
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. 1939 a was so near rear on LIMA IS MODERN BUT KEEPS ITS INCA RELICS Week end Visitor from The Capital By Temple Manning from Guayaquil in the north alFELLOW CITIZENS STAND BY. mot to Lima in the south. An The Trend in the direction eerie place is Chan. Chan, pre We very much enjoyed the of South American travel is Inca city, once the busy center presence of our friend Mr. Alex Fierce Battle is about to be fought. So Fellow Citizens, unmistakable, and it is a delight of a flourishing empire, mpw Curling during his brief visit Stand By! It will be on to those of us who have for but a spot at which to ponder here a few days ago. He in years been advocating a closer and dream on the futility of turn, expressed the great plea bond with the Americas. And greatness.
sure he experienced not only MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 61h what better link in the chain The harbor of Callao is from the warmth of our clima of Pan. American relations can fitting introduction for the hus te, but from the sincere greetthere be than travel in each tle and bu tle of Lima. The high ings extended him on all sides.
way between the harbor and He gave us the assurance that Business men ere will by staged in the Arrasty Theatre when the well learning the capital is broad, magnifi whenever he could convenienthat a holiday in Central or cent and beautiful. It takes tyl get away from the busier knoron champion Elocutionist will defend her Crown South America can be a profi about 20 minutes by car to reach life and milder clime of San against the Hopeful and Intrepid Mr. Walter Barnett, who table affair, too. Many a fine the city that was founded by Jose, he would always be hapsays. am feeling well prepared and perfectly fit for this business connection bas been Pizarro, dauntless, treacherouspy to come among us.
made while on a pleasure trip Pizarro, whose pages in the Good for you, Mr. Curling.
Great Contest. You may bet your last Dollar will not fall to the Americas.
book of history are stained deep Limon welcomes you at all ti short of the mark this time.
The Pan. American congress red. Now he rests in a glassmes.
This coming Contest will, without a shadow of doubt, certainly picked an ancient and caket in the beautiful oathe be the MOST INTERESTING AND EXCITING ELOCUTIOsplendid city when it convened dral facing the Plaza de Armes, at Lima, Peru. The proud land the edifice of which he himsell Jonathan James Campbell of the Incas has kept its relie. Leid the cornerstone. The Plaza Dies Almost Suddenly NARY BOUT ever witnessed in Limon. The Night select Programme will include some fresh Jamaica Talent due here but it also has gone ahead, for beautiful under o nthe Excursion Trip. More than a thousand persons are ging a wondrous modern civi un, dreamy under the southern The Prelude will start at lization. Lima, the City reasonably expected to attend.
of crors, is the center of Lima life.
For several months Little Kinge. in building for its futu O CLOCK SHARP, when we hope to bid our Jamaica ViThen one wanders off and John as he was commonly ca re does not forget its proud presently comes to the Presiden called had lost his mental equi sitors a hearty Welcome.
tial palace, with its gorgeous pailbrium. On and off, he would inGeneral Admission Charge. 01. 00 The first glimpse of Peru af. tio rich with trees and flowers, be under the unfortunate ter leaving Ecuador is Talara, a including a flourishing fig tree fluence of in anity. No one ho Tickets will be on Sale a week ahead.
white, neat little town, etched planted by Pizarro himself. The wever, thought his end sharply against the rocky spurs palace has few equals in any and sand dunes that edge the Last Sunday morning he was BURGLAKS AGAIN ACTIVE of Europe royal palaces, while Pacific. It is devoted almost en none has a setting to approach in oneof the retail liquor shops a thief entered the kitchen seen sitting very melancholily Thursday night, a week ago, chains in the of Mr.
tirely to the activities of an ollit.
of Wr. ght apartments, was also corporation that has done much and on being asked by some Mr. Ernest Wright who resides broken into and the unfortuna to bring prosperity to this sec The National museum houses one, if he were ill, replied that on the upper floor of a build te man deprived of every artt tion of northwestern Peru. Be a stupendous collection of relics he was suffering greatly from ing a few doors from the Cos cle of value and piece of cloth low Talara is Salavarry, the of Inca and pre. Inca life. And a pain in his stomach. This ta Rica Soda Water Faetory on ing. Mr. Morgan said that port for the sugar plantations after you have seen it, whate statement of his was not taken 7th. Avenue, and carried off reaching home early Saturday of the Chicama valley, for Tru ver you buy afterwards in the very seriously, it is said, by every item of china and glass morning he saw the door of jillo, second oldest city of Peru, streets or in the market from those present; but as it is writ ware that had been left the the room wrenched off.
and for strange Chan. Chan, the stoic descendants of this ten that in the midst of life we re. Several pieces of male clo The usual reports, which up dead capital of the Chimu peo once great race will have a las are in death, in a short while thing were also taken away. to this have borne no results, ple who once held this coast ting significance.
after this, John was on his The following night, while in so far as we know, were ma journey to the Unknown th Be Mr. Morgan of the Banana de to the Detective Depart.
yond. He was rushed to the hos Loading Department was atment of our Police Department pital where he breathed SEA LIBRE.
his work, his room located a few last a few moments after arriProcure la realización de todos sus sueños y val. His remains were interred todos sus ideales haciendo risueño el porvenir SOMETHING NEW AND THRILLING the same afternoon at the de su familia.
Camp One Cemetery. To his so 35. 000, 00 rrowing mother and other rela es la suma que Ud. necesita para romper las tives, we extend our profound GRAND SPEAKING MEETING cadenas de la rutina, sympathy.
Gánelos usted comprando LOTERIA THE SUCCESS OF NACIONAL at the Rooms of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows LA QUE HACE RICOS LOS POBRES LIMONENSE opposite the Salvation Army Hall.
Every Moment will be full of Thrills.
From a recent issue of the FIRE DESTROYS WELL KNOWN TRAINING COLLEGE Gleaner. we note, with much GENERAL ADMISSION. 50 pleasure, the name of Miss Central Flower Lodge Nº 483. of The main building of the mistress, first discovered the Amy Rogers, among those of widely Ancient Free Gardeners known the Nurses who had been suShortwood blaze, and his barking awo cessful in their examination on Training College located in ke his mistress. Miss Olsson.
the parish of St Andrew, Ja She soon found that the fire completing their course in SCHMELING FISHING FOR BOUT WITH LOUIS maica, was recently complet had already spread to the buJamaica Training Institute.
Miss Rogers is a daughter of ely gutted by a fire which ra ildings which housed the dinNEW YORK. Maxie Sch ted to fight in his country ged for many hours, says the ing rooms, class rooms, libra pected citizens Mr. and our greatly esteemed and res meling, the German batter, but, because of disfavour, has Gleaner.
the ries all the records of the Ins John Rogers, and the heartiest Hly beated by Joe Louis here right to appear publicly in a Mrs. who had been so unmercifu been practically denied From the reports of the titution, the cutlery, food and congratulations are due Mistresses and students, the nearly all the major things for this new feather in their ke of more of the medicine, them last June, is willing ta partaring. engagement.
fire is believed to have star necessary for the proper con hats; as also to Miss Amy for it was stated around the 20th, Germany, Hitler has not cared From reports coming from ted in the cellar under the tinuation of the school.
main building and near to The College was founded in in so brief a period in the land information came in the form his defeact by Louis.
having obtained such a success Century Sporting Club. The to have Maxie around since the home of the Headminis 1885; it is government owned, of springs and rippling intellecl of an unofficial announcement defeat of a German Nazi heThe tress, which was also entirely and intended as a training tual fountains. This success re that Maxie had informed Ja re like Schmeling, was a blow burnt out. Extensive damage, school for lady Teachers. Ma dounds with much credit to amounting to around seven ny of the foremost lady edu our community, and the cob offices that he would be to the pride of Hitler who has Athousand pounds has been cationists of the Island owe tlantic Voice adds its willing to fight Jos Louis ag ignored Maxie since that tiain.
done, but all lives were sav their success to the training mest congratulation to all inte ed.
While Mike Jacobs has mareceived at the Institution. rested in the young lady. Maxie, it seems, has attemp de no statement re plans for Tobin, the dog of the Head The school had 58 pupils.
Maxie, it is not known if his challenge is being considered Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back seriously. Perhaps Mike has de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: figured already that Maxie, Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina a member of Germany Nazi This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días set up, will draw in this cothe 10th of the month.
untry, especially since the de cada mes.
Jews are so bitter towards Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Germany. Jacobs had trouble de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
putting Schmeling two fights and certainly is not anxious to put on this one if it can be avoided.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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