
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE a three persons There are tremendous potentialities Iving dormont in human nature all around us, and our faith may stir them into action. We are responsible for exercising that faith We are responsible for letting people know Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone just what we are certain they can do. This is vastly more important than letting them know just what they YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA, MARCH, 4th. 1939. Nº 235 cannot do. Many of us are exceedingly good at the latter, while we are, unfortunately, wholly useless at the former. We had better change around, and aim at kind WIRELESS NEWS Cardenal Pacelli Succeeds The Late Pope ling dormant energies rather than ot subduing nascent ac ivities need to kill the weeds, but it is much JERUSALEM. British more necessary thao we sow the good seed.
troops acting to put down a The Sacred College of Car 331. 500, 000 Catholics scattered new wave of Arab. Jewish denals went solemnly and ce throughout the universe.
terrorism in which 34 pers remoniously into secret con The newly elected Pope has Pius XII MUCH NEEDED REFORM ons were slain, killed sixteen clave last Thursday to choose adopted the title men last Wednesday in a bat a successor to the late Pope in commemoration of his tle with a large armed band Pius XI. For the first time in predecessor, whose well on the northern frontier of many years the entire mem known line of policy, he deIn our Spanish Leader of the 4th February we direct Palestine, Royal airforce war bership, now numbering sixty clares he intends to faithfully ed attention to the necessity of a slight, but important planes aided the soldiers. An two Cardenals, was present continue. It is somewhat sischange being made in the itinerary of the regular passen.
other disastrous bomb explo for the opening ceremony. gular that this election should sion was probably averted The voting is stated to ha have taken place on the 63rd.
ger train coming here daily from San Jose, when police seized time ve commenced at a very early anniversary of the Cardenal We pointed tothe fact that while the passengers who bomb in the David Street hour in the morning, and as birth.
market, Jerusalem, where the result of the third lot of Cardenal Pacelli has long leave this end for the interior are afforded the facility of were killed castings, which took place been regarded one of the grehaving their lunch under comfortable conditions in the comand six wounded in previous during the afternoon, Euge atest dignitaries of the Cathomodious restaurant at Siquirres, where the westward bound explosions: nio, Cardenal Pacelli, Arch lic Church, and is intimately train is permitted a stoppage of twenty minutes, no consibishop of Cedeña and Secre acquainted with the weighty deration whatever, in this respect, is given those who have tary of the Papal State since responsibilites attached to the to leave San Jose at the earlier hour of nine for a journey LONDON. Britain coun 1930, was elected the 262nd. High and Holy Office. His of at least six hours These must either portoke, in more tered the German submarine occupant of the Holy See, election has produced worldconstruction programme with and Supreme Head of the wide satisfaction.
often than not, inconveniently crowded coaches, of some a boost in 1939 naval estimahome prepared stuff which has got so cold as to be insipid, tes, and disclosed she was paor indulge in some of the questionable offerings obtainable ying special attention to Emat the different stations, or await their journey end be.
pire defences. The Admiratly THE SPANISH CONFLICT NEARING ITS END cleared about 768, 333, 405 for fore assuaging their hunger.
the 1939 40 fiscal year startIt will be admitted that travelling under such a coning April 1st. official estimates showed. For the 1938 39 Following on the resigna. still under their control. This dition is at no time pleasant, and creates dissatisfaction.
tion of President Azaña, period the figure was 618, as being the case, General Fran As a remedy, therefore, for the inconvenience, which is en535, 000.
a consequence of the successes cc is stated to be prepared to countered daily by a large percentage of our travelling obtained by the Nationalists launch a formidable offensiin their ultimate offensive op ve against their Central public, we therw, out the suggestion that the eastbound WASHINGTON, passenger train be allowed a few more minutes at Turrialerations, the recognition of Front with the most powerprobo where all passengers could be readily accommodated the Franco government by ful weapons at his command.
posed Constitutional amendwith light lunches England and France, and the England and France are, neor other refreshments without in the ment, under which the govt.
of the United States would be disinclination of many of vertheless, persisting in their slightest manner interfering, unfavourably, with the Comprevented from waging war their highly placed officials efforts to convince Negrin and pany operations on foreign soil unless the to carry on, it was expected Alvarez del Vayo of the usepeople approved in a referenthat Premier Negrin and his lessness of such action and to As it is understood that the matter of a new Time dum, bobbed up in the Senate Ministers would have admit get them to agree to surrendTable or Itinerario is under consideration, we again refer last Wednesday with the anted defeat and brought the er, and save the further shedto the subject, in the hope that the Railway Company nounced support of 12 Sena bloody conflict to a close, but ding of blood and loss of use tors. The amendment highly it appears they most sympathetic and considerate Superintendent will reare making ful lives which have already gard our suggestion as of sufficient worth to enable his objectionable to the State De the most desperate efforts to reached the huge total of one sanctioning the required changes. The opportunity is most portment, was introduced whi continue the resistence, in de million and a half.
le the Senate proceeded with fence of the small territory appropriate, and as the concession asked would not only a bitter debate on the Admienhance the comforts of the users of the Railway, but pro nistration armament provide an appreciable help to the economic situation of the gramme.
town of Turrialbo, we feel confident there will be no ultimate disappointments.
NEW ORLEANS. The furious wind and hailstorm SERVICIO DE VAPORES which struck this vicinity last Sunday night has left proROYAL NETHERLAND perty damage amounting to Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con nearly 200, 000. The high escala en Cristóbal y Habana winds registered velocities Llevando café para todos los puertos ranging from 40 to 96 miles Europeos y Americanos an hour. The hailfall, which lasted for about 12 minutes. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
VAPORES SALIDAS was the heaviest since 1924.
VATICAN CITY. The JAMAICA Marzo late Pope Pius XI is reported PROXIMA SALIDAS DE LIMON VERAGUA Marzo 12 to have left all his possessions to the Holy See, except some CHIRIQUI Marzo 19 personal objects which he instructed should be distributed among his closest assistants.
JERUSALEM The PaNICOYA lestine Jewsh Assembly has OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 Marzo 10 authorized its National Council to call a general strike, if Llevando café solamente para Londres FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG necessary, to demonstrate Jewish solidarity against a reported British plan to make the Holy Land ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
an independent Arab State Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la TOKYO Leaders of the AGENTES EN LIMON: Japanese armed forces estiUNITED FRUIT COMPANY mate it will cost (currently. 1, 438. 710. 000 to continue the en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
Chinese conflict until March TELEFONO 156 អអអអ កមរ ងអភ 31 31st, 1940 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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