
15 SIVE US JUST WEIGHT WITH OUR DAILY BREAD THE ATLANTIC VOICE the ares Farewell to a Distinguished Consular Officer 2 10 From a consumer point of view we have been obSe ng the sizes or weights of the various looves or types d3read available to us and the prices charged us for It appears that some adjustment should be in the Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone 1979 The changeless laws of Justice should at all times bin the supplier and consumer together in all harmony. YEAR. Limón, Costa Rica March 25th, NP 238 universally known when a merchant hos to face an rease in the cost of his goods, whatever the cause, it is WIRELESS NEWS FASCISTS WILL SUPPORT HITLER consumer who pays in the final analysis. It is, thereh only fair and just that when the dealer burden is BERLIN By taking politi The Fascist Grand Council regarding the measures Italy pened, he should give the same consideration to the cal and economic control of have declared their determina might take to secure correspond connection neahly all Czechoslovakia, Gertion of standnig firmly behind ing advantages in of Ang public. Even if, in the case so indispensable many has incurred foreign fi Hitler newest partition of te with her colonial claims against article as Bread, the price be not reduced, the same size nancial obligations of at least rritory in Central Europe, and France. It is expected that Mu Height should not be sold the consumer at a time when 65, 791, 300 in addition to the have warned the Democratic olini will disclose his intenty nine pounds of flour cost fourteen colones and 165, 630, 270 postwar debt Nations that a retaliatory uni tiqns in this respect in his Inty five cents, or fifty four colones a bale as when the owed by the vanished Reputed front against the Totalita speech tomorrow during blic to the United States. Wherian States would be a harbin celebration of the 20th anniver was eighteen colones and fifty cents for a forty nine ther Germany would recognize ger of war.
sary of the founding of the Fas thd sack. As we have not tasted any added flavour in these obligations could not be It was made plain that the cist movement.
a four for fifteen cents type of bread it cannot be said learned. The United States Rome Berlin Axis had with Meantime these is a rumour 0, are receiving an additional quantity of ingredients in has been unable to get Germa tood the strain of its Northern that conversation are under of a larger size or greater weight.
ny to assume responsibility for member sudden increase of way for a French Italian. We are not advocating hardships for our Bread supthe 62, 000, 000 owed her and power, but nc hint was given conciliation her citizens by Austria.
ie irs, but as the fraternity of Justice has held us in its emZ te, we maintain a public membership. We are fully PARIS It is announced are that here and there dealers are pegged by bad debts, that on the advice of Italy, the and Welcome to his Successor this does not justify the continued existence of a yoke Tranch Ambysador Se Marshal Petain has been detained in the consumer when that of the dealer has been lightenSan Sebastian. It is believed It has occurred to us to ex an essential that they should al by a considerate government.
that Italy desires that France pres a few Thoughts appo always endeavour to create the Ta The Chorus Give us just weight or size in our Daily should band over the gold, war priate to the occasion of the spirit of friendship among the of adjs swelling material and Republican fleet transfer of one of our esteem various groups who, by natunoy under her control before ed Consular Officers, and to al consequences, mut con3 General Franco receives her extend a hearty welcome to his front the Representatives OE Ingratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston Ambassador successor such powerful and progressive LONDON. Britain is consi When the Talamanca nations as the United States of Ir. and Mrs. Robert Char The bride was the former dering the possibility of calling sails from our Pier tomorrow America. To maintain the unity Johnston are receiving the Miss Anita Parker, the daugh a special meeting of the Coun the Hon. William Walker of government, both in camem greetings of our Com ter of Mrs. Charles Parker cil of the League of Nations and his family will be num merce and politics, to support nity since their arrival of Bella Vista, Panama. Mr.
to consider Germany passer march bered among the passengers. tranquility at home and peace in Panama, where they Johnston is, as is well known, toward European domination. The Consul goes to the United abroad, are not so easily comre joind in Holy Matrimo our most esteemed British Home Secretary Sir Samuel States on a vraction of thirty prehended or administered Mr here by the Right Rev. Harry Vice Consul here.
Hoare told the House of Com days, but we learn with much Walker has done much 11, Episcopal Bishop of Pa We tender Mr. and Mrs. mons. Sir Samuel further stat sorrow that our esteened Diplo for his government, in these dir na and the Canal Zone, at Johnston our most earnest ed it had been decided to ta mat will not returAupa us, forections. He has, in our humble beautiful Cathedral of St. congratulations and good wis ke no action because of Germa at the completion of this rest, judgment, proven himself thor Limon loss will be honour lte, in Ancon, at five o clock hes for a long and serenely ny acquisition of Memel.
Hondu oughly worthy of the Tuesday afternoon.
ra happy union.
gain, During his stay conferred on him and the confi SAN DIEGO Cali. The among us Mr. walker sterling dence, reposed in him.
nited States navy will soon ha character, both in his private True appreciation and esteem Death of Mr. Frank Cox ve a 000 horse power flying and public career, has been grea need not to be clothed in ma boat capable of cruising non tly admired and regarded. hy words, therefore the Atlan much sadness we men ed in her commercial activi top from Los Angeles to China the death of Mr. Frank ties. The close of his useful and back to Midway Island a responsability atached to We are mindful of the grearic Voice takes this opportu the naty, with a deep sense of Cox, who for a long num life came last Sunday at Pa distance of approximately high office, and the caution his noble qualities and amicaof years filled the impor nama where he recently went 12, 000 miles. Informed circles which should be displayed by ble deportment, his carne. de position of His Britannic for special medical treatment. said the Consolidated Aircraft those entrusted with its admi votion to duty and hearty injesty Consul in this Re The Atlantic Voice tenders Company will have the first nistration, in confining them terest manifested in our City. lic with residence en San its deepest sympathy to the boat ready in about sixty days. selves to their respective cons and Country, of wishing Mr.
widow and other members of titutional spheres so as to avoid Walker and his family most Ir. Cox had all his life the bereaved family, as well (TO PAGE while excercising the authority pleasant voyage and that the mo associated with Costa as to the British Community of a particular government, nitor of passing Time may cau and was largely interest for the their irreparable loss encroaching on that o fanother.
It is an esential that they should (To Page 10)
Stamps in Honor of Will Rogers Special commemorative stamps honoring Will Rogers were placed on sale in Nica ragua, March 8, the anniver SERVICIO DE VAPORES sary of the earthquake that destroyed Managua.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: Five stamps are issued in escala en Cristóbal y Habano denominations of one two, three, four and fice centavos.
Llevando café pora todos los puertos Two bear formal photographs Europeos y Americanos of Mr Roger and three show him in characteristic, poies.
VAPORES SALIDAS Mr Rogers arrived at Mana gua the day following the TALAMANCA Marzo 26 disastrous earthquake OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 contributed 5, 000 dollars for QUIRIGUA Abril the victims. He also appeal JAMAICA Abril ed to Americans for fundis.
FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG President Somoza said. They are among the most beautiful stamps have ever ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
een and they are in small denominations so all people Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
can purchase them. Will Ro Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la gers was of the people. He AGENTES EN LIMON: made us laugh when we weUNITED FRUIT COMPANY re crying from grief. en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
The President will give President and Mrs. Roosevelt TELEFONO 1 special sets.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Nicaragua Issues ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP Co. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)


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