
PAGE VOZ DEL ATLANTICO SATURDAY, MARCH 11th. 1939Mrs. De la Bastide Upholds Her Distinguished Posi tice. The ten gentleman fion as Champion Elocutionist of our Province a a as and METHODIST CHURCH. LIMON one lady were among the other guests. They voted independently, and none Silver Tree Entertain the Cusapin Indian Missio of their Voting Cards disclosed ment will be held in the Me which she will tell the The Department of Sports, mity, as a consequence of beau a rating of 100 perfection to the thodist Church here on Mon nating story of her Two and Improvement of the St. An is. pride and nobility. For din Winner undisputable eviden day evening April 3rd. An inflar Baby That Indian thony Burial end. Sick Aid ging to tho e evil propensities, ce that her short comings teresting Programme is being now a Tot of Six, is also rociation climbed golden heiht the effect were ostracism and were keenly and equally noted. prepared, an dthe Rev. and will sing and recite, with their Championship Cha resignation to the wages of Sin; However, the percentage re Chinn will it is expeeted, pre llenge Contest and variety pro though pity, mercy, forgiveness sults unanimously agreed that side over the Function The tree, a Rainbow dd gramme held at the rated one, will be unveiled Arranty and a gratitude, sublime, ultima Mrs. De la Bastide had retainTheatre last Monday night, tely, marked the climax throughed her Title. We desire to ex interest, there will be an ad Mr. Anthony Maxwell.
Among the many items of our genial and popular visi Although not cr ded, the ufe Lord miracle. This being tend her cur carnest congratu dress by Mrs. Oglivie Reid of audience was respondent to the so, it was natural to expect lations for having to gallantly importance of the Event. The much of both artistes.
defended her position. We also Preliminaries were very snap The Challenger, Mr. Walter carry a warn spot in our hearts py and extraordinarily rich, and Barnett, was first out. And on for the young Challenger. Mr.
filled the air with mirth and ward he went with that uametri Barnett. He has an heroic spi.
joy. Every Artiste rose to the cal compozition of Willis. rit which dererves the highet FELLOW CITIZENS STAND BY. emergency of the entertaining For memory, the young Artiste commendation. He has a great hour. The vivecity of the oc was a power: but he should possibility ahead of him, If Fierce Battle is about to be fought. Se Fellow Citizens, casion gave evidence of the have borne in mind that the great talent hidden in Stand By! It will be on our notations of Inflexion, Modu caly he would seek unprejudiced help.
youths and awaiting devolop. tation, Force, Time, Grace, MOment along such cnobling Ex tion and Gesticulation shcald be We very much regret the MONDAY NIGHT, MARCH 6th ercises. They were worthy of suited to and blend with the misconduct indulged in by the plaudits to lu tily accorded Recitation.
portion of the audience. We are them.
The Champion, Mrs. De la aware of the infinitesimal deThe subject matter recited Dagtide, in the opinion of all gree of comprehension and apthat the GREAT CHAMPIONSHIP CHALLENGE CONTEST by the Champion and the Cha who are qualified and are will preciation possessed for and will by staged in the Arrasty Theatre when the well llenger wes. The Leper ing to surrender sentiment for given such intelectual enter knoron champion Elocutionist will defend her Crown by Willis. very histori equity, excelled the Challengeinments, but we did not exagainst the Hopeful and Intrepid Mr. Walter Barnett, who cal, scrlpturel and pathetic na er. her Crown being at no pect so public an admission, Tration which required, in its time in dang despite two and in so arrant and detamatory says. am feeling well prepared and perfectly fit for this interpretation, a vivid portra light errors in her memory. manner thet displayed Great Contest. You may bet your last Dollar will not fall yal of disobedience to the Divi the sesond being, apparently, on Monday night. As we have short of tae mark this time the aftermath of the first, and the information that the Chatraceable to the unsympathetic Henger had the option of This coming Contest will, without a shadow of doubt, Ep Release Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1939 expressions on the part of some proving the selection of the Jud be the MOST INTERESTING AND EXCITING ELOCUTIOTODAY FASHION of her hearers.
ge, there should be no insinua NARY BOUT ever witnessed in Limon. The Night select tions as to foul play on the part Programme will include some fresh Jamaica Talent due here The decision of the Judges of the Management of the Afo nthe Excursion Trip. More than a thousand persons are was rendered with a clean cut fair.
reasonably expected to attend. The Prelude will start at knowledge and a sense of jus9 CLOCK SHARP, when we hope to bid our Jamaica Vi. 100, 000 OFFER TURNED DOWN sitors a hearty Welcome.
General Admission Charge. 01. 00 The Dionne Quints already, the quints would have been Tickets will be on Sale a Week ahead.
plethoric bank roll might have the richer by some half a milbeen considerably augmented lion dollars.
had their guardiens seen fit to Keith Munroy, the little girls NICARAGUA FIXES COFFEE QUOTA make them a sterling attraction agent, stated that the guarat the New York World Fair. dians, after considering the of MANAGUA, Nicaragua. But a they wished, but other natio guaranteed offer offer from all angles, voted unaThe Nicaraguan Commission nals cannot purchase the ent 100. 000 twas brushed aside ninously against it on the for the control of foreign exin view of posible risks. Whi ground that taking the quints change operations has assigned re Nicaraguan crop.
le a check for 100. 000 would from their home at Callander to Germany a quota of 20. 000 were established Germany ex Since the compensation mark have been posted if the plan to New York was too great a had been consented to, it would responsibility and one that they bags of coffee for the present ports to Nicaragua have incres have been but a small part of did not care to shoulder. Inclu year in exchange for hardware, sed greatly. Nicaragua still ha Re pharmaceutical and medical a large amount of Aski opaed what the Dionnes woula have ded among the guardians were earned through their appearan the father of the girls, Oliva products and general merchan compensation marks left fronpale dise.
ce. Side money. It is estimated, Didnne, their physician, Dr.
last year and the coffee quotzen would have amounted to Allan Dafoe, and Judge to sell their coffee for money 1y.
Coffee growers would prefer this year is less than previous 400. 000 more, so, all in all, Valin.
and then purchase wherever ed.
WORLD TOTAL TRADE DECLINED DURING 1938 NEW NATION IN HINTERLAND OF CHINA Bize GENEVA. The gold value emphasized, however, that com By ANDRUE BERDING The Chinese transferred of world trade was 13. percent parisons for Germany were inplenty of machinery when they Colorful number.
lower in 1938 than in 1937, fluenced by territorial chanWASHINGTON. China is evacuated the manufacturing for according to a new issue of the ges in the course of the year. building a new nation in the centers and have set up factoEy VERA WINSTON League of Nations statistical The largest decrease in va comparatively undeveloped in ries in cities which are virtually at COLORFUL little frocks that can bulletin. The gold value of lue of exports was that of Ar terior beyond the immediate unknown to the occident. Now tic see a pirl through a busy day and world imports was 13 per gentina with 42 per cent. Chi reach of the Japanese, and in they are buying machinery yet look right at tea time are always cent and of world exports 13, na was next with 37 per cent, this work she is using the. the United States to complete le useful. Here is such a number, a under the 1937 figures.
followed by British Malaya 25. 000. 000 credit extended the equipment of their new thi colorful little frock done in crepe The United States with a spongy texture, in a delicate showed with 36 per cent. The decrease her last December by the Ex plants.
but glowing fuchsia shade. Cordthe greatest decline in imports for the United States was only port and Import bank.
Between 000 and ng marks the neckline, terminating. 35 per cent, China was next per cent.
Informed persons disclosed trucks recently ordered, will be in double bow and ends. Little jew with 33 percent, and Japan for the first time what China ured to connect China with the u elled buttons are placed in a double third with 29 per cent.
Three countries increared is doing with the money she sea over a new 000 mile road th row. The double row of cording Only five countries slightly lower on the hipyoke has a showed the value of their exports. They obtained, and added that Chi running from the provisional tendency to minimize the waist, an an increase: Chile, 15 per cent; were Bulgaria with 11 per cent, na only chance to defeat Ja capital at Chungking to Rangoimportant consideratios in these Germany, 11 per cent, and Aus Ireland with per cent and pan is by wearing her out by on.
wasp waisted times.
tralia, Poland and Russia, each Switzerland with per cent. creating a virtually new China When the loan was made, the about per cent. The bulletin in the former hinterland.
Import and Export Bank stipulated that the credit be used for the purchase of industrial and Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back agricultural products. Since de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: China does not need food, ofEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before cials are purchasing agricultural machinery for use in devedentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
loping arable lands whose de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do noi turns hitherto have been small on Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which account of the primitive de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
methods employed.
Authorities expect that the credit will be exhausted soor and disclaimed knowledge whether additional funds would be available.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica 00 for in 000 reCOMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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