
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIS VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 18th 1939 bitch PANCRESALETS oc peng OCC 10 Dr. Richard Weiss stri ves ver Regülar reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates no undesirable after effects Rudweis BE of taken up. Blessing for Humanity CUBS CELEBRATE (From Page 8)
BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de experiencia en su elaboración.
of the Cubs, topped the list of La calidad delicado y el gusto distinguido de Speakers with a well timed and illuminating address for which he was applauded. Mr SkipLa popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cer sair the only activated efficacious ton was next listened to with vecería mayor del mundo.
rapt attention in his very eloperoral treatment fos quent and forceful address emphasizing the Theme for better Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
DIABETES mellitus and cleaner sport manship among all players. He recall COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna ed the days of yore when there was not much happiness on the ghl Diamond. He failed, he said, to the see the reason why the victory sig of any Team, whether in League the or other Games, should cause we malice and hatred. He further and stressed the point that he LIMON. TRADING was COM broadminded in the matter of hop Sports; and as evidence it was to DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS DISTRIBUIDORES to be noted that he was the only member present of all the METHODIST CHURCH. LIMON other Clubs which had taken bol part in the League reries, a. Silver Tree Entertain. ment will be held in the Me though he knew they had been thodist Church here on Mon invited.
day evening April 3rd. An in toe teresting Programme is being As the toothsome dainties SEEN UPPER EGYPT ck VIENT de la Pág. UNO)prepared, and the Rev. and refreshing beverages were monto alcanza a una considera Chinn will it is expected, pre partaken bythe guests, their in places on earth is Upper Egypt, One of the most interesting ble suma. El empréstito que se side over the Function. tellect was also fed with the that long, narrow strip of land proyecta entendemos que ape.
melodies contributed by Among the many items of Misses Charles, Wright, frontiers of the Sudan. Despite the es de unos cincuenta mil that stretches from Cairo to the colones, lo que podría pagar la interest, there will be an ad: Mercado and Mr. Watson in the majesty of the Pyramids and cilmente la Municipalidad en dress by Mrs. Oglivie Reid of poco tiempo sin desatender los the Cusapin Indian Mission in the Misses Spalding, Bergh adequate idea of Egypt can be songs, while Mrs. Coleman.
the mystery of the Sphinx, no servicios corrientes de la admi whcih she will tell the faci and Brown, and Messrs.
nistración nating story of her Two Dol Christie, Babb, Bailey.
formed until the wonders MaitPor lo que nos dicen perso lar Baby. That Indian Babe, land (Capt. Kerr and Upper Egypt have been seen nas allegadas a la administra now a Tot of Six, is also here Morris added their respective We have known visitors who ción local, el señor Inspector and will sing and recite.
have never ventured further quotos in eloquence. After the General de Municipalidades es.
tá en la mejor disposición summary by the Master of Ce out of Cairo than Heliopolis, a de The tree, a Rainbow decoluxurious health resort, and ayudar a la municipalidad ya rated one, will be unveiled by ked all for their presence and remony, Manager Johnson, than Helwan, another health resort que el trabajo del mercado ha our genial and popular visitor exhorted his players to rivet that goes in for healing demerecido su completa aproba Mr. Anthony Maxwell.
void of extraneous attractions the night function and the ción por la economía con que silver collection will be kind remarks made on behalt Both resorts are but a few mise ha hecho.
of their Club in their minds and les from Cairo, but we will journey farther.
so strive onward to greater acON THE SUBJECT OF THE ELOCUTION complisments. Thus was a well There is a good air service be tween Cairo and Luxor and As let push on to Aswan, a codsk spent evening brought to CONTEST close.
wan, the two main attractions of trast indeed to Luxor.
Upper Egypt. There is a luxurious pight express train, FIRST CATARACT: Dear Mr. Editor.
they have decided that the well as a day train service, but Champion still holds her po would, think, be also much the real traveler will want to Please grant me the necessition. Mr. Barnett, who al more satisfactory, if he had travel by Nile steamer.
Every teresting to sce, just beyond as After sailing the Nile it is in sary space, in your valuable most took the Badge by doing nothing to do with the selecday of the ten day voyage wan, the Giant Aswan Barrage weekly, to give my candid as well as he did, can certain tion of Judges in the Contests bring its delights with halt: where the waters of the Ni opinion with respect to the ly challenge her again. In fact, in which Mr. De La Bastide and visits to some ancient tem come tumbling over the tra recent Championship Elocu any other aspiring contestant participates.
ple or monument. And each cataract. On one side of the Ba tion Contest.
can do so, and should she re Mr. Barnett must be com evening brings serene star litrrage are the still, silent waten Why can the general pub fuse to accept, Mr. Barnett plimented for his splended ef beauty. It is an experience of the reservoir, ond on the lic learn to accept the deci would automatically become forts. Some day he will be worth waiting for, and worth other, the swirling, foaming ed sion of Judges? There is al mpion.
the recognized Champion if traveling far to experience. The dies of the dammed up rivet ways so much dissatisíaction Dr. De La Bastide should he does not permit himself to first glimpse of the Temple of And in the spray that noticed when an announce venture to suggest, allow be warped by the narrow Luxor, right on the river bank, where one falls into the other ment of a winner is made. On challenges to be made under mindedness of inany of the is an unforgettable sight. gleams of captive sunlight mak this occasion eleven of the the auspices of other Socie members of our community.
myriad rainbows. Maybe this most literary inclined persons ties, as public opinion is realGRAND WINTER all does sound somewhat guide.
were selected as Judges, and ly the thing that counts. It An Observer RESORT booki h, but we assure you tha it is a feeble description.
Luxor, with its monuments, There is so much to see about its situation and its climate, Aswan that time and the nur a grand winter resort, especially have left unscathed, that one for those who want to get away could wander for weeks finding from it all. There are easy trips something different. For to Karnak, and across the river ample, Elaphantine Island, the to the Valleys of the Kings and Rock Tombs, the Temple ol Queens.
all, to our mind, the unfinished LIMON BRANCH obelisk. Abandoned because of Leisurely strolls around Lux Hathor, and, most impressive of or are full of delight. There are a fault in its granite, it lies pro queer little antique shops, ne and half hewn out of thd Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its deportquaint cafes, then modern beaty living rock.
parlors, smart dress shops and, ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for on every street, camera shop3.
Luxor and Aswan are both the direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainphotographer delights. There is perfect light for exposures, able and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the and perfect subjects to photograph. The shimmering haze COMERCIANTE building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. over the Nile in early morning.
por más ut años the rose colored glory of the Establecido en la Provincia The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conhills at sundown, the beauty of Vende al detal, Vinos y Lthe ancient temples all are cores extrunjeros y del país, MISCELANEA signments to those Producers who may need same.
subjects for the camera. The Abarrotes en general hotels, set in gardens filled with Satablecimento esquina roses, shadowed by heavy Norte del Mercado, palm, not the least Entre de parts at Luxorttractions. But Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a as rise ex EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Edgar Young are


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