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the and Clear MURINE FOR YOUR arized ne.
boys KLIM Our Water Front in Busy Mood BASE BALL were THE LOG OF CARIBBEAN CRUISE NO MATTER HOW HOT THE CLIMATE KEEP YOUR By James Vermeer, smooth, with a surprisingly WITH KLIM YOU CAN ALWAYS HAVE FRESH MILK large number of ties, many of EYES There was a blackboard which are black mahogany Clsan near the gangways when we or other yaluable kinds of got off at Puerto Limon, Cos wood that you can out here e, a Bea Rica. It said: Ship sails right beside the track. It is a childnSunday P. the compa mountain railway, constructlo hay positively refuses to en ed in the Eighties, but there ndakertain any claim on account is only one small tunnel; for Ask YOUR ORUGGIST Barettes being left in port from any the rest it runs on rarrow in its valley, while on the carry passenger not on board at reinforced ledges, crawls pe other side small, fierce waer shathat time.
rilously in razor sharp cur terfalls come rushing down they Necessary and sensible ad ves up and down towering the ravine, spattering the mous monition Visitors to Costa Ri timbered mountains, cross train with a shower of sparkl way, aa need this kind of a warning dozens of heavy iron brid ing drops.
mg. The country is so delight ges over and past yawning Parrots, humming birds ully interesting that any one precipices. Gradients of 800 and large multi colored but er, seould easily forget about such feet are conquered in four mi treflies in swarms fluttered disutna prosaic thing as sailing ti les by the puffing snorting about our observation platlittle locomotive; every once form easily keeping our pace.
Now we re in San Jose, the in a while a large sign warns One fat, lazy alligator, disturb vital nourishment of milk is the capital, after 103 miles of the the machinist despacio ed by the train rumble in No matter how hot the Once most beautiful and exciting take it easy.
climate, the quality and still there all the fresh, nahis sunbath on the left bank, purity of Klim are the same tural flavor. Simply mix Klim und a railway trip we ever made. The winding track is lined hastily slithered back into his and stay the same.
with boiled or drinking water ther We ve made several rail jour with banana, orange, coffee, natural element.
and you can have fresh milk neys up and down the Rhine, cocoa, plantain and coconut The air, soft and sweetly Klim is pure, full cream whenever you need it.
all over Switzerland and Ita plantations. Near Limon it flavored with jungle. flower milk, powdered and packed HR ly, Japan and New Zealand, runs at a stone throw from scents, became cooler and sna by an exclusive sanitary proThere is no waste, because cess that insures the milk Klim keeps for weeks even Java and South Africa; plen the palm. fringed coral ppier as we climbed and clim staying pure and fresh after the tin has been to nty of gorgeous scenery, but beach, almost within reach bed to more than 5, 000 feet indefinitely without opened. So it is ecode nothing quite like this. of the ocean thundering on the Central Plateau. whe refrigeration. Only the nomical. Order Klim toEufo Our special consisted of surf. Higher up the foam boil re a large billboard beside the water is removed from day. two comfortable chair cars, ing whirlpools of the Reven track proclaimed that we wethe finest cows milk one luggage van and one litt tazon River lick at its very re passing the Continental Di nothing added. All the ble a le antediluvian engine. The base; still higher up, the river vide, the ridge linking the Pero railway es single. track, spe becomes like a bright narrow Rockies of the North with The Milk That Keeps.
cial narrow gauge, fairly ribbon, to be spied far down the Southern Andes in one And Keeps Its Natural Flavor long unbroken chain. Volcanie peaks, heavily wooded in a thousand different shades BALLS BATS MITTS of green and brown, rose up all around us to heights of over 11, 000 feet.
Box lunches were distributed about halfway of this fiveTaking an early stroll last The Limon Junior Footballers hour rip, and at the excursionists.
Saturday morning, we next were among the THE PEOPLES little hamlet, where much surprised, on HOUSE reaching They went to the Ancient Capi a stop the vicinity of the Piers and tal to thes ttheir mettle against (TO PAGE 10) Railway Station, to observe the the all powerful Libertad, the unusual busy movement of wor second Champion Team of the At Jack Orane Sucs.
kers and the swift shunting of Republic. Eye witnesses of the locomotives. On investigating, game say our players at no ti (FROM PAGE 7)
discovered that the pame had the chance of getting latial steamers Costa Rica even with that well trained and tever assistance they afforded of the Royal Netherland Line flever combination. Even Death Lays Icy Hands on Miss Silvia Ramírez him to defeat the Spanish lo and the Talamanca of the the Goalie, the famous Jugo Zu yalists. The details of this sig Grent white Fleet had dropp niga, they assert, had one of en The storms of Death momen the office of our local Electric nificant and all importanted tehir anehors alongside our his arms fastened to his side, have been tarily break over our lives, Compnay. None there was who, agreement are of course being wharf. Much activity was also the result would and faithless fears shake frail on going to that office, did not held in strict secrecy, and being displayed by the Customs just as disastrous.
al hearts for we know not who share her delightful courtesy.
notwithstanding the denials Department, as with clocklike will be next. True is it that the The news of her death was emanating from Rome, Ber regularity the baggage and It was well nigh miraculous arrivals that they managed to slip. glories of our pemp and sta great shock to almost everyo lin and Burgos, the opinion other effects of the through his Gibraltar. Our te are but shadows. There is ne who had known her. The persists that as soon as the were handled and dispatched.
no armour against death. It funeral procession, which left subjugation of the loyalists is The Tourits sight seeing train Boys state the ground was unu grasps alike, the young and the Cathedral on Tuesday af complete a formal alliance to was a pleasing spectacle as it cually muddy and with the cold through the old, the rich and the poor, ternoon, was a true representa the Rome. Berlin. Tokyo got under way with a well seat temperature piercing the high The and ed group of passengers.
their frames, that although geathe low the tion of the esteem in which she pact will be released.
good and the bad: all must sub train five The alleged alliance would, reguler passenger also ten by goals, against ta la caldo del telon, Jean Comit to the cold and lonely was held among all classes. in case of a war, permit the conveyed from our city many their only one, they are tomb. There is, however, much prominent personages in to opeaddi downhearted and hope to Cruel fate has deprived us of Totalitarian Powers consolation to be gained when a dear one, but we may tion to the usual daily comple turn the complement in the ve against England and ment.
ry near future.
we review the lives of many mourn for God knows best. To France from the aereal and and note the gems of great va her corrowing Father, don Aleisubmarine bases on the west At the noon hour, the view lue with which they were studdes Ramirez, and his bereaved coast of Spain as well as from at the Depot was quite as pictu ed. This our community can family the Atlantic Voice the Canary Islands. Italy and resque as during the carlier truly say of Miss Silvia Rami offers its deepest condolence Germany, by reason of the hours. There was a hustle and rez who, in life, was of a no Their loved one carthly life specified concessions, would bustel among those who shared ble character and enveloped cul is ended but her memory will also have the full use of the the bounty of the Northern Rail WATER FACTORY ture.
ever be fondly cherished for Balearic Islands for an attack way Company by the facility Miss Silvia was the pleasing she was a friend of all. May her against the Continent, the use of the Limon? Cartago Special.
and approachable cashier Fábrica de Hielo at soul find peace eternal.
of a dozen large air bases in the north of Spain, and five submarine bases along the y Refrescos scuthern coast. FROM PAGE 7)
The greatest concern is Limón which is not felt within, never the less we persevere in being manifested in all Diplo such intellectual functions to the real as the coming Elocutionary matic circles as Challenge Contest, to take place at the Arrasty Theatre truth of this transcendant un FLORIDA ICE AND derstanding on the 6th of March, and the Stereoptical Show on Rock Besides easing functional of Ages. to be held on March the 5th. in the Hall of pains of menstruation, CarFARM CO.
dui aids in building up the the Salvation Army. These forms of intellectual and spi JOSE ACHION NG whole system by helping ritual development will, we hope, bit by bit replace the women to get more energy LA FLORIDA constant syncopating music offered in many of the places Comerciante Detallista and strength erected for greater fellowship. Lot us take under serious Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale from their food.
Fábrica de Hielo ría, Artículos de Ferretería y consideration the greater educational benefits derivable Eléctricos; todo se encuentra for Women Venta de Leche from an Elocutionary Contest, a Debate, a Concert of a disen este establecimiento.
y Maderas on the 6th of March, and the Sterepotical Show on Rock! PRECIOS DE SITUACION tertainments.
we if a one.
not renot rate Costa Rica Soda IN THE REALM OF.
Cardui Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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