
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, March 25th. 193 HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA APG LIMON BRANCH Próximas salidas de PUERTO LIMON Para Guatemala CARIBIA Abril Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its department for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the consignments to those Producers who may need same. Europa CARIBLA Abril 10 ter HAPAG LLOYD Voting For Pope Guided by Strict Procedure LOS ke are and ההריון didites; this is done without AGENCIA COSTA RICA opening the ballots.
If no candidate receives the (CONTINUED FLO LAST ISSUE)
AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 required minimum of EVOthirds, a second ballot is immeOne vote is held in the morn, horizontally into three equal dately Inken. Should this also ing and one in the afternoon; parts. The upper part bears the not result in the election of a each vote, however, consists of words Ego Card. meaning Pope, the papers of the two bal LOCAL HAPPENINGS two ballotings. Actually, there Cardinal. These two words are burned in the stove fore, votes are counted four separated by a wide space in with a handful of damp straw or the recently organized Ma spicuous that this most retimes daily. The voting goes wiich the votee must weite his so as to produce a cloud of sine Association, which cons cont and third occurrence on every day. In modern times Cristian name, adding his sur black smoke that informs those asts of almost all the colour took place in the same vici three or four days have been name after Card.
waiting outside that the voting The top part of the paper is has been finished without reed labourers on the Roll of nity, where the previous two sufficient to enable the Cardithen folded in such a way that sult.
Che Marine Department of untraceable ones were carried nals to reach an agreement.
the Costa Rica Banana Com out a few weeks ago, to the By, a bull of Gregory Xy all the Cardinal name is hidden If, on the contrary, the Pope pany, will unveil their Char detriment of Messrs. Morgan conclave under pain of excom that there is no possibility thated without any straw so as to the Cardinals must attend a and is sealed in this position sois elected, the ballots are burn ter on Monday night next and Wright.
the 27 th. instant.
munication unless they are le it may come open, revealing malie a white cloud of smoke.
This latest, occurred last gitimately prevented from do the name.
thus informing the world that in gso The central part of the bal the church has again found a The worthy and imposing Thursday night in Mr. Skipfunction is to take place atton Smith tailoring establisThey file in procession into lot paper bears the words El head.
the Sistine Chapel, where algo in Summum Pontificem the Rooms of the Loyal Mis hment located in front of the If a candidate obtains a bare Card. meaning two thirds majority, it is necpah Lodge, where the general Messrs. Lindo Soda Water mass is celebrated and a prea Meum cher appointed by the Con elect as Holy Pontiff my essary to ascertain whether he Public will be given a hearty Factory. Several items of tailWelcome.
lored and untailored material gregation of Cardinals delivers Most Reverend Lord Cardinal. has voted for himself since it an Adress of Exhortation. Then after the word Card. the were carried off. The police the masters of ceremonies cry voter must write the name of In order to ascertain this the he has his election is invalid are investigating che affair, Extra Oninest and the doors the candidate he favors. successful candidate is first asbut neithen has the culprit of the conclave are closed Burglaring is still on the nor any of the missing artiThe bottom part of the ballot ked to reveal the number and ctive list, and is now so con cles been yet discovered.
The Cardinals immolliately papers bears the word Signa, seal he has placed on his balgo to their cells. as their where the voter puts a numlot. This paper is then sought rooms termed, to change ber and seel, both of which he and opened to establish for from their violet vestments in chooses without allowing them whom he voted.
to croccia. spceial garh worn to be seen by others.
If he did not vote for himduring a conclave. It consists The lowest part is not folded sell the election is valid, of a wide mantle of violet wool but is scaled in that position. the ballots are immediately bur falling from the shoulders to the ballot thus bears the name ned. If he did vote for himself.
the feet and buttoned in of the Cardinal for whom the another vote must be taken front.
vote is cast and at the bottoni As soon as the Pope has been The election proceedings open a number and seal of the Car elected, he is approached by the your vitality Dean of the Seered College and DT every morning with the cele dinal who cest the ballot.
See that your youthful bration by the Papal Sacristan When all the Cardinals have asked whether he accepto the vigour does not diminish.
of the Mass of the Holy Ghost prepare dtheir ballots. many burdens of the Papacy. by in the presence of the Cordi prepare them in their cellsany chance the successful canVIRILIN ETS formen. On sale in al!
nals in the Sistine Chapel, they leave their thrones in the didate is the Dean, this question the rejuvenating hormone preogration where the balloting occurs, la order of seniority and drop the is asked by the next Cardinal Drugstores ter according to DzRichard Weiss means the Cardinals recite the ballots into a silver un stand norder of creation.
strengthening of yourorgans, preser, Veni Creator Spiritus. thising on the altar. Before castIf the successful candidate an vation and resuscitation of your recitation introduces the alter ing the ballots they kneel beswers affirmatively, the canoboyancyand combating all prenoon balloting.
fore the altar, saying, My Lord pies over the thrones of all the mature appearances of ageing The first thing to be done Jesus Christ who is to judge me Cardinals are lowered, his alone Women take FERTILINETS.
each morning is the appoint is my witness that have voted remaining in position. The Car ment for the day of three Car for him wlio before God think merlengo, who holds the inside Ask for our dinal scrutators who are char should be elected.
keys to the conclave door, goes interesting ged with various manual acts When the ballots have to make the necessary arrange and copiously incidental to the voting been cast they are taken to a ments for opening the door illustrated booklet.
Then the ballot papers are table by the side of the altar, while the new Pope dons the distributed. They measure about where the scrutators count the pontifical robes and the other inches by and are divided votes cast for the various canCardinals change their purple croccics for searlet robes. Then the Cardinals gather around the new Pope for the first Nos permitimos llomar su atencien a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back obedience de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: These various formalities and Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina ceremonies take some time, and This bill must be paid at our office before it is usually at least an hour dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
after the white smoke over the de cada mes.
Sistine roof of the Sistine Cha Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar este cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which pel has announced the end of de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
the election before the Dean of the Cardinal Deacons proclaims the new Pope. He does so from a balcony overlooking St. Pe Keep on the summit of all COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON To Page 10 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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