
th. 189 Saturday, Iliazch 25th 1950 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE at the a od Shooting Tragedy in Cantina España SENTIMENT NOT KNOWLEDGE poin. So plain that it really did not need the technical expe rience of the Judges to decide Dear Nir. Editor Contestants, and am fully conit.
BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de whiced that everyone with any was never more disappoinexperiencia en su elaboración.
Plese permit me a lite knowledge at all not of the trueted than when witnessed space in your valuable weekly Art of Elecution, but of simp. e. the display of such gross igno La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de to make a few remarks relati English, it pronunciation, puctuarance and rudeness from ves to the recent Elocation gioia, etc. must feel that Mr. section of the audience. It was La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerChampionshop Challenge Con Barnett is not in the clas cfhameful and shocking. These test heid in the Arrasty Thes the Lady Champion. This Lady folk need our pity and sympa vecería mayor del mundo.
is second to none who it has thy, those of us who are inform Let me, first of all, hope our been my preasure to witness in ed. Let us not condemn them Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
most dear frineds who allowed Jemaica, and take it from me, too strongly. Let us stili try mere sentiment to drive them Sir, have seen and heard aand help to open their eyes. Let! COMO BUDWEISER to make such fools of themsel great many and the best at us tell them, odvise them, ninguna to ves in such a shameful public that, Just koep their mouth shut manner, have by this recovered and not try to dabble in things their senses and gained by their How in the name of good wherein they have no know sad experience.
ness could the Judges who we ledge, Let us hope, too, that As possess quite a wide exre neither blind nor deaf deci the Management of the St. An perience in matters elocutions de otherwise? The Chosen Ele thony Association will not ta ry, having closely studied the ven voted independently andke there stupid inocent, folk LIMON TRADING CO Fubject and taken part in meclidy for the Lady Champion too seriously and thereby ceany contests, was specially in and they being po sessel of se to carry on such worthy ven terested to hear this one, so to the necessary knowledge could tures for our higher amusement DISTRIBUIDORES the Theatre went. Now this not have voted in any other and culture. beg of the Lady Budweise is my candid opinion of the way. The whole thing was too Champion, the judges, and the Lega Beers geenteel gus saw there, not to allow a few of our poorly in formed and ill behaved citiWELL KNOWN INDUSTRY CHANGE HANDS BIG BARGAINS AWAIT YOU zens to destroy everything good that come our way.
Our much appreciated citi long been a:sociated with the congratulate young Barnett zen and industrialist, Mr. Allan business, will be in charge un for his pluck. He needs Sime, has, we note, disposed of der the new administration as instruction. Some day he may the manufacturing establi. Sub Manager with Mr. Rafael GREAT CLEARANCE SALE arrive. Many congratulations to ment known as Del Tropico Velasco as Manager.
cole the Limon Champion Elocutio which he carried on in San Jo at nist. Madam, you have greatly se. The business was sold as We wish the new owners stra defended your title, and Limona going concern on the 21 st. continuation of that success ought to be proud of your ta of last month.
which has characterized THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON the lent. You can successfully com Mr. Alfredo Sasso, who has Factory activities.
pere gainst any of the Jesding elocutionists in other lands.
What here express is no se cret, it is the acknow. dged fact The members of the family work of Mercy, nave experienThe Cubs and Motive Power Baseball Game among those who are well in whose hearts had only a few ced more grief ond agony by Tormed days ago been pierced with the shooting of Antonio Soto, Thanking you, Sir, for space sorow when Juan Fernandez a nephew of the drowned man, We will not attempt a decep grettably, he got bewildered at am only. lost his life at our city Ba by one who up to the time tion, as it is well known it was a very technical stage of his Visitor thing Resort, in his attempted of the tragedy was a member not exactly the Second Divi game. At the close of the sixth of the police force. what sions of the above Clubs who mning, the runs were five ban could have been the motive is entertained our sporting Fans favour of the Cubs against four wrapped in mystery, but it is last Sunday afternoon. Each for the other side. The Cubs gou SEÑORA. SEÑORITA reported that one charge from team was well sprinkled with blanked in the seventh and policeman Fonseca pistol has several formidable ones from eighth encountres. the Motive RIZADO PERMANENTE Bbm LH ushered into eternity a young the first class rank. Vivian Chic sharing the same fate. Cheriey and useful life, a Bread winner kery, who is truly an espreine Banton made a great liner for EN FRIO CON ACEITES ESPECIALES for a mother and other relati ed pitcher, did marvellously the Cut in their last inning GARANTIA DE UN AÑO ves.
for the Cubs. The Motive For and reached Second. He stole It has been fated that the wer boys, so much famed for to Third, and betweer the time Precios Módicos deceased, a friend, and the poli their batting record, did tot Wiliams had the ball in his hand AIDA CHARPENTIER ceman entered the Bar seemin find him to easy; and whene and made dellvery, Banton mal gly in the best of harmony at ver they did. Samuel Barrett, de a dash for the home plate Pensión MARIA LUISA the clamp shell left field was where he arrived without moles Frente al Parque Vargas an advanced hour last Saturday night. Their orders were servthere to keep any wandering tation. The greatest of the fun ed them in one of the Cantine balls from touching the grass. was when Samuel Barrett, who reservations, when suddenly an Barrett has a great future in was then at second made the minel to win. Their full power scored and not anotifer; thus alarm came from their accomBae eball, if he be afofrded the Third and finally used the same was turned on. Three to equal they lost the match by a ve modation and the almost lirenecessary training.
formula on Williams. Those two end four to win wes the order ry narrow margin. The play was less body of Antonio was seen Vincent William, a more ex nary made russ fave the on the score board. Young Ha very interesting and primed hinged to the partition while perienced pitcher, had the ri Cubs a total of seven.
cris, at First, was rather discour wit mu )t excitement throu the policeman tcod apart wight start to make victory for On taking their turn at the teous and nipped their tender ghout.
thout giving an account for the Motive Power but, very re batting, the Motive seemed deter buds of hope. Two runs were so rash an act. The authorities were summoned and the dying man reshed to the hospital whe re he breathed his last on Sun day morning. The murderer WHAT DO GET OUT OF LIFE INSURANCE?
was dishonoured and placed under arrest, and is in safe kee ping pending the Judicial procee dings.
Many sympathisers accompa Ried the remains of the unfortu nate young man, to the Camp That a question that older people ask someOne Cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
Το his sorrowtimes, too. And the answer is really so simple.
ing mother and oth fr relatives the Atlantie Voice ex tends its profound sympathy Pop and er BE Life Insurance Gives Your Baby, an Francisco Fonseca Ch.
LATVYER NOTARY PUBLIC Office: Adjoining to the City Public Library ENGLISH SPOKEN FORMER JUDGE OF THE San José Banco Nacional de Seguros Limón LIMON DISTRICT COURT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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