
TE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone nee is something noble, something holy about a poor audumble life, if it be the consequence of following wiu one feels and knows to be one duty. a man poisses a faculty for a given purpose, if he has a talent entsted to him, it is distinetly his duty to use it to thesest advantage.
But if this capacity be only fancied, if his silver talt be nothing but lead after all he is worthy of the Brest contempt. The man who has mistaken his voen is lost and useless. He who has found it, is or to be, the happiest of the happy, YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA, MARCH 11th. 1939. 236 WIRELESS NEWS TOMORROW PAPAL CORONATION THE POLITICAL POT STILL BUBBLES Washington. President The Coronation of His Ho the sacred Edifice, where he Roosevelt has expre sed aliness Pope Pius XII is schedu will be crowned with the Triconviction tha tthe Neutrali led to take place tomorrow rengo or Triple Tiara of gold ty Act has not served the and will, it is estimated, ve by the hands of Cardenal Cac cause of Peace; that it may witnessed by not less than 300 cia ominioni. This public corohave, in fact, encouraged so 000 persons congregated in the nation revives the old custom, me nations to threats of war. Plaza in front of the great and not very agreeably disposed toHis statement, which immedia noted St. Peter Cathedral in ward the Church.
tely stirred predictions of ano Rome.
which fell into disuse after the ther struggle with the Sena After the rich and very leng Pontiff had, in the year 1870.
tes Neutrality and Isolation thy ceremonials, which precede been deprived of his Temporal Blocs, was made almost simul the actual coronation, shall have power and property. Its. re instaneously with a Senate vo been concluded in the Cathe titution has created, it is unte approving the bulk of the dral. His Holiness will be escor derstood, a very splendid inAdministration rearmament ted to the exterior Balcony of pression in circles known to be programme, and just after the Chief of Naval operations had UNITED STATES AIRFORCE TO BE GREATLY indicated the Navy may soon ask for a bigger fleet, as a reSTRENGTHENED sult of reports from Tokyo that Japan intended to make Bill authorizing the Ar project which had previously her navy the equal of any that my Air Corps to increase its been rejected. Admiral Leahy, sails the seas.
strength to 000 warplanespeared before the Committee won the approval of the Se Chief of Naval operations, ap nate on the 7th. instant, af on Naval affairs to urge the ter a debate which, it is said, proposal. He declared that the Shanghai. Japanese pla emphasized the Threat of the strategic position of such nes blasted at three centers Dictator nations to the Demo base in the Western Pacific of China Communist domi cracies of the world. The ap would be of inestimable vanated northwest on the 8th. proval was obtained towardſ lue to the Republic and act while the severest fighting of the close of a day on which as a strong deterrent for any many weeks marked the close the Navy again, and more nation who might contemplaof the 20th month of Japan forcefully presented its pro te an attack on Hawaii, or the undeclared war on China. posal for the establishment of Pacific Coast of the United Japanese communique said 30 a naval air base on the far States.
planes had bombed Yenan the away Island of Guam Communist headquarters in the northern part of the unTWO LIVES LOST BY DROWNING conquered Shinsi Province, The greatest excitement pre Miss Rodriguez is causing considerable damage vailed throughout almost every to have arrived here from the to the centre of the city and section of cur city last Thurs interior only a few days preuniversity. Twenty other planes attacked military esta known that two lives had been the name of Gladys Soto, she day afternoon when it became viously. Along with a friend, by blishments and barracks at lost by drowning in the vici went for a dip in the briny at Ningsia, Capital of the pro nity of the City Baths. The un the Public Baths. She was apvince of that name, northwest fortunate ones were known as parently unaccustomed to this of Shensi.
Dai y Rodriguez and Juan Fer form of bathing and knew nothnandez.
To Page he vital topic of the present period is the unocttled cordons of world wide political activities.
Plots and cour plots, duplicity and insincerity are the order of the day Individuals, Groups and Nations all seem more ossly disposed than ever to exterminate their brother mand fellow creatures.
here, still retain vivid recollections of the heinous chich, not so long ago, terminated the lives of two ennt sons of the Republic; and still more recently, our me and humane sensibilities were seriously perturbed by information that the hand which fired the shot that an old but still useful citizen to his untimely grave, beged to one of his immediate offspring. bout o fortnight or so ago we had the advice in action with the attempt against the government of tef the Republics on the Southern Continent, headed by highly placed member of the country Military, who a few short hours previous to the launching of his sirsive activities, professed the greatest regard for his Executive, as well as his profound loyalty to his ReHe perished in the abortive effort, but was the direct a of the sacrifice of many lives. Then, we ar still hear the rebellion which a distinet Group in Madrid hos ited against the newly inaugurated National Defence (cil who had ousted the Republicans and had announc deir intention of concluding a Peace Pact with the NaHists.
Where the Nations are concerned, the history of the two decades contains omple evidence of the plots, the plots, the duplicity, the insincerity, which have peated the large majority of their international manijions. And the major Powers have been the most seoffenders in this respect; their principal desire seem pppression of the weoker ones and the nequisition of greater power. Even those whose characters were once ected and regarded as untarnished are now seen stoined cfs of injustice ond aggression.
As a consequence of the well known characteristics ovowed intentions of many o nation Ruler, our civition rests on very uncertain ground. Hardly ot any period in the world history has there been such (TO PAGE 11) a supposed a UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SERVICIO DE VAPORES Paris. Finance Minister Paul Reynaud believes that economic recovery in France had advanced so far that it has reduced the danger of a European war. He declared ir a broadcast speech before a meeting of retail merchants, that this and the firm stand taken by British and French Leaders against any more con cessions had a marked effect.
ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP Co. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
Salidos semanales de Limón pora Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos VAPORES SALIDAS VERAGUA CHIRIQUI TAAMANCA Marzo 12 Marzo 19 Marzo 26 PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: Rome. Premier Mussolihas ordered a new aviation centre, with a plane factory, testing laboratory and flying field, built in Southern Italy, about 15 miles east of Naples. This further rearmanient move was attributed to so called preparations by the great Democracies for a war of destruction against the Totalitarian States.
NICOYA Marzo 10 OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 5417 Llevando café solamente para Londres FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Agentes ED JANIN Co.
Tokyo. The Japanese Naval Ministry have stated that they would demand 830. 000, 000 yen. 499, 000, 000) in extra appropriations for the 1939. 1940 fiscal year and that more than half that amount would be used in The expansion of Japan sleet the world third largest ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
Agentes para Limón y Puntorenas Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rico TELEFONO 1 56 AGENTES EN LIMON: Felipe. Alvorado Co. Sucs.
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