
Saturday, March 25th 1939 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 25th gur comt CARDUI When Shall We Witness the Deciding Game betA GALA FUNCTION Costa Rica Soda Those who attended the on four seater tables which NQ MILK PROBLEM WITH ME fanction held under the aus were, of course, covered with lices of the Ladies Social De choice linen. The entire funcWATER FACTORY Gartment of the Costa Rication was carried through with IN YOUR KITCHEN!
Burial Scheme et in Association, much splendour in keeping Fábrica de Hielo be bn the night of Tuesday the with the high prestige for 144th instant, if they be appre which the excellent and whoerity iative and reasonable, should lesome entertainments of the y Refrescos Save left in gay spirits, as a Association have long been thesult of the very interesting noted.
by the ind pleasurable programme Limón berf songs. piays and musical our, tems presented to them.
FLORIDA ICE AND tually Much amusement was proregaloked by the duel Rag time FARM CO.
nos song contest between seven aber dadies and four gentlemen.
e conteach group endeavoured LA FLORIDA to ident, sut sing the other, but as a dings sonsequence of their numFábrica de Hielo for women who ideasers, the ladies finally whipare run down and whosed the gents. It was indeed Venta de Leche suffer from WITH a supply of Klim fresh milk. Or you can use their great treat. The crowning periodic y Maderas in your kitchen you it dry in your cooking Levent was the Ice cream and need never worry about the same way you use salt, discomfort e Cake party so daintily served Eetting or keeping fresh sugar, or flour. The natural milk. For, Klim is pure, flavor and full nourishment full cream milk, powdered are all there in Klim, only citis Wireless News and packed by an exclusive Be National Lottery First Prize Now 40. 000 water has been removed, sanitary process so that it nothing added.
tr Viene de la pág. will keep indefinitely withKlim is economical behtwl As will be noticed by out refrigeration.
the. 100 and the C50 classes. It It will be a twin engined mocause none is ever wasted.
that plan for the drawing of the strue that they have added noplane 140 feet across the And Klim supplies you Order Klim today.
dable our National Lottery to with fresh, pure milk just take two to the 50 class, but four wing and 75 from nose tu tail.
BUCHAREST The shootas you need it. Mix Klim ce leliplace on the 2nd. of April the have been taken from the 200 with water and you have rice first or Grand Prize has been class and two from the 100. ing of a German citizen by a ath exraised to the Sum of Forty Hence, while the first prize has Jew at Brasov caused concern The Milk That keeps.
hambhousand Colones.
been made more attractive by in the Rumanian Capital, whe me When, about a month or so the sum of five thousand colo re King Carol has taken the And Keeps Its Natural Flavor ago, it was learned that the Jun nes, the number of individual lead in a Balkan struggle to es Sa in charge of the affairs of or distinct prizes has been re cape complete German poliithe Lottery, were considering duced by four. We hardly belie cal and economic domination. certain changes in the existing ve these present changes will, The German was repoted in a scheme, we hoped that apart under such conditions, produce grave condition. Some sources e Infrom increasing the first prize, the desired results. We would believed Germans might re ween the Vesubio and Limon Junior for the antio they would provide a few mo suggest a reconsideration of the gard the shooting which took President Trophy?
bemare smaller ones of say the entire matter.
place one hundred miles north It is west of Bucharest, as an inter Our sporting public are venational incident.
We suggest that Major DOUDE CRICKET NEWS FROM ABROAD en ben ry anxious to witness the de Lynch and his Advisory BoOTTAWA Prime Minister the a MacKenzie King told the Hou ciding game between the Velard consult the Managers of came English Bowlers fail in the 105. He was finally clean bowl. se of Commons that Canada subio and Limon Junior for the two Teams with a view of Pope Test at Durban, South Africa ed by Perks with as in swin was ready id consult humanitarian the magnificent Ball which helping their with imee South Africans piled up huge ger when he had reached his Great Britain and other coun tes, donated for the winnerferers in Chile. Might it not His Excellency, don Leon Corlefforts in the cause of the sufnakon score in their first inning: Van 125. Vanderbyl was a well tries on co operation o halt a of the match played in ho be possible to arrange for the is bildesbyr Top scorer with 125 played defensive inning. His ggression. He added that Parins. He was bowled by Perks. 125 took him about four and liament must decide any action nour of himself, and Party game to be played on Sunday a half hours and included a six Canada may take, but he had on the 22nd January last. afternoon the 2nd. of April?
Captain Wally Hammond of and eleven fours. The ever no doubt what the decision Is has been talked around The Exercise would, we are England Team, despite his alert Ames, Englend demon would be if Great Britain were our city that SGIVINE the powerful sure, draw a big crowd, and bowling tactics failed to stop wicket keeper, was well positio attacked.
Vesubio would be guilty of taking a general collection the South Africans from scorned behind the wickets. To be TOKYO An carthquake shady spectacles as protec from all angles, quite a tidy ing in their first inning in a continued. described as the strongest in tion from the rays of the Ju sum could be raised to help Divisi pley to a finish Test Match five years, rocked Southern Ja nior Bon Fire. but we Limon contribution to SO The first day of the Engagepan onthe 22nd. destroying can hardly believe it. deserving a Cause.
be cmentSouth Africa lost two communications and power li wickets for 229 runs. When the Trade on Increase nes, and damaging hundreds of REMINDER sGame was resumed on the se homes. The number of casualond day. 12, 000 spectators we MANAGUA, Nicaragua. ties, if any, was not known.
The Big TAG DAY is only ly de troyed a large section of Te present. When stumps were President Anastasio Somoza eight days distant. Throughout that Republic.
dwn due to. failing light, announced that three large all Saturday, April 1st. the fi Tag Sellers will invade eveand South Africa hed lost a total hotels would be constructed Hearty Welcome re will be burning and will ry town and vicinity along the wickets for the two in León, Granada and San Among the many who are not be extinguished till a leats Estrella Valley and Main Lines day ssncounter for a score of Juan Del Sur for tourists who expected here today by the seven thausand of those tags ha on Saturday April 1st.
423 runs. The report further are coming to Nicaragua ins. Taiamanca is Mrs. Lucy Sy ve been sold in our City this stated that on the second day increasing numbers.
rett, the esteemed wife of our according to the decision of of pley Fiammond re introduc Tourist traffic, said the widely known citizen, Mr. Wi the Salvation Army AdvisoRELIEVE de Farne. with Tast stull. Ho President, is a source of sub lliam Syrett, who now resides hy Board.
brever, the South African Bats stantial revenue, and we des in the old Capital. Cartago. It is everybody business to TIRED men were tied to the wickets ire foreigners to know our Mrs. Myrett is returning help raise funds in order that from a as and Farnes, who was kicking country.
vacation of several we may send our financial aid and ball frequently, hit Van large steamer will be months spent with her son, dau to the thousands of our fellow derbyl on several occasions. bought for tourist traffic on ghters and other relatives in creatures who are still sufferprincipally ing in Chile for the went of mo Ouly 17 runs were made for Lake Mannagua, which is ni the United States Marine soothes the first hour play and Vander nety miles long and forty mi in the interests of her health food, clothing or, home, as the and refreshes bsl was at the wicket for our result of the 32les wide. The lake would be in extending Mrs. Syrett ferrible irritated eyes.
carth EYES minutes before he able to an important sector if a Nica warmest welcome we sincerely shocks which almost complete. Use it daily.
Sun add to his overnight score of raguan canal is constructed.
hope she has not only thoroughly enjoyed her stay abroad Oui now fully restored to her LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA dod gcod health.
AVISO NOTICE (Previously. SAITA The best Assortment of First Class los comerciantes y público Merchants and the Public BOOTH LUMBER ON THE MARKET en general, se les avisa, que generally are advised that desde el lunes 13 del presen from MONDAY. 13th. instTHE PEOPLE BAKERY Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas te mes, se dará comienzo a ant will commence the reaBEST la realización de la existen lization of the Entire FIRST LAUREL and CEDAR BAKED tia de mercaderias de pri CLASS STOCK of Goods in BERLIN mera clase de la conocida the well known Store, WE BUY LOGS BREAD casa BUNS APARTADO. 197 NOVEDADES RAMIREZ NOVEDADES RAMIREZ. Box 179 Limón BISCUITS CAKES Sow Mill located in Siquirres Nicaragua Tourist Tare well EYES TE atina FOR YOUR ounge Sur hy Elec modern athas Shares Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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