
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, March 25th.
Last Sunday Afternoon Football Game Reduced by another FAREWELL TO From Page Pounds.
Last Sunday afternoon en tement, with both teams fails the many years yet in How many can say that of the gagement brought the famo ing to score up to the ret for him and them to be fun selvee nowadays? If you take u Jupiter and Limon Junior period. On the renewal, their happiners and prosperity, the activated hormono fata Second Divisions together in activities waxed warmer and In the meantime our reducing tablete On sale in all an electrified contest for the terminated commendably for munity sincerely welcomes LEANOGIN DRAGEES Drugstores according to Dr. Richard Bell beautiful Ball donated by Se Jupiter with three goals aga Hon. Ruppresth an ñor don Ortiz Sequeira of inst the two of their oppon mily, who now occupy the you too will be able to show our Governor office, The ents.
sulate. The friendship bety stondy reduction in weight LEANOGIN DRAGEES reTrophy was so tempting it nis government and our was move the superfluous boolly no wonder that such The Game had an added in been long and perpetually fat by harmless means. The wrestling was evidenced. terest with the attendance of mented, therefore we regard body regains its vigour and the City Band which dispen new Re entat nos a Leanogiro elasticity.
The first half of the play sed several classical numbers. stranger but as a member of Booklet and sample grate was full of the greatest excifamily He will, we are confid He will, we are confident, It is with the deepest sorrow who had the good fortune of our city and surroundings to we received the news of the getting in contact with him. picturesque, with an ideala passing of Mr. Tucker mate and a populace whose The sincerest condolence is Brown, who occupied the im way.
nuine hospitality is their by all his employees, co wor extended his sorrownig fatanding characteristic, portant position of Chief Like Mr. Brown died on the 11th. kers and friends. He was amily and relatives.
prides itself on the ha Engineer of the general cons of the present month in the man of great vision and plea San Jose.
thougha of the good will truction work in connection Republic of Honduras, and sing characteristics. He shall exist beween all her citi with the Inter American High his death is deeply deplored long be remembered by all! Allen In the same way his preard sors have found these tr we hope Mr. Ruppresht will atuned to them; and that bipla llowing the commendable jour of activity and service leftpla AND OPERATED LINES them his term of service antir us, may be filled with exchai COSTA RICA te joy and complete harmo Royal welcome the Atlet Voice bids him.
que regirá desde el 26 de Abril de 1937 hasta nuevo aviso TUTTO (EL PRESENTE HORARIO ANULA TODOS LOS ANTERIORES) Arias RUMBO AL ESTE (LEA PARA ARRIBA)
RUMBO IL OESTE (LEA PARADAJO) 10 Diario Diario excepla tetor Diario Domingos Duming ESTACIONES Demingo selementa Diario Diario Diano Diario everplo Domingos Diario excepto Domingos Dario Domingo solamente From Page ter Square with the tradirom nal formula Annuntio they gaudium magnum habemus re tificem. meaning, It is great joy that announce have a Pontiff. Then he nounces the name of the Ca nal elected and the name he will be known as Pope. Te Usually the Pope himself pears on the same balcony terward to give his blesse Urbi et orbi to the cits the world.
Cup HARVEST THANKSGIVING al SERVICE SO Ho Hores Tous altores Horus Horas horas bci Hore 00 10 14 30 14 40 VU Horas 10 30 1038 Horan 15 15 15 07 Hors 15 55 15 45 tores 10 13 10 14 40 14 54 15 34 15 41 10 30 23 745 LIMON MOIN JUNCTION MOIN JUNCTION CASTRO.
ZENT ESTRADA 15 45 15 25 14 30 14 10 10 03 45 00 851 15 41 1546 16 50 16 58 45 00 40 948 10 38 11 25 11 30 12 25 12 31 MOIN JUNCTION ESTRADA MATINA SIQUIRRES LA JUNTA 15 07 14 20 14 15 13 35 13 20 13 45 13 51 14 10 13 45 12 15 11 25 51 16 47 37 30 25 Su The Port Limon Division 10 the Universal Negro Impre a men Ascociatiin will be cel ting their annual Harvest the tival tomorrow March 26th.
It is reported that a 1sic and rich prograr has been prepared, and 14 who attend will be well tained. cordial invitation been extended to the genera blic.
1805 18 35 15. 25 16 00 16 10 GUACIMO JUNCTION GUAPILES TORO AMARILLO 040 600 50 30 00 RECENT DEATH 948 li 00 12 00 12 35 13 15 13 45 14 25 14 45 15 10 15 45 600 640 15 750 15 11 55 28 955 12 31 13 30 14. 00 14 28 14 50 15 08 15 36 15 55 16 22 16 45 LA JUNTA PERALTA TURRIALBA TUCURRIQUE JUAN VIÑAS SANTIAGO PARAISO CARTAGO TRES RIOS SAN JOSE HEREDIA ALAJUELA 13 20 12 24 1153 11 25 11 05 10 46 10 20 10 05 28 18 15 18 JO 17 37 17 14 1G 54 16 29 16 17 15 45 15 15 11 25 10 10 25 35 800 23 53 35 600 30 00 17 15 17 40 18 10 55 730 00 The many friends of late Elmos Grant and of the family who are with us, will very much gret the information Miss Alma, the youngest the daughters died on 19th. instant in the San de Dios Hospital San where she had been a palla for many months.
The Atlantic Voice of its sincere sympathy to Cyril Grant and the other rowing relatives.
Tors Horse Horas Horas Horas Hores HO Horas RIO BANANO RAMAL DE CAIRO RAMAL DE INDIANA RAMAL DE MONTE VERDE RUMBO AL ESTE ROMEO AL OESTE Les cara abai Martes Sbodo ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE Les par le para a Martes Mercoles Sabado olamente ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESIE the carriba la para ahol Miercoles Sabado solante solamente ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE Laatste para Sabato sate ESTACIONES lor Horas Iloras oras 30 13 10 14 10 14 40 Bananito Beverly Limon Horas 50 05 30 Toras 14 00 14 OG 141 14 55 Siquirres La Junta Cairo Junction Golden Grove 16 15 16 10 16 05 15 20 Horas 40 50 10 35 Dorotea Carmen Siquirres 15 20 15 55 Hluto 14 50 14 15 820 45 La Perla Monteverde rapu Siquirres 16 10 14. 00 Horst More Hora fores Ras Heres New Pope Uses Elec Razor VATICAN, City Pius XII whose modern dencies rival even those his predecessors, shaves self with an electric razor cording to his barber, oL Evangelisti CHITTENDEN, SHEEHY, GERENTE SUPENGENTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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