relig, Os victory in the war against Birth of their nation first casion ans as a token of the British rule.
da sincere respect andi regard At Mount Vernon, where entertained for the illustrious he resided raising his crops, The Milk That Keepe.
encio head of the world. wide the eventful news of his elecChurch tion to the Presidency of the And keeps Its Natural Flaror of eventi lue were, we are told, used taken to him. His inauguraCOMERCIANTE Churd to complete the decorations. tion took place in 1789, but por más uc. años ANOTHER OLD TIMER GOES INTO THE These seemed to have so im unfortunately his term of of Establecido en la Provincia sed pressed a native known by lice only covered a period of Vende al detal. Vinos y LiUNKNOWN the the name of Francisco Torres, seven years, ten months and cores extronjeros y del pais.
MISCELANEA That in almost every eir organized and established the anfere alias Benjamin Alfaro, that four days. He died at his priabarrotes en general. cumstance of man life, he New Hope Lodge of the Lobacim he decided to possess himself vate Estate at Mount Vernon stablecimiento esouina reaps what he sows is a cal Order of Ancient ShepFOX of them. When, therefore, all and was buried there.
Norte del Mercado. truth which can well be said herds, Ashton Unity.
was in repose, and the hour We quote his masterly, and Entre sa of Francis Drayton, who has He certainly made no misof midnight near at hand patriotic farewell address, been called away to read the cake, for when, many years Ogres last Saturday, he broke into!
secrets of a unknown world. ago, affliction wrecked him The sacred edifice for them.
with Leaving the Island of Bar physically, the members and On leaving the building he INTERESTING BRIEFS FROM HERE AND THERE bados, the land of his birth, officers of that Lodge took was observed by a native woin the prime of his manhood, him under their fraternal COOT man who gave the alarm, and arly Mr. Drayton spent fully half wings and brooded him, unon the affair being immedia As a result of Municipal ounced that the Mexican go a century in this Republic. As til he breathed his last Line tely investigated, the marau elections held recently in Sie verment las completed arran it was visionized by many of Wednesday the 8th. instant.
der was apprehended and rra Leon, West Africa, Mrs. gements for the expropriation those lured here in those His remains were taken to found with several valuable Constance articles of the Church in his brilliant native candidate of naloa, owned principally by was Cummings John, of the Sugar Industry of Si cays of yore that Fraternity the Society Rooms where the best medium by every traditional Rite of the. possession. He is now in the the Youth League has beco North Americans. The pro which the cares and comforts Order was carried out. The Jail me the first woman Counci perties included in the deeree of the loved ones left behind ceremony at the St. Mark When taken, the man was in lor in British West Africa.
authorizing the proceeding could be successfully overta Church was touchingly exor his underwear, his outer clothing being found near the are said to be of the value of ken an dattended to, the de ecuted by Mr. Daysley, af It has been officially ann more than ten million doll ceased did not hesitate to join ter which, the cortege, prebo window by which he had enpany of those who ceded by the Lodge rich tered the edifice.
and emblematic banner with This sacrilegious act has SHIRINLI a concourse of persons, produced a profound resent TO SELL AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF OUR YOUTHS metery. Here the mortal retment on all sides.
mains of our three score and Timekeeper Cottage on (FROM PAGE 7)
ten year old citizen were deMaribell Farm AFTER from utter predition. Connot some corrective measures be po ited in ther earthly bed DAY IN THE Single Flange Banana brought into effect to save them and rid our city of their ing the religions ceremony in with Mr. Daysley concludSUN Car.
active profanity?
keeping with the rites of the Single Flange Switch.
It may be that our industriot inactivity has established Anglicans. Mr. Cox, Several Car Frames o certain amount of idleness omong these younger folk, Past Provisional Chief ShepApply Newton Aquart but we cannot agree that this should instinctively develop herd and Deputy representRio Hondo the hobits complained about. If servile virtues are not es livered the final tribute to the RELIEVE TIRED EYES ing the Jamaica District, deEYES tablishable then, at least, common regard should be demanded. We are not unmindful that there are qualities departed Brother.
We undestand the deceascommon to all races, but it irritates us to note the trans ed had no immediate relatiSOMETHING NEW AND THRILLING cending viciousness of so large number of those will be ves in this country. May his part and parcel of our comming men and women.
Soul rest in Peace. GRAND SPEAKING MEETING WILLIHTUURI TO BE HELD ON Depósito de maderas de SMYTH ARREA TUESDAY NIGHT. APRIL 18th (Antiguo depósito de SAITA. WOMEN!
at the Rooms of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Turp dark weak duys into sun opposite the Salvation Army Hall Maderas de primera clase y el mejor surtido en plaza days. Be strong Every Moment will be full of Thrills, LAUREL CEDRO happy. Cardoi.
famous medicinal GENERAL ADMISSION Aserradero montado en Siquirres.
tonic, hielpe prevent 50 COMPRAMOS TROZAS periodic discomfort.
Central Flower Lodge Nº 433. of Administrador en Limon: ALFREDO CARAS Ancient Free Gardeners Apartado 197 eligie on ars.
the ca enMURINE FOR YOUR CARDUI וואנזיממה Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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