
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1939 THE LOG was. ninguna me Budweise mander und wife to the firing Booth. with the seven miracle of a foreign nature, therefore. LAS COLONIAS.
se COLONEL AND MRS. HODGSON OF THE SALVATION CA BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de (FROM PAGE 11. ARMY ARRIVED HERE LAST SATURDAY experiencia en su elaboración.
for quenching the end thirst was made, a bloc Rc La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de The distinguished officer is the Messengers for things righteous.
refooted Negro children Territorial Commander of the rich gospel message cended upon us for their Salvation Army, Central Ame again listened to at the Army La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerre of apples, sandwicheserta rican Division, with Head Hall at the eleven o clock servivecería mayor del mundo.
ge rale and cigarettes, be quarters at Kingston, Jamaica, ce on Sunday. The children boys of or carrying asser He is travelling on Oficial Bus three o clock Sunday School also chetes in leather sheatlat iness to this Corp. then to Co came in for its share of joy from Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas. most as big as they the Nec Ion, Canal Zone and Panama. those two Apostles, who evoked ves. These enormous sont God Blessing to shape the lives COMO BUDWEISER.
knives, by the way, are ne The spiritual leaders were and destiny of those little ones native most prized preg met at the Pier ba Major with the prayer that all will acsion and serve him as fully Lynch, the local Command. Un cept Christ as the only medium axe, can. opener, sculoul fortunately their steamer arri of reaching the Throne of tool, nail file and instrup ved a day later than was pre Grace. Many adults were preof war.
viously announced, by which sent at the Sunday School hour.
These little boys the unique meeting arranged and away from the spiritual for Friday night, the 17th, had food received, it was rather an LIMON TRADING CO mind showing us their tapi sures from a distance, bumos to be cancelled. However, onunu. ual pleasure and a treat for six apples and a cail their arrival on Saturday, lite when Mrs. Hodgson, with a smiDISTRIBUIDORES sandwiches would they we rally balancing with the rollingling countenance like a ray of us to touch them.
bey waves of the ocean which was sunbeam darting upon nature quite natural when one has just tower, courteously said Eveal Sou Dess DEMASIADO PEDIR ly left the briny deep and set feet rybody group to the front of Vava on Terra firma That was no the Church for the Camera.
Un hombre compró un ty barrier however to those dear. The order was cheerfally fulfillMR. NESBETT MAKES ANOTHER CALL rio a un vendedor de pájoth Officers as was exemplified by Ied. Two group photographs were. Está usted seguro de their jubilant spirits throughout taken. The Colonel snapped the Editor, Atlantic Voice, make it possible to attend our e te animal canta. preto their stay. Seemingly their first lot with Mrs. Hodgson in Dear Mr. Editor: second meeting to be held in the desconfiado.
coe greatest desire was to make cncluded, then she in turn took the Kindly permit me pace in St. Mark Parish Hall on Wed. Es un formidable care a whom they came in contact next with the Colonel number your Valuable Medium to pu nesday March 1st, at 00 El cliente se fué. Pero nail with Happy.
ed. With just a few moments at blish this Article, which be Kindly answer the call of one reció una semana después cal In spite of the tiresomeness their disposal to reach their lieve will serve as a stimulus who, in this gloom of uncertain Oiga, este pájaro que of Colonel and Mrs. Hodgaon, ship they lined up Mrs. and to our Costa Rican born colour ty, is offering his services as vendió es cojo.
Major Lynch and Comrades un Miss Booth and took their por ed citizens, in whose interest guidance. qué es lo que sympathetically held an open traits. We are not referring to desire to call attention to this Nesbtt quería: un cantor o un ball air meeting at the Crossing. the General Booth, who found most important question. We and placed the Territorial Com ed the Salvation Army, but our. easily adapt ourselves to things was a cess, for, in a few moments one ters to the Colonel and his wife. call, the great call to patriotism. Viene de la Página UNO) trucción; la ganadería tes of the larget congregations We hope Colonel and Mrs. am afraid the majority of my tado por las autoridades. y un campo propicio. Lo que was seen absorbing the eloquent Hodgson will come again soon. conntrymen and women do not nos hace fé plena. los sem ta es dirección, estimulo, and scul winning addresses de Our Community welcomes you industand the intentions or desi brados y algunas mejoras, re que las gentes se pongan livered by our visitors truly at all times.
res of their country. These facts, presentan más del medio mi plan de trabajo. Garantia characteristic of such notable if explained to them clearly, Wón de colones.
les construirán can will, am sure, enable them to Recordamos que al pensar de que se abaratarán los fi comply with the Constitution of en escoger los colonos, se exi a fin de que sus productos the land in which they first gieron ciertos requisitos, precis dan salir a los mercados saw the light of day. So please samente para asegurar el éxito cercanos.
de esa iniciativa. Por otra par Si hay motivos poderosos tus of that government and can te, la bondad de la tierra, elra aplazar la canalización not be fairly interpreted by any clima fresco, la abundancia de las lagunas de Tortuguero MATINA y 24 LLAS other nation as an unfriendly las aguas, todo era alli un ali basta la construcción del act. Indeed: feel that the in ciente.
pital nacional debe suspen Los más surtidos Establecimientos de rests of American institutions Queremos celebrar el desarro se; si la industria bananera LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES are representative governmentlo de esas colonias y queremos, dejando muchos brazos en require that we neglect no op también, y es lo principal, llados, especialmente de cir Hácanos una visita.
potunity to exercise in a frien mar la atención a las autorida danos de color, ya nacional dly manner cur influence during des provinciales y al propio das o hijos de costarricenses the period of reconstruction gobierno de la República, sobre adopción, lo que se impone that, from all appearance, is lo que podría lograrse, en ese bu car otros rumbos para ASK FRANCO RECOGNITION now about to begin in Spain.
sentido, dando lugar a la for gurar la vida a quienes By refusing to Washington recognize mación de nuevas colonias, a trabajar, pero que carecen Secretary of, Francisco Franco in Spain. Mr the de facto government, we srandando el número de los cotierras y de medios económi State Cordell Hull has been ur McCormacw has made public deny ourselves the right to exerlonos en las dos actuales: Ji para hacerlo por su cuenta ged by Representative John a letter he wrote to the Secrecise this influence and we do ménez y Salvador, Oportunamente, el padre McCormack of Massachus tary of State.
this not in our own interest but La provincia de Limón nece cante, que hizo el viaje de setts to establish diplomatic re To extend this recognition to the detriment of our interest sita sustituir la industria ba.
lations immediately with ceamuno a Guapiles, siguie the at this time he wrote, is the as a nation on the American nanera, que va declinando, por una antigua vereda, abando government of Generalissimo acceptance of the de facto sta continent.
cualquier otra actividad agri da, totalmente perdida, ha cola, que garantice trabajo a nido a señalar la posibilid sus pobladores. Hay un grupo de formar nuevos centros empeñado en la siembra de a población en tierras. is baca; pero es necesario empren dentro de la provincia, que der en otra clase de siembras campos de promición para que permitan a los trabajadores hombres de empeño.
ser propietarios, producit lo Nosotros desearíamos que que necesitan para su sustento; Gobierno viera con ojos de pl que les den independencia. dad esta cuestión. porque LIMON BRANCH Tenemos tierras aptas para muy oscuro el porvenir de la agricultura menor; hay mon món.
tañas ricas en maderas de consDesires to advise all Cacao Producers that its department for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtain(Previously SAITA The best Assortment of First Class able and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the LUMBER ON THE MARKET building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. LAUREL and CEDAR Saw Mill located in Siquirres The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conWE BUY LOGS signments to those Producers who may need same.
Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas.
APARTADO. 197 HOP LEE LUNG EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceFrancisco FrancoSpain

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