
PAGE LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO SATURDAY, MARCH 4th. 1939 n ANOTHER FROM THE GLEANER cal and foreign advertisements on a percentage basis, CORRESPONDENT and to sign my name to all FELLOW CITIZENS STAND BY. comunications in connection Dear Mr. Editor.
to their attention when netherewith as his Secretary.
ver at any time referred to it. Fierce Battle is about to be fought. Se Fellow Citizens, am again craving your in While do not, and never did. How, therefore, can be now claim such communications Staad By! It will be on dulgenge for the necessary claim to be a printer, should were private?
space to refer to the reply like to remind the Editor of Re the title Rev. my Magiven in the Central Amer the Express that during his MONDAY NIGHT MARCH 61h ican Express of the 18th. Fe three weeks ilyness, recently know my feelings in this res nager. Editor should by now bruary, to my article appear. succeeded without the help pect. He should know that ing in your issue of the 11th of a single individual in prod do not give one iota for such that the GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP CHALLENGE CONTEST idem, although too am not ucting three isues of his paper will by staged in the Arrasty Theatre when the well dispoed to conduct a contro the work, as he must know, a title. Unfortunately, his pet, the devil caused it to be versy with any one.
covering type setting, type knoron champion Elocutionist will defend her Crown against the Hopeful and Intrepid Mr. Walter Barnett, who Referring to this further at distribution, proof reading, typewritten on a letter adtack, may be permitted to etc. In addition, was sul dressed to me in the care of says am feeling well prepared and perfectly fit for this remind the Manager. Editor ficiently grateful to sell and his AE. am tempted to regard this little Imp as a Great Contest You may bet your last Dollar will not fall that HE should, undoubted distribute the issues to his most wonderful being.
ly, know much more about customers and subscriber short of the mark this time the Printers Devil than without any extra charge to It is a sad pity that because This coming Contest will, without shadow of doubt, seeing the activities of this him, and for which no recom of his policy of attacking So be the MOST INTERESTING AND EXCITING ELOCUTIO person or being are to be ob pense was given.
cieties, Organizations and In NARY BOUT ever witnessed in Limon. The Night select served, each weck, on each of This same Editor should al dividuals, my friend should Programme will include some fresh Jamaica Talent due here the four pages of the news so know that it was the same so wantonly waste his wispaper. activities which Devil who fooled him into dom. Never. the. less in onthe Excursion Trip. More than a thousand persons are presume are discovered too charging me with having sign keeping with its fondness for reasonably expected to attend. The Prelude will start at late for correction. This deed my name, as Secretary of a certain line of policy, the O CLOCK SHARP, when we hope to bid our Jamaica Vi vil of an Imp seem also to the Central American Ex Express has done its best, sitors a hearty Welcome amuse himself occasionally. press, to a private communi in this respect, during the by meddling with the brain cation without any authority past year, and still does so.
General Admission Charge. 1. 00 of my meticulous Editor caus written or verbal. He should Thanks for facility Tickets will be on Sale a Week ahead.
ing him to produce articles certainly recollect that had which he must subsequently his permission to solicit lo Gleaner Correspondent regret; it happens that by real HOLLAND CHARM FOUND IN FASCINATING ability of confining himself son of his lack of wisdom and SOMETHING NEW AND THRILLING CURACAO to absolute facts he occasionally gets into hot waters.
In the second paragraph of GRAND SPEAKING MEETING By TEMPLE MANNING his article my erstwhile Tu Special cruises are all tor says of me. He should TO BE HELD ON very rice, but it is important to re also know that he is not yet TUESDAY NIGHT. APRIL 18th.
member that the American qualified himself as a printer nercantile marine fleet carries for the short time he served at the Rooms of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in the year round. No matter as an apprentice on the staff what time of year, there is alof the Central American Exopposite the Salvation Army Hall.
vays a ship on the lanes Every Moment will be full of Thrills.
to press. have not much to me of the glamorous ports that say on this subject, for the GENERAL ADMISSION public will certainly see how 50 oom so large on the cruise iti terary. Curacao, Havana, La very childish it is to bring it Central Flower Lodge Nº 483. of Suaira, Puerto Cabello, Carta Ancient Free Gardeners jena, Jamaica Haiti, Guayahave the curving eaves. the ti full, the Panama Canal Zony peaks and gables that bez le confortable ships are wai peak their Dutch ancestry. The CONVALESCENCING ing to carry vacationists to spotless streets fruther suggest hese ports of romance.
Holland But the street scenes Not the least fascinating of are much, much diferent from We are indeed pleased to re Mrs. Julia Pugh, another of hese ports is Curacao, one of anything we have ever seen in port that Mr. Clarence Sankey, our respected citizens, is, we he sextette of islands that ma the Hague or in Amsterdam, who met with an unfortunate gladly learn, convalescencing eu pthe Netherlands West Heren Streat and Breede accident some weeks ago, has nicely in the San Juan de Dios ndies in the Caribbean. There Straat are busy when the criu been able to leave the hospital Hospital, San Jose, re really two groups te lar se ships set in, for both are im and is well on the way to com Mrs. Pugh had been suffering er, belonging to the Leeward portant shopping centers and plete recovery.
for a considerable time here, so des, consists of Curacao, Aru Busy Harbor there are bargains in French Mr. Sankey is loud in his her son decided on a change and Bonaire; the staller perfumes, liquors, silks, linens praise for the excellent treat and took her to the Capital roup is part of the Windward The harbor of Willemstadt and panama hats to mention ment recieved from the Medi where she has been undergoing roup and comprises Saba, St. is a busy one, with steamers just some of the staples for cal and other attendants of the special treatment with the very ustasius and part of St. Mar from all over the world tied which tourists come hunting Institution. He is also very gra encouraging results. It is hoped But let sail through the up or riding at anchor. The Breede Straat is lined solid teful to all who displayed so she will soon be able to rejoin arbor to Willemstadt and get town is spread along the water with shops that carry goods much sympathy during the pe her homestead here.
quainted with this little sti front, and has what seeras to from the far corners of the gloriod of his illness.
of Holland set down in the be a canal running through be, and important banks have aribbean, a spot replete with the center. It is really a chaot their branchers on this busy ETHIOPIAN RAILROAD IN DISPUTE le industry and picturesque nel, leading from the open sea tho coughiare, arms of Holland.
to a huge land locked basin Paralleling the seashore is Curacao is 40 miles north of in back of the town. Queen Em Pietermaai Boulevard, lined París. Attention is being res were ceded to the Italians enezuela. It is 40 miles long, ma bridge, a pontoon, swives with Curacao most imposing drawn at the present tme to in 1935 and the other shares miles across at the widest across the channel. Branching buildin is and fine residences theDjibuoti Addis Ababa rail belong to various French tion and covers area of 210 off the main channel is a sma lovely Roman Catholic road, control of which may holders. The French compajuare miles. It has a popula. ller canal, striking off at right church, one of the 13 on the form one of the demands of ny has a temporary modus on of 50, 000, made up otangles again and cutting the island; a large synagogue date the Italians in Africa.
vivendi with the Italian aufferent natiolalities. Dutch is city so that it is in three dising back to 1732, as well as an The Compagnie du Che thorities which is renewed e official language, but more tinct sections. We mentional imposing temple, a Protestant min de Fer Franco. Ethiopien from time to time.
Janish and English are heard this because it is the canals church and two imposing Ma de Djibouti a Addis. Ababa The company operates an anything else, unless one that give Willemstadt its quaint sonic temples offer proof of is a French concern. Of 34. 600 line which links the seaport imes in contact with the offi Dutch look. The delicatelytint the broad mindedness ot the shares, one quarter still be ot Jibuti, belonging to Franis of the administration ed house with red tiled roofs Hollanders.
longs to the Negus, 500 sha ce, with Addis Ababa, a distance of 490 miles. It has eigthy engines and 598 Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of various categories. Its staff de su recibo que Sice: amounts to about 2, 500 perof receipt which reads: sons, about 350 of whom are Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before Europeans. It is a rather pridentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
mitive railroad.
de cada mes.
Study of the traffic shows Be so good as to comply with this request and do not a sharp fall in the transporLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tation of export goods, which de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
fell from 14, 836 tons in 1936 to 8, 625 tons in 1937. During the first four months of last year, the volume of goods (TO PAGE 9) 9 ra vo he way b: sa sa lle a cars COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON GOTOT wigueroregor Lizano uer


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