
200 In WHOLE MIX POWDERED KLIM. Th ourdre was and local the ad to the al Units for 15 crease of over 2, 3327 Cardui de er yed notis certifs ojects Federal Bottles URINE EYES 1400 HECTARIAS.
FOR YOUR in olken tomorrow, after one or other of the contracting toral del Pacífico. Están en ser Ball last Sunday afternoon. and whizzed through Orion Goal.
a Paris. Without going into details about what occureedy lalábrica de Hielo red in the secret meetings of of her democratic regime, can the Senate Defense Com now assure the absolute semission, it can be said that curity of her vast empire.
y Refrescos France on her own resources is prepared to defend her entire empire, Senator Henri Limón 166 Laudier writes in the Petit Parisien. Senator Laudier the FLORIDA ICE AND was the reporter in the Senate for the war budget and FARM CO.
was present at the recent secret sessions. great many things we Besides easing functional LA FLORIDA re said during these talks. pains of menstruation, Carhe said but we had the plea dul aids in building up the sure of noting, too, that a whole system by helping Fábrica de Hielo great many things had been women to get more energy KLIM is simply pure, removed nothing added. So, and strength full cream cows milk accomplished since 1938. No in Klim all the nourishment Vento de Leche from their food.
doubt a great deal remains. powdered, for conyenand rich, natural flavor of the y Maderas to be done in each branch of ience and safe keeping. riginal fresh milk remain.
for Women the national defense and noWith a supply of Klim in You use only as much as tably in aviation, but strict your kitchen you can alyou need at a time. the ways have fresh milk whenverity requires that it be said rest will keep for weeks that France defensive shield ever you want it. Just add even after the tin has been water to Klim and you have 0g 20 RA has already been forged and Topened. That makes Klim fresh milk ready for use in public THE is ready to meet any test. Pea TO OUR COLLABORATORS economical, too. Order Klim ceful cooking or for drinking.
France, through the today.
preparation she has been able The Article unavoidably held Klim is the finest cows to make within the compass over will appear next week. milk. only water has been The Milk That Keeps RELIEVE TIRED EYES!
And Keeps Its Natural Flavor (Viene de la Página UNO)
des proporciones, cuyo material promontorios de piedra de gran sirvió para hacer un relleno y formar la esplanada más hermosa. Ese muella costará 23. 000 OLITICAL POT STILL BUBBLES LAST SUNDAY SCRATCH GAME OF FOOTBALL dólares. Deberá estar terminado a fines de junio. o principios OM PAGE 7)
Two specially selected teams, much to the displeasure of de julio, a más tardar.
respectively designated Ran Goal. keeper Isaac. This even rust, such hypocrisy, among our leading nations. TreaTambién la obra ferrocarrilecho Chico and Orion. fur break was not, apparently, adra es de gran aliento, estudios nished our sport leving citizens mired, and the duel getting mo Pacts, Agreements are entered into today only to be se han realizado por todo el li with a spectacular game of Footre exciting, another bal soon ties hos gained the underlying objective the real cause vicio 25 kilómetros, exclusivaresulted in the latter being We too have the right of fores ch brought about the understanding.
mente de la Compañía. Los par beaten by three Goals. The score. entry. seemed to have Is the Peace of the Universe any more secure at this ticulares dueños de fincas, tamres being five to two.
been the latter resolution, for bién tiene ramales propios. Se e thon it was at the making of the Munich Pact? Has dispone de máquinas para tre sounded his whistle and Immediately Umpire Clarke they slipped one pass the forAnglo Italian Mediaerranean Peace Contract produc nes. El equipo de carros es de ball was thrown as the signal the midable Isaac.
the results so much anticipated? Does it not seem as if 50 unidades.
for play, both teams made af Each team now had two goals Tralian Dictator has already forgotten all he thereby Como la Compañía tiene ocho ter it like hares darting from and an electrifying thrill, took igoted himself to do or not to do? Are his fighting men fincas en producción, y recibe their hiding places. The Ran the air. Spills and rises came a multitud de particulares sucho Chico forged their way to in procession, creating greater still on Spain territory, and has he not poured a fruta, ha tenido que contar con ater number of them into Lybia in direct opposition to an abgde near the entrance of sensation which held the specun equipo marítimo para transtheir rivals forbidden ground, tators in almost utter bewilder written obligation? Can Great Britain and France portar e a fruta a Puntarenas, and there they stuck until they ment. As the fight got hotter, hously expect the coming regime of the Nationalists to de donde se moviliza a Limón succeeded in effecting an entran the attacks and defences of ed altogether devoid of German or Italian influence, having por medio del Ferrocarril Eléctrico del Gobierno. Para el serce. As if in reciprocation, the the Rancho Chico showed disard to the material and valuable assistence General Orion players then entered tinct superiority and gave them sip vicio marítimo cuenta con catheir inco obtained from both these during the greater period opponents torce lanchas y 27 lanchones.
reservation, victory with five Goals to tvo, or the warfare? Can one believe that France now feels Ha sida indispensable montar BA Office did the correct thing in breaking her alliance with un verdadero astillero en el Esfor Soviet Union, when she sees her Spanish frontier is also tero de Puntarenas.
LUMBER DEPOSIT SMYTH ARREA the menaced by Italian troops?
Ya estas cifras dan una idea At no time during the de lo que significa hoy la obra weg (Previously SAITA of our present generation has there been witnessed such que se ejecuta en Parrita; obra The best Assortment of First Class breats against the lives of Britain Sovereigns, or the que está apenas iniciada. Ese lobo LUMBER ON THE MARKET pari tempts at destroying the nation historie and valuable movimiento ha llevado allí a Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas thy Oildings.
1500 personas, sin contar las wit All these destructive and evil designs are the fruit of cuatro mil que están distribuíLAUREL and CEDAR Bele spirit of mistrust, aggression, hatred and envy which das en las fincas. De suerte que de cinco a siete mil almas viven WE BUY LOGS ive characterized the activities of those whom we were de la industria bananera de ese er accustomed to look to the guidance and example, and APARTADO. 197 litoral st until they have realized the errors of their ways and La afluencia de gentes es tan Saw Mill located in Siquirres fected entire changes in their dealings one with the other grande, que aun la vía aérea, In we hope for a cessation of the universal unrest and que es la más cara. relativaistrust.
mente, tiene un movimiento inu sitado. Algunos días llegan al Reduced by another campo de aterrizaje hasta ocho aviones. Pounds. circula tal cantidad de diBIG BARGAINS AWAIT YOU nero, hay tal movilización comercial, que ya los bancos NaHow many can say that of them cional y el de Costa Rica, han selves nowadays? If you tako at the she activated hormono fat pensado en establecer sus agenreducing tablete cias y el de Seguros tiene GREAT CLEARANCE SALE LEANOQIN. DRAGEES On sale in all oficina para asuntos de accidencoording to Di Ridhord te3, Drugstores you too will be able to shore at Asi ha surgido a la civilizasteady reduation in weigho ción, como por encanto, una reLEANOQINDRAGEES THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON gión selvática, desconocida por move the superfluous bodily la totalidad de los costarricenfat by harmlos means. The JACK ORANE Sucs.
Dody regaina me vigour and ses, donde realmente se incuba elasticity.
el porvenir de una nueva Cos Idaho Doolel und samplo grada ta Rica.
su Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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