
SATURDAY, MARCH 4thr. 1939. ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Disastrous Explosion GUILLERMO NIEHAUS CO Los mejores pastos dan la semilla que vende el Occurs in Japan LIMON EL ALMACEN CENTRO COMERCIAL Death toll of yet unknown proportions, but roughly de TOMAS FERNANDEZ estimated at around 500, who were either blown to bits or JARAGUA GUINEA AGENGIBRILLO burned to death, was taken CALINGUERO by an arsenal explosion at suburban Hirakata, asi como afrecho de la mejor clase para alimento de Japan sus gonados which spread fire and destruc Telefono 2198 San José, Apartado 614 tion through a wide residential section last Wednesday.
The war office in Tokyo anCLOSING GAME FOR 1938 BASEBALL LEAGUE nounced that scores of persons were missing and that Exercising cool headednes, watchful eyes were withdrawn it was impossible to set the of the tact and self reliance, in spite the runner stole to Third. Ber death toll as many of an early lead of four runs tie hit a ground sweeper and victims had apparently been against them. The Cubs, winners got killed at Second. Calderon incinerated. 800 houses were of the Season Series, caused was caught by Babb. With three completely destroyed and 100 the Motive Power to taste de runs in front of them, George Gamaged, leaving nearly 9, 000 feat at 16 to in the final game. Hart got over anxious and was persons homeless.
played last Sunday, for the not himself. Bailey drove magnificent Trophy donated Dowden to cut field and got by Sr. Garron of the Silver City safely to Second. Babb came LUIS WA CHONG Sodawater and Ice Factory. It next but was short lived. Stum SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA was unquestionably the most pee gained a free Base. Bailey exciting and thrilling exercise now reached third. The scene ENERGY witnessed throughout the 1938 then changed when Paul sent GUACIMO GUAPILES series.
a great liner beyond Second SALIDAS: Dias lunes y jueves a medio dia para o The Cubs took the field, the which brought home Bailey and Abarrotes en general huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
ball being instrusted to Paul Stumpee. Kerr was not so forŞALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barro del Co Maitland with Ralph behind the tunate, and the ioning clo ed rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
plate. Burell was the first bats with two runs. In their Third Tiendo bien situada man for the Motive. Paul first encounter, Capt. Jones and Cat LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS delivery was a Strike. so said cher Prince kept up a two bagPrecios sin competencia the Umpire. The second was dri ger hitting order with Marcelo Celebration of Annual Thanksgiving Servi ven to Hart at First, who took supporting. The Motive finishgood care the ball did not trailed their inning with a similar in the dust. Jones, the succee number of runs. The Cubs also and his field were at Home blished observance of an Cheir 7th. inning. Pitcher Bailey In keeping with their resta. for them during illness ding batsman, shared the same registered another two in their inthe 8th. when an impregna nuel Thanksgiving Service an relieve the anxiety of fate when Carty took him at next. Contributed largely by to distressed ones when the mid field.
ble line of defence was installed. God for the manifold blessings call comes.
Marcelo was then the efforts of Jenes, Marcelo The Motives fell in this wise sent from his camp to start the Japhet and Dowden, the Motive Evans caught by Miller, Cemp the previous year operations, was unique, inspiring and bestowed upon them during The Evening progra Powers, but as he forced one to added one more in their fourth bell treated to three strikes at and inspiring fountain at the st. montous. After the concl the out field it was fastly held. round. The Cubs suffered disas the plate; Jones unfortunately such The inning was a No run one. trously in theirs. the three bounties, the Ode, Kerr was cheered on his fac batsmen dying early. With still cetreating from second as Mar and members of the Port Limon ture Lesson was lustily rea celo, who followed on, got peg Branch of the Jamaica Burial Miss Iris Wiliams. Prayer ing. Dowden, whose first was more excitement and greater ged at First. The Cubs again Scheme Association, Ball. the second was hit to defence, the Motives made followed accompa offered by Mr. Angus first Base, and Kerr was pegg. another run in the fifth inning, Ninth brought no further cuc drank from a real intellectual man, delivered the Introd with one run, The nied by their friends, recently, Peter Muir, the Society ed. Miller, the next batsman, while the Cubs had their hair cess for the Motives, hence they made a perfect liner and reach clipped for a cipher. With still a ed First. Pitcher Dowden begen will to do, the Motive securea tasted defeat with a score of an inspiring fountain at the St. ry remarks. The past year Mark Parish Hall.
tistics were submitted by to get technical and Ralph was one more in their sixth, when eight against the 16 of their Mitchell. The large au Blending in full left at the Plate. Carty, opponents.
barmony the their Routers almost filled the ce was treated to illumin it The Stadium was next in order, was dismissed at air with deafening cheers: marked celebration oratory in the addresses by crammed with the scenery was lovely Pattery Nº The inning clored was a moment of great excite throughout the entire game; all the and jor and Mrs. Lynch, Dr.
Cubs available standing space around bright, while the exalted stan Shaw, and Messrs.
without a run being registered men. We then say the EL In their Second inning, the as embled in Council. and out the diamond was taken up. So dard of the Service reproduced Smith: Chas, Gourzong Motive Power gained their first they came in jolly mood. They thick was the surroundings that the ideal and underlying virtu Chas. Hayling, the latter three runs in a perfect confi hit and they ran. Soon the scor both sides lost many catches ases of the organization.
senting the St. Anthony dential manner. Dowden broke er registered a large Six to their men were unable to pierce It is gratifying to note that and Burial Aid Society.
the suspense with a great two agree with the inning. Things through the human barricade. the achievements, as submitt respectively dealt, most hri Bagger. then came Pince were revered. Bertie The decisions of Umpires Phipped by the Secretary, bespeak uly, with the practical as with all the power at his com Evans replaced Pitcher Dow and Almanza were popular ex overwhelming satisfaction with of the Society: notably the was high honour and praise to the ance to those living under mand, and hit one over the cars den but this did not stop the cept that by which Palph constituents. Such in the terminal; he could have racket. In the 7th. encounter, ven out at Firt.
accomplishAssociation Banner.
secured two homers instead the steering gear of the Motive This last game for the Sesments spell progress and Misse; Charles and of one. Crawford, the follow up. got clogged Dowden was son gave the Cubs a total of six should prove an impetus for ney in a Duet; Mrs Gray was left to wonder at the Plate. brought back, but the Cubs con victories with an accumulation those who are on the alert Solo; Mrs Campbell in a Japhet hit one to Second which tinued their vistorious march of about 81 runs. Hurrah for the take advantage of such scheMrs. Campbell in a slipped from Miller and while by adding five more runs in Champions mes which so amply provide tion; Mr. Barnett in Elocutionary Item: Major Lynch in a Cornet. Solo with Mrs. Lynch in a Mestrs Apotham erai WHAT DO GET OUT OF LIFE INSURANCE?
with violin Selection and respectively reaches rior. It was indeed a cies Seryice. one that will be remembered.
now to That a question that older people ask sometimes, too. And the answer is really so simple.
Life Insurance Gives Your Baby, an EXTRA PARENT ETHIOPIAN: RAIL (FROM PAG traffic amounted to 33, 800 tons as against tens during the same po of the previous year.
gross revenue fell from 30. 935, 000 francs in the responding period of 198 24 830. 000 last year.
There is strong reason assume that this decling the railroad activities become even more acus the near future as the ti authorities try to divert fic to the automobile built by them.
Who will guard HIM ALL THROUGH LIFE.
San José Banco Nacional de Seguros Limón TAMSIIHII Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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