
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE AÑO ICOS a an Beware of that bone of social life Evil Speaking.
Pray for the spirit of love, which is the spirit of truth, for ES ou can never know anyone without sympathy or love, Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone ind take care how you speak of those you have not yet earned to love. YEAR. LIMON, COSTA RICA, FEBRUARY 25th. 1939. 234 Never tolk of the faults of others, without necessiy; avoid those who do.
WIRELESS NEWS REGARDING MATTERS INTERNATIONAL WASHINGTON The Hou The conditions arising from minimize the Nazi and Fascist se has approved a huge the successes of the rebels in influence in the new Spainsh IN THE REALM OF EDUCATION 376, 000, 000 segment of Admi the Spanish Civil War are dai government; more so as it is nistration rearmament pro ly becoming a greater menace alleged that a German, ItalianEducation is so valuable on asset, that we cannot gramme after a turbulent de to world peace.
Spanish conference is being arbate, which produced dramatic Premier Mussolini has defi ranged with the view of formvid expressing some of our views regarding it in an effort warnings that present world nitely announced that the Ita ing a common front against the inter the introduction of some, of least, of its illuminating conditions hold grave dangers lian forces will continue in democratic countries.
tors. Educotion does not rest with any particular period for America. By a vote of 367 Spain until Pei General Franco Persistent reports are in cirIts nation, neither is it circumscribed to the classroom. to 15 it passed Bill which victory is considered complete culation regarding serious claOpera would add 3, 050 war planes to and his government firmly es shes between the Italian and Itada, et is ever in the making, and those who thirst for it the army air corps, strengthen tablished. This, of course, cons French forces in southeastern prot surcly find it, but not without the exercise of ambition, the defences of the Panama Ca titutes additional threat Tunisia, and the conference, To derseverance and much zeal, not trusting to time or oppor nal. increase the enlisted stre against France for in case of an said to be in progress in Alnity but, with energy. to its acquirement. Nothing is ngth of the army air corps by armed clash with Italy her frongiers, among the Chiefs of Fra Sre essential in our lives than a practical education. If 24, 000 men, add 2, 600 officers tier with Spain would be sub nce armed forces in Africa is duration is to be twofold the one of thought and to the army, and enable it to jected to an attack from such viewed with much significance.
tion, and the other of earnest effort in training the mind buy 23, 750, 000 worth of war troops, in view of the informa France has retaken posseseel material from American Indus tion given elsewhere in this sion of the twelve and a half thoughfulness and accomplishment it would be necetry to educate it in the pro issue are Franco agreeemnt miles of coastline and 800 squa ory for us to be educated. It is a serious mistake to duction of such supplies with the Fascist government. re kilometers of her Somediglect this science, which is the one and only method by ROME. Italian dispatches England and France have de land hinterland ceded to Italy hich the human brain can be developed.
from Burgos, Spanish Nation finitely agreed to accord un in 1935. Fixed garrisons have alist Capital, reported 000 Spa conditional recognition to the been established at vital points The appalling deficiency with a part of our present nish government militismen im Nationalist government in Spain in the territory adjoining Itaay community, is the loct of opportunities for more who prisoned in the Bull Ring atas the result of certain assu lian Iterea.
San Sebastian some and uplifting social entertainments. Man life, it awaiting trial. rances given by General Fran vigorous protest has been The charges against the men co. The annoucement in this re sent to Japan by England in said, requires moments of recreation and pleasure. While included fighting against Gen spect is expected at any mo connection with the recent bom 614 greeing with this, we are never the less disposed to toke eral Franco, destroying art ob ment. In diplomatic circles it is bing of Kongkong territory by ception to a constant indulgence in such forms of plea jects and damaging churches. hoped that this move on the Japanese planes, when it is said ures from which no ingredients are obtainable for flavour part of the Democratic govern the mainland section of the coBERLIN. The influential SHO ng our moral ond intellectual foculties, with a higher newspaper Boersenzeitung dei ments, will aid their efforts to lony was hit.
andard of systematic training. These admirable quali clares the United States could es are not advantageously regarded in the popular dencgive little help to France and THE PRICE EXACTED OF FRANCO FOR THE ITALOGreat Britain in a bing centres. We are not in the least opposed to this social European war. Quality soldiers of the Au GERMAN ASSISTANCE or ostime. As an exercise, physically, dancing has its value, thoritarian Powers would, it prout it should not have social prehension on a community According to the informa the fullest co operation for stated, overcome the quantity tion received in high official their use of the naval and air Vhen thsi is exemplified o halt is necessary of the Democracies, and it was circles of the government at bases of Spain in case of a IS not certain that the United Sta! Washington, it is al war Perhaps it might be well to suggest that for the better tes navy would figure strong Jleged that General Franco had France, in payment for whaagainst England and portent of morality and the promulgation of loftier amuseJy. The article further asserted offered Mussolini and Hitler (TO PAGE 11)
the United States was in no po Iments, if those who now, to a great extent, accommodate sition to appear on the Contihat unbeneficial, form of sport, would accord it less finent with millions of well train Sancial support, its activity and influence would, to a great ed men; and although a few degree be lessened; and it would not be long ere those thousand fliers and consideraof our citizens, who now frequently indulge in the hobit, ble naval power might be sent would, in o larger measure, interest themselves in better over, the problem of replacements when losses are swift re SERVICIO DE VAPORES English Clubs, Improved Spenith Classes, Literary Socie mains open.
ties, Mothers Unions, Women Lengues, Girls Guide, WASHINGTON The AdDebating Clubs, etc ministration explanation of its Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con We realize there is an inability to successfully do thot aid to France plane purchases escala en Cristóbal y Habana in this country, swung some Senatorial crities to the view Llevando café para todos los puertos (TO PAGE 11)
that its course was entirely pro Europeos y Americanos per From the Republican VAPORES SALIDAS Camp. Senator Austin of Ver.
mont, said the Senate Military Committee investigation had QUIRIGUA Febrero 26 convinced him that the AdmiJAMAICA Marzo nistration action was not unTeutral, no provocative to any VERAGUA Marzo 12 other nation, not of importance (Compania Real Holandesa de Vapores)
to our own procurement programme, and not in violation of the army priority rights to PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: the latest developments in planes. The Senator said he felt the whole transaction tended to Vapor TETELA promote our capacity to prod.
uce airplanes needed under the 24 de FEBRERO de 1939 armaments programme. The French bought 515 planes.
OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 strictest. guard ever given a modern British Monarch in his Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas own country, King George VI.
FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la accompanied by Queen Elizabeth, arived here to launch Bri UNITED FRUIT COMPANY tain first new battelship in en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica 13 years. More than 1, 000 police and detectives guarded the TELEFONO 3156 Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
Royal party attending the laumching of the 35, 000 ton war of various Cardenals, as part of Grand Council, indicated that a AGENTES EN LIMON: ship, named the King George the Fascist press warned against non Italian Pope would be acVATICAN CITY. Specula the election of a Political Pon ceptable provided he were eho tion concerning the successor tit. Il Regime Fascista of Cre sen fro mamong the Cardenals Felipe Alvorado Co. Sucs.
to Pope Pius XI turned to the mona, organ of Roberto Farin who think only on religious pro known or conjectured leanings acci, a member of the Fascist blems.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSpainSpanish Civil War

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