
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE th. 1939 BY. IN THE NEW low Cities 16h ΓΙ ΓΑΛΙΤΓΟ ANTIO LLLUANILO CONTEST the wel er Crow mell, who fit for the ill not ha EXTRA MILD DE LUXE BLEND of dould LOCUTO at seled due here soas an start aica YOU WILL FIND YOUR FAVORITE CIGARETTE ALWAYS FAMOUS FOR ITS EXCELLENT TASTE NOW MILDER THAN EVER o wa unforto very and of da that Saturday Hoof.
hichte Perus ere Depur rtment CIGARRILLOS LOOK FOR ELEGANTES the certificates for the contest of the cash coupons, many of which are worth 10 cents.
ELEGANTES Extra Suave Extra Suare April SO ed ce Burial Scheme Assn. Hold Memorial Service Mr. Lindo Assists Country Educational Progress Nicaraguan Debate Use for the Late Henry Hylton From time to time we have rated. The specially prepared of God in New Constition In entering the Associa literally injected thsmelves menting on the noble genero President of the Republic Lic. There has been a long discushad the opportunity of com function was attended by the MANAGUA Nicaragua, s spacious Hall last Wed into the beings of all in at sity of our highly esteemed don Leon Cortes, and the mem sion in the newspapers by the sday night, it was noticea tendance. by the settings, that the citizen and capitalist, Mr. bers of his Cabinet, señores public and government officials The reservation made ercise would be one on Lindo, of the well known Fernando Rodriguez, Zuñiga whether God should be usof the Rostrum for the immedia firm of Lindo Bros. Ltd. To Montufar, Pacheco Lara and ed in the new Constitution. eat moment and deep so te mourners of the late Bro day, we note with the grea Aguilar Machado, all of whom Deputation of Congress men vinnity. The golden moments thers were occupied by Mrs. test pleasure the magnificent expressed their wholeheart sited Sra. Savedora de Somoided quickly by, and the Hylton, her daughters, and aid he has affored the educa led appreciation of Mr. Lindo za, wife of the Presdent, to ask dden colours stole forth as Miss Weekes a life longtional interests of the people, splendid generosity and un her if she would use her efforts to creep upon the soft and friend of the family.
wy atmosphere which among whom he conducts a selfish co. operation toward to have God in the new Consagically blended with the After the Ceremonial Rites part of his many and impor the well being of all in the tituiton. tant industrial activities.
ervice of Honour to a past were completed, Mr.
communities in which he ope am a devout Catholic. lustrious Officer Blackman paid high tribute Realizing the great need rates. The cost of the edifice she said, and believe God The Promoter and his Staff to the life. work of the de the township of Juan Viñas is said to be around the large should be venerated in churha stered and took up their res ceased, to which Messrs. Goul had for a suitable school build sumo of one hundred and seches and in homes, but the holy don Cecilio some ti venty five thousand colones. name should not be used for the ective positions during the bourne, Bond, Foster and ing, inging of the hymn. Happy Babb added their eulogies. me ago, offered to have a Our sincere congratulations political advantages or conveBand of Pilgrims. At its conDr de la Bastide, Direc thoroughly up to date one to our former Limonense for niences. If you are liberals you clusion, devotional exercise tor of the St. Anthony Bu erected at his personal cost. this further evidence of his should maintain your ideology in the future Constitution.
was carried out by Mr. rial and Sick Aid Association, Somehow this magnanimous real altruistic tendencies.
encountered, coulbourne, the Association added his quota in compli intention President. Major Lynch of the mentary and brilliant expres understand, various set backs Salvation Army was then in sions. Mr. Frank Abel, a fel so it was only more recently roduced as Master of Cere low batchman of the late Edu he was able to proceed with Francisco Fonseca Ch.
nony in brief but appropria cator, alumni of the Mico its materialization, and on Poor Youth to se language by Vice President Training Coll of Jamaica, Wednesday last the edifice Wed Queen Niece LAWYER NOTARY Duckett. The Major, on ac gave an eminent biology of was officially taken over by PUBLIC zepting, uttered words which those earlier college days. It the Educational Department London. The young fellow who Office: was not, however, only in the and the school duly inaugu broke his engagement with the Adjoining to the City class room that those good niece of Queen Elizabeth two Public Library deeds and staunch ability of ter of Ceremony, Major Lynch years ago because he was poor ENGLISH SPOKEN the honoured dead were was a marvel. He carried his will meet her at the altar after Lic. Daniel Zelecón FORMER JUDGE OF THE known, for Mr. Charles Ro audience to a Point of mer all.
den gave warm testimony of riment, then suddenly, when The re engagement of Ken LIMON DISTRICT COURT Abogado y such from their boyhood days, he thought enough joy had neth Harington, 27, and Miss pathetic address, touching filled their souls, he applied Cecilia Bowes Lyon, daughter he quit his job as junior assisNotorio Público on the inevitable death Sum his transformation agencies of Lord Glamis, Queen Elizath tant in the diplomatic service mons before which all earth and brought all to the most brother, was announced today. and went to work for a Oficina: Altos Pas ly shpaes must melt was de serious moments, almost, of They had been engaged for corporation. Apparently he has livered by Mr. Thomas. their existence. To listen to three years when Harington done all right in business.
cual Ingianna The musical items rendered him is truly an intellectual broke the engagement in 1937, The King and Queen may atby the Association choir gain. His oration will long lin announcing he didn believe in tend the wedding, which will were most impressive. As Mas ger in our memory. love in a cottage. However, be held in London March Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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