
ESTRELLA VALLEY DISTRICT BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de It was reported that a man, tially decomposed The preLAWYER NOTARY who resides about five chains sence of a rifle suggested suiexperiencia en su elaboración.
PUBLIC from the house situate in the cidal dementia.
La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de Office: locality called 606 on the Es Minus caskets and unceAdjoining to the City trella Valley Line, OC remoniously, as companions in La poprlaridad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerPublic Library cupied by one William Reid life, the remains were depoENGLISH SPOKEN and a nineteen year old girl, sited in a single grave. The vecería mayor del mundo.
FORMER JUDGE OF THE not observing the couple stirr man was a retired soldier of LIMON DISTRICT COURT as usual and that the British Army.
Ahora se consigue en lotitas doradas.
callers for milk were not at The usual unpalatable spetended to, considere dit a culations have since been most singular occurrence par heard regarding the relation ninguna ticularly as he recollected ship between the old man and TODAY FASHION hearing a quarrel between the nineteen year old girl.
the two the previous night, with whom he resided under he consequently advised the the same roof in the solitary District Policeman of his suslocality. Some say she was his picions. When the Authorities daughter others declare to the reached the place, we are in contrary. We make no com 16 SIMON TRADING CO formed, they had to force an ments. They are dead let their entrance and were confront history rest with them.
ed with the two bodies parDISTRIBUIDORES CRUSADE FOR GOD AS MEMORIAL FOR POPE WASHINGTON. nation Secretary of State Cordell al Cruzade for God in Govern. Hull, who telegraphed condolen ment was announced by the ces to Cardinal Pacelli, receive CURE FOR EPILEPSY CLAIMED Right Rev. Joseph Corrigan, reced a message of gratitude from tor of the Catholic University of the Papal Secretary of State, newly. discovered Drug years been treated with the America, at a University Acade as follows: mia honoring the memory of have been deeply moved which, it is claimed, cures epi usual antiepileptic drugs, Pope Pius XI.
by the message of condolence lepsy, was recently described the severest of them show The announcement, together inthe death of our beloved Holy by Dr. Robert Coope, Consulted remarkable improvement with tributes of the use of Epanutin, Archbishop Father which was sent by Your ing Physician at the Maghull from Curley of Baltimore, chancellor Excellency at the desire of the Epileptic Homes, England. while in another case, the of the university; Vice Rector President of the United States The Drug is known as Epausual number of major conPatrick McCormick and other of America. pray you to con nutin and was discovered by vulsions was halved during university authorities, was bro vey to the President the expres two American Research wor four months of treatment.
adcast in this country and by ion of profound gratitude for kers after they had tried out Another new British drug, short wave for Vatican City his participation and that of the a large number of other me known technically as and and other European reception. American people in our great dicines. Dr. Coope says that 693, is reported to have reMgr. Corrigan, in making the sorrow, of five very severe cases of duced the mortality rate in announcement, invited Ameri.
Cardinal PACELLI. Epilepsy, all of whom had for pneumonia by 25 per cent.
can Catholics to pledge themDuring last December it is selves to defend the republic STRONGER GROG FOR claimed the drug saved the againt atheistic propaganda, to Handsome suit.
maintain respect for rightly Out. BRITIOSH NAVY constituted authority and obeBy VERA WINGTON treated with the drug, only WATER FACTORY dience to lawful administrators, London. After nearly 200 died while in another lot SUITS to wear in mild regions, and finally to combate fearless years drinking of grog. rum of a similar number 27 sucand under fur coats where tis cold, are smart and colorful as well as ly every invasion of the rights diluted with three parts of Fábrica de Hielo cumbed. The doctors claim practical. Here is a handsome new of any citizen or any group of water the British Navy that if the drug be used witrondel. The jacket is of herringbone citizens.
daily rum ration after a rehin the fourth day of the attweed in a mixture of purple, dark The Crusade plans to have cent period of trial is to be y Refrescos tack, it will cut short the inred and blue. The large soft coller hos tumed back fold at the edge.
an active tubdivision in each diluted with only two parts fective process and produce The jacket buttons with one button of the 12. 000 parishes in the of water Limón speedy recovery.
rather high and is allowed to swing United States. The same Until 1745 the navy rum This drug is being widely open, though the line is fitted, te nouncement will be made by ration was issued undiluted, used, and one London hospishow the rest beneath. Vest and skirt are of purplish wool, the skirt pa tors in pulpits of thousands but on the initiative of AdFLORIDA ICE AND tal reduced its mortality rate being composed of inverted box of Catholic churches.
miral Edward Vernon the naby more than one. third, it pleats. It a grard jacket to wear The Crusade is in support of vy began watering it. The FARM CO.
is alleged with other frocks and skirts, and the plan announced last Novem term grog was taken from for chilly days at the races, if Wife, in Court. often ber by the Bishops to amplify Admiral Vernon s, nickame, you re witnessing any these days.
Lighter weight, paler tweed jackets studies throughout to amplify Old Grog. This was given LA FLORIDA joke with my husband. hafor cruise wear are cut similarly educational system in this coun him because he wore a cloak ve never regarded him as anyand word with exciting accessory try, in order to give more in of program in bad weather.
thing but a Joke.
colors. Carmine, for instance, is a Fábrica de Hielo tensive attention to the true The rum made today is so favored Southern shade in shoes, Doctor. to new patient)
hats and bags, looking as smart principles of democracy and the much weaker than it was in Venta de Leche Do you talk in your sleep?
with Irish tweeds as it does with rights of citizens under a cons 1745 that the grog with two y Maderas Patient, No, talk while shorkskin.
titutional republican govern parts water may be less poother people sleep. am ment.
tent than it used to be.
Costa Rica Soda lives of nearly 200 persons.
EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA LIMON BRANCH Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its department for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the consignments to those Producers who may need same. Viene de la página UNO) tan hábil y experta dirección, su obra espiritual será rica ilustración, diplomático há en frutos.
bil, aventajado políglota, que Al cumplir los sesenta y desde los 23 años se ha venido tres años, el propio día, recidistinguiendo como una eo bió el Cardenal Pacelli este lumna de la Iglesia Católica. honor, el más grande para una Adoptó el mismo nombre vocación sacerdotal. Esa misde su antecesor: Pio XII. ma buena estrella ha de guiarIndudablemente ha habido le en los días tormentosos y acierto al hacer el nombra también en los apacibles, en miento del Jefe de la urbe ca que su luz deberá ser faro tólica. Ni las influencias hu que ilumine de uno a otro manas ni de ninguna otra cla confin.
se han operado, sino el indi.
ce mismo de Dios, que vela por su grey.
JOSE ACHION NG Este semanario saluda res.
petuosamente, al nuevo Papa, Comerciante Detallista en cuya gestión se confía, por.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleque es sapiente, sereno, caria, Artculos de Ferreteria y paz de guiar la barca de Pedro Eléctricos; todo se encuentra con rumbo seguro.
en este establecimiento. felicita e los Prelados PRECIOS DE SITUACION Costarricenses. porque bajo liotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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