
to say PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, MARCH 18th. 1939 The Baker to his Bread; the Shoe maker to his Last; Pretty Gown the Cook to her Venison GUILLERMO NIEHAUS CO Is On Gold LIMON Mr. Editortrying to quell the tumult Standard we encountered on Monday Permit me a few at Arrasty s? Oh, no, Mr. Bar words of advice on the Elo nett, we can be authoritative cution Contest at the Arras without being boisterous.
ty Theatre on Monday the Could not the admirers of 6th. instant.
the Challenger observe that It is very deplorable that there was no gracefulness in so large a portion of the au his deliveries and gesticuladience should have allowed tions, but rather that they themselves to be carried away were of an assumed, strainin expressions unworthy ofeci mannerism?
ictellectual people. say in The Lady Champion was tellectual. because it is in herself not perfection. she deed only the intellectuals pronounced the word Beat who can appreciate an Elocu as of the present indicativetion Contest. It was horrible (Beet. instead of as Bet to hear a great section ridi the past tense, as the context culing the decision of the Judy of the phraseology demanded.
ges with epithets regarding Her concentration also failed Creed, Colour or Clas cis lier, slightly, toward the end tinctions.
of the discourse, but she quick Who ever made a merchant. ly picked up her elf. Her a lawyer or a cook a judge grace and gesticulations weof horse flesh, except they bere sublime being perfeetSERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA versed in veterinary knowled ly natural. ENERGY ge a Recitor or Elocutionist On these points, Mr. Editor, can only be judged by those in my summing, gave Mrs. SALIDAS. Dias lunes y jueves a medio dia para Co.
who are fluent readers, at De la Bastide 90 per cent of huito, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
least, who may have respect marks, and Mr. Barnett 75, SALIDA. Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colofor such items as Puntuae thus leaving her the Victor: rado, el Bluft y Bluefields.
tion, Cadence, Pathos, Pronun. It was not from favouritism ciation, etc. How many of ouro: friendship, as the unitiatLLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS people are so blessed? ed prattle it on the streets, but as the result of sound jud Gold metal cloth gown.
As one of those honoured to Judge the value of the gment of genuine merit.
Laments Lack of Uplifting Opportunites Among By VERA WINSTON Contest, based my calculaI may further say am on WE CERTAINLY are on the gold tions from several standmore friendly terms with Mr.
Our People standard when it comes to the scheme sartorial. Gold cloth is used points: Firstly on Pathos. It Barnett, his mother and his father than with the Lady dor tandsome evening frocks, im cannot be gainsaid that the Dear Mr. Editor: 023whotely inconsistent having Champion. It was only during brezsive wraps, dignified dinner dissertation or thesis was of a gard to the nature of each, but last October that was intro things and even for hostess gowns, highly pathetic tone. The take this medium to conit is nevertheless indulged in Here we show a sketch of one of duced to her on the stage at the handsomest dinner dresses of young gentleman Challenger gratulate you on your editorial by the so called leaders of this the season. It is of burnished gold the Catholic Hall. have newas sadly lacking in this, babel cloth, having coin size discs of while the Lady Champion ex ver been to her home, while of the 25th. February entitled Organization and has besome In the Realms of Education. so rampant that literary propater gold. Heavy torquoise and celled herselt, from the fact have visited Mr. Barnett I will not attempt to spoil its grammes without the eccent gold embroidery outlines the high.
found neck and the meaning in that her characteristics seem parents and am on fairly merits by adding anything there panying Jazzing are almost pockets. The bodice is draped and very highly strung pathetical friendly relations with them. to, but shell only make a con sure to meet with failure.
gathered onto the belt from where ly. Secondly, on Punctuation pliment them on the acquisi paragraph, which reads: The uplifting social functions, such take this opportunity to com ment on the part of the second We are truly in need of more fall the gathers, placed only in the must say the Tutor of Mr.
center of the skirt. The back of the woistline dips into a yoke below the Barnett seem to have omitted tion of such an aspiring, ambelt, and the skirt is gathered onto Jadvising her pupil on the high bitious youngster. a credit appaling deficiency with a part as the Elocution Contests, con of our present day community ceruz and dramatie Entertainit.
value placed on correct puncin deportment and characteis the lack of opportunities for ments that are being promoted tution or timing, as in Music. ristics to the rising generation more wholesome and uplifting by the Social Department of El Salvador to Teach He used every Comma as a of Limon, and social entertainments.
the St. Anthony Burial and Period, and the Periods as greater success in the literary This is entirely true and is siek Aid Association and other by Radio. full breaks in the theme world.
verified almost daily whether it Clubs. With the hope that those SAN SALVADOR, El Sal equalling a new paragraph. My advice to the audiences rains or, chines. The absence who represent the leadership of vodor An experiment in ra Comma is ured as a break. who go to such functions to of wholerome social entertain our people may read this modio instruction that may be not longer than two seconds be instructed in educational ments has absolutely destroyed dest effort and digest its sapien.
extended to all schools in El in the sense chiefly to de attaiments in which they are the principle of the ce, and so profit thereby, while Salvador has started with signate nouns, verbs, adjec not versed, is to confide im as may be observed in most of thanking you, Mr. Editor the installation of radios in tives and adverbs; while a plic in the integrity and the Liberty Halls. The combi the accommodation, twenty schools. Broadcasts Period is a complete or tem awareness Eagene Roper.
of those who are ning of Concert with Jazz is on educational topics will be porary rest of the voice. The blessed with sufficient wismade from the Education Mi modulations of his voice were dom to guide them, and who CUBS CELFBRATE VICTORY IN BASEBALL ristry. If the system is sa also at fault. Who could ever may be called upon to serve tisfactory all schools will get instil in the mind of Mr. Bar them, rather than to indulge LEAGUE receiving sets.
nett that the humble Naza in unpleasant, vexatious rerene Jesus could have hail marks.
Mr. Skipton, Manager of Motive Power Team, makes ed to the poor leper (while strong plea for mutual cordiality among players in the Lic. Daniel Zelecón standing over him. Helon NATION Realm of Sports Arise. then after applying the healing liquid from the The residence of Mr. and high over all, waith a Abogado y stream of Life. Be Clean Mrs. Johnson was befittingly port base of 11 inches and a cir in an austere demeanour JOSE ACHION NG regaled for the gale, yet im cumference of about 15 inches Notorio Público as though He too, with the pressiva, affair last Sunday at its middle. The center top is crowd, was annoyed with the Comerciante Detallista night. The refreshment table ornamented with a Ball and Oficina: Altos Pas unfortunate sufferer, rather Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale was covered with an ornamen (pported by two niniature than with pity. Could the Sa ria, Articulos de Ferretería y tal thread woven white linen clubs. The Cup is of splendid cual Ingianna viour have assumed an atti Eléctricos; todo se encuentra cloth, in the centre of which workmanship and redounds tude of disgust at this pitiful en este establecimiento, stood the highly polished ma with much credit to its designer moment, as though He was PRECIOS DE SITUACION hogany Cup, about 24 Inches and maker.
Manager Johnson made the int oductory remarks with very appropriate expressions Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota ol dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back called on Mr. Jos. Thomas to de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Grace the Feast Table, this the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before nominee did. Mr. Thomas Was further asked to oceupy dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
Chair as Toast Master, he comde cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not pied end at the close of the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which task ample eatisfaction was de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
voiced by all that the honour conferred had been well meritRed.
Mr. Arturo Rivers, President for comend the COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. TO PAGE 10)


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