
SATURDAY, MARCH 11th. 1939.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE th, 1939 ON ian Missid tell the her Two Indian X. is also nd recite.
Rainbow Je unveiled Thousands of COUPONS Exchangeable for CASH TODAY Thousands of CERTIFICATES for the BIG CONTEST of the 2nd. of APRIL TRY THOSE EXTRA MILD CIGARETTES opular vi axwell.
BY. Citizen IRAZU 6th CONTEST the well Crowa nett, who it for this 11 not fall EXTRA MILD SPECIAL BLEND of doubt OCUTIOt select doe here 500S are start at THE TRAZU HOUR From to p. SUNDAY From to p. m: 12 OF APRIL THE IRAZU HOUR Featuring THE GUANCASTANS ON THE VOICE OF THE TROPICS LONG WAVE 830 Kc.
SHORT WAVE 790 Kc. THE TRAZU HOUR aica ViIS YOUR HOUR OF BRINGS YOU POPULAR MUSIC From Everywhere, As. Well as, SONGS and DANCE TUNES of GUANACASTE GOOD MUSIC AND SPARKLING HUMOR er the Da bid e inche The salient features were on the 3rd.
instant nsferred be undertaken.
MAJOR LYNCH ORGANIZES ADVISORY BOARD Motive Power Literary and PREPARING THE WAY Sports Club Elect New Our exceedingly genial Gov public of Chile as the afterstill Responding to circulars is. Sympathy, and in order that ernor, don Ricardo Alvarado, math of the terrible Earthski ued by Major Lynch of the this should pass through the Administration and Mr. Robert Johnston, the quake. Sale representatives eft tre Salvation Army, several promi right channel he had the AdTre annual election of Of much appreciated British Con will be in every Line Town on e quent coloured citizens atten visory Board organized.
ficers of the above named sul stationed in this city, have that Saturday, while the sareviouded a session at the Army Hall when fully discussed at the meeting, instant. Mr. Ernest Hillarion ly instituted on the initiative Ready to help the sale of ret Club took place on the 8th fully approved the purposes me Drive is being conducted of the Advisory Board recent in this City. Prepare. Get in Advisory Board was institu and it was finally agreed to ed. Ladies Auxiliary, was elected Chairman by a ma to submit for work in conjunction with the the Governor of the Province, jority of two votes over Mr. Major Lynch, and have least twenty five Thousard tags toward so humanitarian Sommittee, in also being orga aaplan for utilizing Face Day Officer who was on the re ed to make Saturday, April Leonard Dobson, the retiring pledged their full support.
It has been definitely decid a Cause.
14th. April a Tag.
when a house to house and puelection.
thes In his circular letter, the Ma blic throughfare sale Drive very representative num ista TAGDAT: That is, TWO LIVES LOST.
ber of the members were pretire Province into cturing or stated, inter alia, that fol will Major a Busy store owing on the lines of a publi Lynch and Mr. Jozeph Tho sent and shared a lively in mart on that day, with a ing of the useful art of swimFrom Page ruallyation appearing in the Atlan mas, elected Chairman and Se terest in exercising their fran house to house and public ming, co veuturing further out Now ic Voice some weeks ago, in cretary respectively, were de chise in favour of those rethoroughfare selling of Tags than she should, the hivy regard to the sufferers in Chi puted to wait on the Governor garded as most competentis at 0. 25 each in aid of the waves dashed her against the mpla le, he felt deeply concerned pleasure in this respect and re pilot the affairs of the Club that something should be done port to the Board.
during the ensuing Term.
Fund being raised to assist the rocks. Hearing the cries of the in this community to assist the unfortunate members of our and observing her danger, the The Personnel of the new unfortunate people, more We shall gladly keep Administration are Messrs. great human family, who are youth Juan, who was working wil in view of the relationship of readers mformed regarding the Manuel Flores, Honorary Pre yet suffering in the Sister Re nearby, rushed to her aid, but this Republic with the rest of activities of the Board, which sident; Greenwood Honot has also been selected a mem the heavy billows, that he went he too was so dashed about by to the Latin American nations. He, we sincerely hope will meet rary Vice President; Ernest ber Cabinet isal consequently, decided to launch with the success certainly Hillarion, Chairman; Allan At the close of the ElecHylton, a Scheme which should enable deserves.
Secretary; Robert The sincerest sympathy us to extend them the Hand of tion Ceremony, light refre:h felt for the unfortunate McKenzie, Treasurer; David Hamilton and Egbert Jones, ments were served. Our best and their relatives and friends.
Trustees; Logan, Literary tulations are wished and genuine congraextended the Director; Hayling, Cricket Director; Mr. Eustace Jemont newly elected Officers and to LUIS WA CHONG the Club generally.
SO our th under and was lost.
is ones Нор HOP LEE LUNG CARD OF THANKS GUACIMO GUAPILES Abarrotes en general MATINA y 24 LLAS Los más surtidos Establecimientos de LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Háganos una visita.
Miss Lena Hendricks begs to adopt this medium to extend her wholehearted thanks, with a sincere realization of the depth of gratitude she owes the many friends who visited and took such genuine interest in her during the period of her incapacitation in the local Hospital.
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