
SATURDAY, MARCH 4th. 1939.
CARDUI acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss the only activated efficacious peroral treatment for for women who are run down and suffer from periodic discomfort DIABETES mellitus WHOLE MILK OWDERED NEW STEAMSHIP SERVICE PROJECTED Regular reduction of sūgar excretion Fmproved tolerance for carbohydrates no ūndesirable after effects NEW STEAMSHIP service using the Panama Canal may be inaugurated during the nonth of April. Shipping circles in San Francisco have it that Jorgenson and Company are comDE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS WITH plenty of Klim on and rich, natural flavor of pleting plans for a bi monthly hand you can always the original milk remains.
cervice from the West Coast of have fresh milk whenever You simply mix Klim with the United States to the West CRICKET TEAM FROM TETELA BEATEN Coast of Africa. Tentative plans you want it.
water to make as much fresh milk as you need the rest call for the first sailing in April This is because Klim is BY LOCAL SELECTION will keep for weeks even afwith the Dalhem, of 5500 pure, full cream milk, pow.
ter the tin has been opened.
tons, built in Gothenburg in dered and packed by an exA very interesting game of sing them for the small score 1931.
clusive sanitary process so Try Klim learn how tonCricket was played on our Base of 25 runs. Major Bowrie and Porta of call in Africa will be that it will keep indefinitely ball Diamond last week Friday, Captain Jones were their top venient and delicious it is.
without refrigeration. Only Order Klim today.
between a picked team from scorers with and respecti Dakar, Senegal: Lagos, Nigeria: and the British Cargo Boat Tetela vely. Faced with such a Bathurst, Gambia; Bissao water is removed, nothing low and a local selection captained score, the homesters felt no unadded all the nourishment Freetown, Sierra Leone: Grand by Mr. Sutton.
easiness, hence the instruction Bassan, Ivory Coast, and Tako Within a few minutes after it of Captain Sutton that they radi, Gold Coast. At present, The Milk That keeps.
became known that the visitors should hit up a few runs and it is stated, 90 per cent of buswould be playing, many admir retire. This ruling was carried iness origination on the West And Keeps Its Natural Flavor ers of the good old English game out by all with the exception of Coast of the United States for crowded be the Stadium and Walker who was this part of Africa has to stumped, Eround. The Pitch, though hu Wade who was taken behind transhipped at London.
AN ANTI GOSSIP rriedly prepared, was in a very the wickets with an admirable fair shape. The visitors sent in to bat. Their opening tain Jones, and White who, a nastica and Vesubio Secotid Divisions were and sensational catch by Cap Last Sunday Football Game between the GimSQUAD pair were Sesion and Williams. was bowled. The selection. com The display of unsportsman ce, or greater stil Costa Rica, So rampant has scandalThe wickets were guarded by piled a total of 80 runs. Smith, who was very much At the conclusion of the match ship witnessed among these Ju when they might be tempted to mongering, apparently, beco on the alert. The Englishmen the cricketers were served with nior players in their game last repeat these unsavory perfor me in the parish of Haughdisplay showed, clearly, that toothsome delicacies and refre Sunday afternoon was a verymances, which would cost usley, near Ipswich in Eng they have quite a fondness shing beverages at the residence spectacle. It brought about our reputatio It is quite na land, that the Vicar has profor Cricket, but were very of Mr. Scott. The visitors ex a free for all fight. The ones tural that in these games there claimed his intention of form ing an anti. Gossip Squad much out of practice. Our bowlpressed much pleasure for the responsible for casting such a wül be lots of attacks and spinto put it down. Referring to ers had no difficulty in dismis afternoon exercise.
gloom on the sport of gentle but surely such contacts should men should not escape the nec not provoke fistie encounters, the details of his ifitended cessary discipline. Such unbeco The game was resumed after campaign, the Priest said ming actions should be curbed the big brawl and lighting, and those who volunteer for his while yet there is time. Some terminated with a victory for Squad will be expected to re BIG BARGAINS AWAIT YOU day these youngsters may be re the Gimnastica with three goals port gossipers to him, which quired to represent our Provin against one.
would enable him to invesat the tigate and ascertain if there were any truth in their talks.
GREAT CLEARANCE SALE The Continued Sufferings of The Jews He is having, it is stated, the Under the latest governm Ipresumably bound for Pales support of a large section of ent order, issued in Berlin, tine, without the vessel being his parishioners, many of at all German and Stateless legally cleared Complications whom have suffered from the THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON Jews in Germany are requir are antieipated. Most of the wagging tongues.
ed to hand over their jewels, refugees are said to be from This is a novel attenmpt at JACK ORANE Sucs.
precious stones and objects Sudetenland.
curing the age. old disease, in precious metals to the go Sixty eight European Je and we are worndering if a vernment. The articles are wish refugees were refused similar effort could not be to be paid for, but the decree landing permission on arrival inaugurated in this commuEXPRESSES INTEREST IN LAST WEEK did not mention the rate of at the port of Montevideo, nity. What say Readers?
Republic of Uuguay. They weEDITORIAL deadlock has occurred re also denied entry to Arbetween the representatives (gentine and are consequently RELIEVE The Eaitor work of Lord Tennyson, and of the Jews and Arabs at the on their way back to Europe.
Dear Sir.
767 the other the life of Napo Palestine Conference which TIRED read your editorial entiti leon Bonaparte. In such vo opened at St. Jame Palace ed In the Realm of Educa lumes there should be found London, some weeks ago; Hubby Darling, you are tion with much interest. quite a lot of ingredient for neither side would depart getting very extravagant, the quite agree with all you have the development of the mind. from their original conten electric stove up stairs has said as to the means of cons We certainly need these meations. Further negotiations been burning all day. Murine soothes tantly improving ourselves sures of recreation educationally, from are however hoped for. The Wife. Don worry your end refreshes rather than which such benefits are to be British government has been self dear, it not ours; bo nitate de Uue lf daily EYES going along life way follow. derived. It is for this reason advised by the American Am rrowed it from next door.
ing frivolities all the time. that all who love good things bassador in London that dras You have justly stated it, should be present on Mon migration into Palestine, and ASEADER when you refer to such fun day night. If am not very the abolition of the British tions at the Salvation Army sick. shall certainly be there. mandate over the Holy Land LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA coming Stereoptical Show, li which could induce our would have a disastrous efand the great Élocution Con people to follow this line offect on public opinion in the (Previously SAITA test to be staged in the Ar amusement whole heartedly, United States. This is suppoThe best Assortment of First Class rasty on Monday night the and check up on the results. sed to have reference to the LUMBER ON THE MARKET 6th, instant have heard much of the plan of creating an indepenPassing along our main bu pathetic story on which the dence for the Arabs in PalesLAUREL and CEDAR siness avenue, observed in coming show at the Salvation tine with Britain and the Sow Mill located in Siquirres one of the windows of The Army is based, so hope to be Jews in a minority status: People House the two falso in attendance.
1, 000 Jewish refugees WE BUY LOGS great Volumes to be presentare With much thanks for spareported to have sailed from en to the respective contes ce, Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas tants alter the Contest. One the Black Sea port of ConsJohn Stephenson tanza, Rumania, on the PanaAPARTADO. 197 nötige, the complete menian steamship Kepo. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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