
20WDERED WHOLE MILK home boys forcing their way Thrilling Finish Marked last Sunday Baseball Game a SATURDAY, MARCH 18th. 1939 THE ATLANTIC TCICE PAGE 17. Guápiles. Football Team Defeated by Tactics ponents and became masters of the situation. Almost conof Vesubio secutively they registered two additional goals which Our visitors arrived from they, however, turned the gave them the victory by their township on the ten o table by securing one in a bree against two.
clock Sunday morning pas great manoeuvering instanAt the termination of the senger train. They seemed ce, and the homesters had encounter, the winners were mo all ready for the encounter hardly tightened their beltseach decorated with the pre KLIM don In their uniform of deep blue when the trick was repeated cious jewel Ignacio shirt with red center braid At this stage it appeared ve Cruz had promised forthe no in full circumference and ry much as if the Old Liners blest Deed.
stripes of similar colour at would carry off the ornathe lower ends of their slee mental medals which our ge We sincerely congratulatves, the home team made a nia! don Abel had in store. the visiting team who not very pleasing appearance. for the winners. That Chari with standing their loss haMiss Cruz, the much es lty should begin at home was ve left a very pleasing impresteemed daugther of our his apparently the conclusion sion for their clean sportmans ghly appreciated Manager of arrived at by our boys for hip and true fighting spirit dis YOU CAN ALWAYS HAVE FRESH MILK the Arrasty Theatre gave the we soon withnessed a chan played throughout the play luck signal for play by throwing ge, and with, as it were, light We wish them better WITH ME IN YOUR KITCHEN the first ball. Off the teams ing speed they out witted, for the future. They can alwent, bumping kicking out kicked, out ran their op ways rely on our hearty wel.
come: and and spilling, attacking dry in the same way you see WITH plenty of Klim on the counter attacking, with hand you need never sugar, salt, flour. All the worry about getting or keep nourishment and fresh, ing fresh milk for cooking, tural flavor are there. Defor drinking or for infant minutes after the start, a pe cause only water has been feeding. For Klim is the finnalty was placed against our removed, nothing added.
boys for the est cows milk powdered and usual breach Se ection composed of The Cubs registered one in their packed by an exclusive sani Klim is economical beof the ethics of the game. Allen Jones, Prince and fourth, none in the fifth and tary method so that it will cause none is ever wasted It was feared the Guapiles Evans from the Motive Power: sixth; one in the seventh with keep indefinitely in any cliteam would have entered Scott, St. Maria, Maitland ciphers in the eighth and ninth.
it keeps for weeks even mate, without refrigeration.
The calm retreat, but the ki and Surdo of the Torbillino The fifth, sixth, seventh ter the tin has been cpened.
and cker missed his mark and re Samuels and Carlos Hayling of eighth for the Selection produ You simply mix Klím with Order Klim today.
lieved the pressure. This in the Pathfinders, with Graham ced mere blanks When the water to make as much fresh cident seemed rather irritat and Nica as reserves, met the ninth was reached the crowd milk as you need. Or, use it ing to Vesubio for with Cubs battery, made up of Rbegan to block the Diamond greater force they wrestled Christic, Catcher; Daley, Pit strain. Pitcher Daley, who had The Milk That keeps.
at the ball, each moment cher; Hart, First; Miller, been on the go throughout the And Keeps Its Natural Flavor Third; bringing added excitement Second; Babb, game, and had puzzled the bats until they registered the first Isaaes, Short stop: Banton, men, was now naturally fagged goal.
Right Field: Barnett, left out, and the men found him. Field and Coleman, Center, last They hitted and they ran, and It was quite evident that: Sunday afternoon for the game when the Umpire called two bus visitors are not novices, in connection with the presen men down the scores were seen Los mejores pastos dan la semilla que vende el DO de and that each player seem tation of the magnificent Cup to be equal. The crowd drew EL ALMACEN CENTRO COMERCIAL to the victorious Cubs.
to fully understand the ganearer and made human obstame. Their head exercise was cles on the Diamond. The last de TOMAS FERNANDEZ By a billiant and marvellous, displaying accu commen batsman then maliciously and rate judgment. They usually dable effort on the part of the most intentionally made a for JARAGUA GUINEA. AGENGIBRILLO got the Head off from Selection, what looked like cerceful liner, and Hurrah was the the CALINGUERO descending ball and rarelytain defeat turned out an alar shout, the score of the Cubs missed their calculation. Up ming victory. They were obser was passed and the Game won. asi como afrecho de la mejor clase para alimente de to the rest period our visitors ved to be well charged for the The first ball at the opening sus gonados.
engagement. Pitcher Surdo and of the game was pitched had not registered a goal by Teléfono 2198 San José, Apartado 614 his field had things their own Mis SM. Charles as the donor shortly afteh the resumption way, which stopped the Cham of the Cup, don Francisco Gapions from scoring in their first rron was late. He, however, arA TALK WITH AN OLD RESIDENT and second innings. They too rived at the close of the second feited in their first, but made inning and on the request of the Costa Rica Soda We had the pleasure, a few tleman in every capacity, who one run in the second.
Managers, pitched a ball to the days ago, of visiting the of shared with his employees, bateman. He was loudly cheer fice of don Alcides Ramirez, all the sufferings encounterWATER FACTORY In the Third Ininng for the ed as the returned from the dia when he expressed his warm ed under the then existing Cubs, Vernal made a thrilling mond.
appreciation for our note on circumstances and conditions. homer. and thereafter every the recent death of his dear To say more, at this time, Fábrica de Hielo succeeding batsman hitted Sur At the conclusion of the exer ly beloved daughter; though pleasantly remarked don Aldo at will. Greater was the thrill when Hart struck cise, the beautifully yet overwhelmed with griefcides, of that life and its videsigned y Refrescos one and well made Cup was presenand sorrow by the loss of socissitudes would take up too toward the Cocoa Plant, and the ted, with appropriate words by valuable a member of his fa much time and require seveball enfering a moving railroad Limón car, was carried along. In spite don Francisco, the Giver of the mat accorded us a very cour He Miss Garron, the daughter of mily, the distinguished Diplo ral pages of the VOICE.
was very mucho inof this great feat, fate dealt Trophy teous and interesting audien clined, he said, to belihard with George, for after ce.
FLORIDA ICE AND eve that don Federico and completing the home run, Allan We extend our heartiest conOn our referring to the pe himself are the only two sur Jortes called attention to the FARM CO.
fact that he had not made the riod of his residence in this vivors here of the undertak gratulations to don Francisco for his lively interest and country, don Alcides said he ing employees, as the majoThere was much doubt regard initiative in stating that necessary stops at the bases. splendid gift. We also take the had been here for fifty one rity, both white and colourLA FLORIDA years. His two brothers Beli ed, including a gang of Itaing this, as neither of the Um League players, especially those sario and Federico, as also an lians brought from abroad by pires had noticed it. However, Fábrica de Hielo as true Sports, the Cubs calm fail to cherish fond memories his mother two on whom it now, rests, will not uncle who came over with Mr. Minor Keith, for the tunVenta de Leche ly accepted a ruling in favour of so cheerful a Giver. equa another brother, Antonio, had sisters and nel work were of advanced of the fieldsman, which ages.
gave y Maderas out Hart, the inning closing lly too we are sure, our entire also been in residence.
community appreciate the act. Along with his brother FeTO PAGE with three runs. In their third. Seeh laudable actions must go derico, don Alcides told us he the Selection scored one run.
on record, and in due course operated commissaries along give reciprocal reward.
the railway lines during the construction to San Jose.
LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA They moved from place to (Previously place in keeping with the SAITA progress of the work. They The best Assortment of First Class KEEP also both worked on different LUMBER ON THE MARKET YOUR occasions as Timekeepers, Sto Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas EYES rekeepers and Paymasters for the undertaking. Life Cardul helps to rellere LAUREL and CEDAR then. said the speaker, was functional pains of mesthe natural one as was to be struation; and, in cases WE BUY LOGS expected in such then remate of malnutrition, it aids APARTADO. 197 places. The project of the In building up the whole right. of. way for the rail system by helping womeEYES Saw Mallocated in SiquirresYOUR DRUGEIST way was be gathered under en to get more ener of the competent, guidance from their food Mr. Louis Witchman. a gen Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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