
sure se SATURDAY, MARCH 18th. 1939 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE VOTING FOR POPE GUIDED BY STRICT From Page 10 PROCEDURE VIENE de la Pag. UNDI LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO We were very much mov So much interest is, at this not speak about the election desea ayudar en esa tarea de taciones son aproximadas a la all with any one except other realidad. No pocas zonas sudca que el personal docente Ta inied when the effects of his time being evinced in desearia trascendencia; pero sorrow suddenly engulfed matters connected with the Cardinals.
si totalmente desconocidas. Filciara, por ser el mas directaand overshadowed our host, Vatican, that we feel The specific regulation gosicamente nos conocen mejor en mente interesado, y que, aunan and as we made ready to lea the following written by Ca verning the election of a Pael extranjero, gracias a los ledo esfuerzos y yoluntades, ve he requested another call mille Cianfarra, will be pe may be summarized as folvantamientos de planos y a las alcanzara una obra de prettigio.
when perhaps, having gained appriciated.
llows: fotografias aéreas, que hoy ex Seria el mejor servicio que se a little more consolation, he With the Pope death all pediten el trabajo.
would be able to narrate mole podria hacer a la provincia The Vatican City The ecclesiastical offices and tri Los maestros pueden hacer re fully on the life in this and procedure followed in the bunals of the Roman Curia mucho en este sentido: ya Ta nación, como esfuerzo ellos particular, desinteresado y gethe surrounding communities conclave to elect a successor cease, except the duties of mismo; lo necesitan ¿Como ven during those pioneering days to Pope Pius XI is a strica the Chief Penitentiary and a enseñar la geografía del ennneroso With the hope of securing one. The rules governing of the Cardinal Camerlengotónla del distrito, sino no lo En otra ocasión vamos a susuch valuable knowledge, we such occasions are so severe or Papal Chamberlain. conocen? Ni ng han estudia gerir un plan de trabajo; algureadily gave an asurance to that it is virtually impos Tre conclave must be held do? Recabando datos de las nos esquemas para llenar, a fin return. We sincerely thanked sible for any one outside the ne fewer than fifteen days personas más rerias; haciendo de ir encausando la tarea y de don Alcides for the kind treat conclave to influence the vo and no more than eighteen recorridos en los meses de va poner las bases para realizarla ment extended us during our ting.
days after the Pope death. caciones; los domingos o en con provecho. Es una forma most interesting conversation, Fach Cardinal must be ac las propias excursiones escola mas en que deseamos servir con and bidding him adieu express The Cardinals must take companied by at least one re, se podria ir avanzando el lealtad y entusiasmo los intereed a wish that God will grant an oath that they will vote for conclavist and may be etten trabajo. Lo interesante es ini se limonenses, que son los nues him and the rest of his bereav the candidate they deem the ded by as many as three if ciarlo.
family, the necessary strength most worthy and they must he is ill. He may also be acand courage to bear their loss. promise to go into the concla companied by a servant.
DON MISS THIS! OPPORTUNITY PAST ve with an open mind. If Each Cardinal is to have a EN POCAS PALABRAS any previous agreement or small three room apartment.
IS FOREVER LOST: Cuando un restaurante tiene ya promise that a Cardinal has The conclave is closed so una buena clientela, hay que de made, even under oath, that no one may enter or jerio.
Big Excursion to Bocas del Toro and Almirante should be considered Cuando un escritor ba to leave. No access may be had tenido affect this undertaking, such to the Cardinals during the Exito. hay que despellejarlo.
The Big launch Bocas del Toro will leave Limon at Cuando una mujer os ama, hayy pleede must be broken.
conclave, and a Cardinal wi 10:00 Saturday, April 29th, andreturning will leave que traicionarla.
On pain of excommunica: shing to talk to some one out Bocas on Monday evening May 1st: everybody will be going, Sólo asi puede gozarse la feli tion, moreover, the Cardinal side may do so through then why not you? Life without pleasure is no life at all.
cidad perfecta must swear that they will small opening, but he must The Cubs and Motive Power Baseball teams will be there first obtain permission from with a Wai to whip the best teams that Almirante and the Camerlengo and from Bocas can present and for this your presence is so much SOMETHING NEW AND THRILLING the Cardinal Deans of the needed to give them courage: three orders of the Sacred The price round trip is only twenty five colones includCollege, and he must speak ing identification paper: The accomodation is very limited, GRAND SPEAKING MEETING in the presence of witne ses so book today by making a deposit with Mr. Oscar Edwards The openings through which at his residence about 75 yards south of the Moderno Theatre!
TO BE HELD ON food and other necessaries are Tomorrow you May call in vain! For information you try TUESDAY NIGHT. MAY 16th.
intisoduced ars guarded night consult the following centlemen: and day to prevent any comLIMON Messrs. Egbert Polson and Clarence San. key.
at the Rooms of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows munication relating to the ZENT Mr. Murdock, coneleve.
MATINA Mr. Sutton.
opposite the Salvation Army Holl.
During the conclave the Cur.
SIQUIRRES Mr. Oliver MeIntosh.
Every Moment will be full of Thrills, dinals must attend to no af.
GUACIMO Mr. Lester Lee.
GENERAL ADMISSION. 50 fairs other than the election.
unles compelled to do so by REMEMBER THE DATE SATURDAY APRIL 29.
Central Flower Lodge Nº 483. of the necessity of defending terAncient Free Gardeners ritories of the church.
To be elected a candidate DERRUMBA TODA UNA ORGANIZACION must get at least two thirds of (VIENE de la Pág. UNO) quien puso fe y alma en ella, the votes cast, not countingdon Antonio Peña Chavarria de es el único que puede darle reSEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS HOLD CONVENTION his own. Three modes of elec su puesto de secretario de e mate certeramente.
ting a Pope are recognized tado en el despacho de salubri La ausencia del doctor Peña The Seventh Day Advent Mrs. Crager assisted in by ecelamation, by compromisedad pública. No vamos a entrar Chavarria va a sentirée muy ist operating in this eíty, clo the instructions.
and by ballot.
en pormenores, que ya ha dado nondamente; el propio Jefe del sed their Founr Day Conven The service each night was The last Pope clected by ac a conocer la prensa diaria, ni Estado, al aceptarle la tenuntion last Tuesday. Over one well attended, those conduct clamation was Gregory XV in nos interesen. Nos ponemos al cia, le hace el honor de recalhundried officers and, mem ed by Elders Bergherm and 1621, and he introduced certain margen de la causa para anali car su reconocimiento por la bers from the various ehur Breitigam being highly spiri restrictions that led this method zar sus efectos.
cooperación que le prestaba; re ches along the Lines, includ tual and interesting to fall into disuse. Another Va a padecerse esta situación pite los elogios de dias antes, ing those from San Jose and form of this mode of election creada. Lo estamos viendo ya: cuando habia mayor armonia Cahuita, were guests of the Baptismal service, occurred when Cardinal Odes a la renuncia del doctor Peña entre ellos. el pueblo, que se in Limon Church which nine persons were imcalchi was made Pope in 1676, Chavarria siguen las de nume ha conmovido profundamente, mersed, took place on the taking the name Innocent XI. rosos funcionarios que estaban está lamentando todo esto que Under the direction of Prof. first day of the Convention.
On entering the conclave ail a su lado, señalando un sentido pa a y que pone a la nación al him Crager, Superintendent The members of the local the Cardinals rushed to de vitalidad, de utilidad, a esas borde de un abismo.
of the Central American Uni church are very grateful and kissed his hend, thus indi tareas sanitarias. Se to ensayaba Pensamos que es el momenon and also of the local Mis Elder Crager and his associa cating their desire that he be un sistema de centralización qto, todavia, de pedir ut inoco sion, the delegates were ably tes for having afforded them voted by ballot and elected him para darle toda clase de firme triotismo, para no enloda: en el elected; Jater, however, they necesitaba Hevarse hesta su fin de sensatez, un mucho de painstructed in the principles such inspiring meetings. The of Organization and the va music rendered by the choir unanimously za a la base; para afianzarlo y pantano de la pasión y del 0rious departments of organize at all the services Election by compromi e was garantizar su permanencia. Ahodio, lo que puede manejarse con was all ed work that could be desired.
formerly resorted to when sera se derrumba todo lo hecho. altura y con visióa. La política Elders Bergherm of Was rious divergences All left for their respective were manifested in the Sacred Gruir de nuevo. Que los hombresoniera que sea su color o sa iof opinion Se dirá que se engayará cons suele cegar a los hombres, cual hington, Brei churches and fields of labour conege. On such occasions the no son insustitufbles. Pero argu deologia, pero en este caso, lo tigam of the Inter American on Wednesday morning with Cardinals delegated the elec mentamos de antemano que el que se imporie es cordure, no Division, Roth of the Cen feelings of greater inspiration tion to a limited committee of creador de una tral Amercan Union, and and determination for more their colleagues. Gregory orga nización, pasión personalista o politica.
XV effective Evangelism.
introduced various restrictions on this form of election also.
although it had not been u ed for some conturies before his BIG BARGAINS AWAIT YOU relgn.
It was used in the case of El tren de pasajeros de Limón o San José se detiene en case of Gregory to end the at the Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros pueden ollongest period of a Vacant See morzar comodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren pora GREAT CLEARANCE SALE in history, when, between 1263 and 1271, the church remained que sea atendido a la llegado. El precio es 2. 50. El without Pope for two years, Restaurant queda a la derecho de la Estación. Continle, at nine months and two days. It Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se hablo inglés.
was used again in the election SULLIVAN THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON of Clement in 1805 md of cedes JACK ORANE Sucs, his fuccessor, John XXII, in 1316.
of electing a Pope is by ballot, at least twothirds of the votes.
The normal way. indeed. The Cardinals continues in recent times Ure only way tilt one of their number (To be concluded)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Restaurante. Siquirres Wins


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