
1939 HE EVIE EFFECTS OF USING OUR THOROUGHFARES AND VACANT LOTS AS PLAYGROUNDS THE ATLANTIC VOICE OF slap 211 the We are genuinely in favour of our youths devoting a art of their time in wholesome exercises which serve as a Fresh timulous to the brain and an aid to physical development; Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone its of ut we cannot favour the custom which automatically conerts our city thoroughfares and unoccupied lots adjaV YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA MARCH 18th. 1939. Nº 237 ent the buildings in which schools que conducted, into play rounds at all hours of the day. Some control is, we feel WIRELESS NEWS Dr. Peña Chavarría Demits Public Health Office.
give ecessary to ensure more congenial conditions.
This practice is detrimental to our educational efforts, Many Sub Departmental Heads also Resign articularly as regards the private schools. With the opWASHINGTON. The Adortunity offorded them of indulging in games at all hours, ministraton lined up CongresFollowing on what Lic. don factory explanation, placed nany of the children registered in the different schools idle sional support for its plan to León Cortés, the President of the matter before the other way their time from the class rooms, while others, despite let Latin American Countri the Republic, has designated Members of the Cabinet, who Boodhe punishment meted out by their parents, persist in pares obtain munitions from Uni a personal affair between two unanimously expressed apicipating in these pastimes or hang around as on lookers.
ted States government plants members of his Cabinet. Lic. proval of the attitude adopted There should be no serious Luis Fernández Rodríguez, by don Fernández Rodríguez Then, os a certain amount of ventilation has to be afforded opposition to it, said the De Minister of State, and Dr. Immediately Dr. Peña Chavahe scholars in the schools, when these games are in full mocratic Leader, as the sche Antonio Peña Chavarria, Mi rria was notified of this, he wing around such buildings during class hours, the teach me would improve Latin nister of Public Health, the tendered his resignation and rs are confronted with the added task to command the at merican relations.
latter has resigned the impor it was accepted.
15 The proposal, as submitted tant position he had been fiAs expresions it ention of their pupils. This is hardly possible while the would usual foul expressions and many objetionable actions are would permit the Republics Ding with such marked abili seem, of their loyalty to and and here to be heard and seen.
to buy ships, guns and mun ty from the inception of the wholehearted approval of the ents itions from American ship present Administraton.
action of their Chief, many extes The thoroughfares, too, are in constant use by the yards, arsenals and factories.
of the Heads and highly plamuerte different forms of traffic; and as it is well known that they From all we have been able to ced employees of the more yoare being improperly used by the youths at play, many acgather so far, the Ex Minister, important divisions of the fueridents, which could have been avoided, are traceable to WASHINGTON. Adition who is known to be in sym Department have also resignandol his evil propensity.
of a third set of Locks in the pathy with the political acti ed, as also a number of the Panama Canal will be consi vities of ex President Lic. don members of the Juntas conIt is hoped that some one in authority will take note ato df this social evil, ond cause the necessory measures to be dered by the House Merch Ricardo Jménez, is said to nected with it.
ant Marine Committee, as a have had certain conversaraken to stamp it out link in the Administration tions with the Administrator This altogether unlooked defence programme. On the of the Government Pacific for happening has produced litare eve of congressional hearings Railway, a brother of Presid a great amount of perturbandeb Co. NETS 54 ON ITS STOCK on a variety of propositions ent Cortes. These are suppo ce in political and other cirfor supplementing the nati sed to have, in some way, incles, notwithstanding the asor Life Line between the volved the Minister of State, sertion that it has no political BOSTON. First among the perts, has leaf spot disease un Atlantic Pacific, indications who, on becoming aware of significance whatewer. There arger corporations, despite its der control. After successful ex were that the Administration them, officially resented the is a rumour that it may play sar flung activities, the United perimentation the Company insj had turned down plans for conduct of the Doctor, and an important part in the apFruit Company issued to itstalled spraying systems on. a canal across Nicaragua failing to obtain what might proaching Presidential Elec36. 745 stockholders its thirty 58. 780 acres, and obtained exhave been considered a satis tions.
ninth annual report last month. cellent results. This year OTTAWA. The press reThe financial strength of the Company will spray additional port that Oliva Dionne had ac Company, and its continued plantations, and assurance is cepted the invitation of the Germany Absorbs Czechoslovak Republic ability as a dividend earner, is given that adequate protection Ontario government to take evidenced by the fact that, af will be given to as much acrea his quintuplet daughters to ter deductions for taxes, inte ge as is necessary to meet mar Toronto, May 22nd. to meet cellor Hitler has once again de lowak Republic. The moveThe German Reich of Chan what was left of the CzechosBrest and depreciation in 1938, ket demands.
King George VI and Queen Eme Company earned Insufficient rainfall has been Elizabeth The monstrated its utter disreg is the outcome of the separa10, 272, 746, equal to 54 a met with overheed irrigation, quoted Dionne as saying in ard for Pacts, and the obligatist movement which had reshare on the 896. 600 shares and it has been learned tions assumed thereunder, Atcently been the cause that a letter to the Provincial Se Ithe time of the Munich Con much disturbances in Slovaof of common stock outstanding, this works economy because of cretary. Mrs. Dionne and my ference and the making as compared on a similar basis the lessened cost of operations self are pleased to accept yo the then much criticised Peof! kia.
with 07 in 1937.
by overthead rather than by ur kind invitations.
Dividends declared during surface irrigation.
ace Pact there was the assu While the other Powers the year amounted to settlement was reached in rance that no further JERUSALEM. in large dem more directly interested 413. 940, equal to expanper share. The Company reports against the United St: es instant between British 3, 25 the suit brought by the Compa scale battle raged on the 13th, ands would be made by Ger this additional Nazi formany for European expassion. sion, are terribly perturbed is 35. 877. 384 in cash and Uni government to recover mail ces and an Arab band near This is now altogether for none have, apparently, made ted States government. ecurities pay. The Company received gotten by her Zemal in neighbouring Trans absorp any attempt at counteracting on hand on December 30, 1938. from the United States govern Jordan. Forty Five casualties tion of Bohemia and Mora it.
This amount is exclusive of an ment 650. 522 for the carria were reported among the via, thus utterly anihilating!
insurance fund of 11. 750, 000. Se of mails between Febrary 11 rabs. Twenty for Royal air For additional fixed proper and June 30 1937, and a furtties, the Company spent. her tum of 814. 448 which, force planes, including hea 12. 841. 408 last year.
This by agreement with the governvy bombers, aided the British year the Company has appro ment, was applied to the reduc ground forces.
priated 654. 209 for capital tion of the cost of six ships inexpenitures in 1939, in addi volved, Under present PALISADES, condition to which there remains a tons, the Company states million dollar Dream Laboit balance of 326. 037, unex does not intend to ask for operatory on the brink of the pended from appropriations of rating subsidies from the co York, where Dr. John BurSERVICIO DE VAPORES Palisades at Alpine, New prior years.
vernment, and vcices the hope Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con While the Company total that it will not have to face go nett hoped to solve the mystexportation of fruit approximavernment. Operated ships or eries of crime, cancer and all escala en Cristóbal y Habana ted a million and a half stems subsidized competition on tra human ailments by the use of Llevando café para todos los puertos less than in 1937, sales volume de routes, well served by Com electromic rays, was destroy by weight was per cent higpeny ships.
ed by fire on the 14th. instEuropeos y Americanos her. Perhaps nothing more The procesing tax of half a ant.
VAPORES clearly demonstrates that big cent per pound placed on refiSALIDAS ger and better bananas are ners, conditions prevailing in MEXICO The Mexican being produced, cwing to im raw sugar production, and keen government has opened the CHIRIQUI Marzo 19 proved methods of cultivation competition anneng domestic re doors of Mexico to Spanish including irrigation and pray aders, contributed toward an refugees. The only conditions TALAMANCA Marzo 26 ing. The banena market slum, unsatisk Itcryuger condition imposed were that the immi QUIRIGUA Abril ped during the first part of in 1988. Cuban legislation cut grants respect Mexican laws 1937, but improved during the production down to 822. 000 and obstain from taking actilast quarter, and the year clo bags last year, compared witl ve part in national politics.
sed with conditions materially 830. 000 in 1937. ALVARADO y Cia. Sacs.
better than a year ago. Consi The Company obtained a parlat year. President Samuel Zedering restrictive quotes and excel of waterfront real estate murray mentioned that frienäly Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas change restrictions, the results in Havana, and is. contructing relations preveil with all the Para más informes dirijase las Oficinas de la of European operations are de line new pier there. The Co tropical countries with which clared to be satisiactory: Tleef carried 56. 303 pacsengers the Company does business, and UNITED FRUIT COMPANY cheering note in sounded in and 208. 919 tons of general he thanked his officers the report when it states that cargo in addition to the Compa employees for faithful sad ei en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costo Rico the Company, through the eyes fruit and other products, ficient service.
TELEFONO 1 56 forts of the best ob sinable exUNITED FRUIT COMPANY aod Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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