
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 11th. 193WATER Needy Talkábrica 2, 995, 705, 000 In Re FLORI HLAF 102 Fabr INTRE RELIE COCOA CACAO EMBARCADO EN LIMON, ENERO, 1939 Fecha Vapor Embarcador Consignatarios Destino Sacos Kilos Ene. Patricia Ed. Janin N Kaffe Import Hamburgo 250 17500 Niehaus Co Orden Hamburgo 821 58095 WASHINGTON. TN Niehaus Cº Riensch Held Hamburgo 116 8700 cial Security Board re Herbert Knohr Donner Hamburgo 67 4662 995. 705. 000 was spa Sócrates Niehaus Cº Juan Vidaurra Perú 100 7000 Federal, State and local Chiriquí Limon Trading Co Cia. Nal. de Cho Colombia 500 35000 ernments during the 15 Talamanca Niehaus Co Olden Hamburgo 230 16100 year 1938 for nid to the Cia. Bananera Cia. Nal de Cho Colombia 500 34585 in the continental United FAR 16 Cordillera Emilio Looser Orden Hamburgo 244 17111 tes. Expenditures for 193 Kitzing Steinvorth Orden Hamburgo 267 18690 presented an increase of Agencias Unidas Orden Hamburgo 75 5250 than 28 per cent over exg Agencias Unidas Keifer Hamburgo 7140 tures of. 2, 332, 70 Himmel von Storre Donner Hamburgo 3486 reported cor 1937. Niehaus Cº Orden Hamburgo 302 21615 Agencias Unidas Nottebohn Cº Hamburgo 105 7350 Figures include earnin Venl Lindo Bros. Ltd.
Kafee Import Hamburgo 247 17290 persons certified as in ne 21 Colombia Manuel Lachner Cº Donner Hamburgo 931 65170 relief and employed on Banco Nacional Orden Havre 25 1750 projects, but did not inclu 21 Palatia Lindo Bros. Ltd. Donner Hamburgo 200 14000 ministrative expenses or Agencias Unidas Orden Hamburgo 170 11900 carnings of non certified Niehaus Cº Orden Hamburgo 331 23170 kers on relief projects.
29 Jamaica Cia. Bananera Mosquera Colombia 625 43231 About 500. 000 how Manuel Lachner Cº Orden Hamburgo 1014 70980 probably comprising 20. 900 per ons, received public o TOTAL 7272 509775 December from Federal, UN and local funds totaling UFCO HAPAG RNSSCO 270. 977. 000.
2869 sacos 3322 sacos 1056 sacos 25 sacos RESUMEN: Niehaus 1900 134680 Hamburgo 5522 388209 Lachner Cº 1945 136150 Colombia 1625 112916 Lindo Bros. Ltd.
447 31290 Havre 25 1750 Limon Trading Cº 500 35000 Perú 100 7000 Ed. Janin Co 250 17500 Agencias Unidas.
452 31640 7272 509775 Keep on the summit of LITU von Storren 50 3486 Kitzing 267 18690 your vitality.
OM Loose 244 17111 See that your youthful Cia. Bananera 1125 77816 vigour does not diminish rust, Banco Nacional 25 1750 Por VIRILINETS formen. The Knohr, 67 4662 TGE the rejuvenating hormone preparation On sale in allen TOTAL 7272 509775 according to DeRichard Weiss means strengthening of your organs, preser.
Drugstores vation and resuscitation of your Is the result of the transformation boyancyand combaling all pre le the the TOP mature appearances of ageing An LADY. a very vile and de Women take FERTILINETS the plorable mortal. On being chaFrom the early hour of seven Show, which they thoroughly sed from her haunt of sin by Ask for our Trol last Sunday evening the Salva enjoyed and in jolly mood star one whom whom she had netinteresting tion Army Hall was jammed ted on their return journey at ted in her cunning web, she and copiously illustrated booklet.
Still with friends from near and far the late hour of ten thirty.
sought refuge in the Temple of It would hardly be believed Icter God where she received prothat several persons had welThe Thesis of the Show was tection both spiritually writ and ked two and a half miles for the soul stirring Sorg, Rock materially, and so laying aside foush the purpose of taking in the of Ages. which was written as her weight of guilt, took on very strong plea for an open God Kingdom. Three of yeltog the armour of God and things acknowledgment from any one present in the large audi in the audience, who felt a de were touched, and on signiferd righteous. very clear characteristic picture sire to surrender their souls to this with the rising of teco BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de given by the artist; the settings Jesus, who would willing y re hands, they went, forward the and backgrounds were admira ceive them at the Throne of the request of the Officer od experiencia en su elaboración.
ble and the high grade moral Grace. He made it clear he was prayer was evoked for lesson illustrated by Major not advocating that any La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de one our Mediator to take them should turn away from the par er His charge. Lynch, at each change on the ticular religious oft denomination La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerwas listened to with screen, rapt attention. Mrs. Lynch ope to which they might belong.
The audience was rather vecería mayor del mundo.
rated the machine with much that he was endeav for the splendid support omg efficiency ouring to strengthen their faith; had accorded the worthy Cardin his foremost wish being to see and the Show closed with Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
On concluding the showing Jesus magnified and more souls pronouncement of the Bene of the slides, the Major made a brought to share the Joys bre COMO BUDWEISER ninguna les Ich Sunday Night Sterioptical Show an Overwhelming its authores. Success gore and was JUS thaneos of tion.
GA Ffed on ist EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA LIMON TRADING CO LIMON BRANCH DISTRIBUIDORES Budweise Lepe Bee IN MEMORIAM In loving and undying Memory of my dear Mother ISABEL FAIRE EYE who departed this life on the 7th. March 1938.
This day recalls the memory of the one on which you left us.
Asleep in Jesus, Oh, how sweet.
From which none ever wake to weep. calm and undisturbed epose, Unbroken by the least of woes.
Osleep in Jesus, Oh, how sweet.
March 7, 1939 Daughter. Reneta Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its department for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the consignments to those Producers who may need same.


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