
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK We do not always percei with our own, may be made ve that even the writing of by us the performance of a note of congratulation, the most sacred and blessed ubration of something in work. even the earrying tended as an offering of a out, after our feeble measuTieetion, our necessary in re, of the design of Cod, for tercourse with characters the increase of happiness.
which have no congeniality THE ATLANTIC VOICE Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA APRIL, Ist.
NO 239 war a THE NATURALIZATION OR NATIONALIZATION OF THE Wireless News WAR DRUMS MAY SOON BE ROLLING THROUGHOUT CHILDREN BORN OF BRITISH NATIONALS SHANGHAI. The most EUROPE intensive fighting of the past Following the trend of the territory, the problem has beco five months of the China war It has come to our knowledge that o special Committee has been formed with a view of furthering is in progress 120 to 150 mi happenings during the past few me so aggravated that there is the les southwest and southeast days, we are of the conviction no saying how soon the clash that the drums of idea of Mr. Nesbett, and impressing it on the minds of It has all may may take place.
of Hankow, as the consequen been known, of courthe boys and girls bom here of British Nationals who ce of a major Japanese offen shortly be rolling throughout along all The Europe.
that persistent se, the Italian Preare now without any national status.
sive. The casualties on It is most important both threats against the Peace have mier was awaiting the that they seek legal citizenship under the Costa Rican Gosides are reported very heanow reached such heights that final victory of the Nationalists vernment where they first sow vy.
the light of day The it is hardly posible for an ef in Spain to press forward his advantages obtainable are manifold. As legal citizens the fective backing down to be ac demands, as he felt that with PARIS Informed diplodoor of opportunity would swing wide to them.
complished by any of the aggres his forces lined up in the vicimats expressed belief that sive groups The expressions nity of France frontier with Time marches on, and our material world is bound to France would press demands which have eminated from Rc Spain, his position would be undergo a change. This is in the making. Because of the for the early withdrawal of me. Berlin, Paris and London greatly strengthened. It would, unsettled conditions of nations and governments, labour Italian forces from Spain as during the last seventy odd however, seem as if the French must rise from its lethargy.
a sequel to the capitulation hours give every indication In activity must put on actiare determined to call a hault of Madrid to General Franco that the cri is has reached its to the territorial aspirations of vity. There must be the bloom of a new life. We cannot armies. Both France and Bri acme and the explosion may ta 11 Duce.
always be sentimental. Let us acquire understanding and tain have prepared maesures ke place at any moment.
Although the Soviet Union we will, without doubt, receive intelligent and sympathetic to cope with the new situaGreat Britain and France ha has been keeping rather quiet consideration.
tion presented by the triumph ve officially disclosed their in since her international confeTruly has it been said that before all lands, in east of the Nationalists. It appe tention of going to the assistan rence proposition did not matt ared that Britain chief obce of Poland should she be for rialize, it is nevertheless known or west or any other point on the surface of the earth, one jective is to re assert her in ced to take up arms against the site has been gathering large should love his native land the best. The impressiveness fo fluence over Spain and keep aggressive acts of Germany. It numbers of her air forces and ot these words should be uppermost in the minds of our color the Rome Berlin Axis from has also been stated, in well het war machines in the vicini ed young generation, Although our economic conditions dominating Franco.
informed circles, that a simi ty of her western frontier, and show no signs of immediate improvement, yet very pleasing lar assurance has been given as she has declared her intenreports from abroad are attracting our thoughts.
PRAGUE Anti Semitic Rumania.
tion of not participating in Prediction is pregnant with the growing importance of the Weslaws, patterned after the Nazi As a consequence of Mussoli war against Democracy, her acNurenberg and Moravia by ni recent speech in which he tivities may well be regarded tern Hemisphere. Defence of the United States of Ame. the national Assembly. The outlined his determinations re as a further aid to the stand ta rica presses the early construction of the Nicaraguan Canal, recommendation was consi garding his Colonial demands, ken by England, France, Poland and the national Congress has been asked for an approdered tantamount to acceptan and the later re iteration of the and Rumania.
priation of 27, 000, 000 to be spent on an extra set of ce by the government mem French Foreign Minister of The situation has arrived at bers, some of whom partici his government refusal to ce its most serious stage, and the Locks for the Panama Canal, while the suggestion has been pated in formulating it. The de a single square inclo of her worst may come about at any made for the acquistion of the Coco and Galapagos Islands national Assembly is a Commoment.
by that nation on which to construct fortifications for the mittee of Fifty named to rebetter protection of the existing Isthmian Woterway. place the Parliament.
THE CLOSE OF THE SPANISH WARFARE We believe the proposed works, in so far as those in connection with the Panama Canal are concerned will be MOSCOW. The CommAs the result of the negotia ths, passed on Wednesday last pushed forward unist Party Organ says that tions initiated by the National into the hands of Generalisimo Panama may not be able to adcquotely Germany economic gains in Defence Council after assuming Franco.
fill labour requirements, and as we are very close and Rumania foreshadowed an at control of affairs, the shell torn freindly neighbours, probably thousands of our stalwart tempt to reduce Poland and youngmen, who now contemplate nothing at all, may be Lituania to the status of Ger city of Madrid, the symbol of the attacking forces for nearly Republican resistence during twenty nine months the Cengiven preference over the more distant ones.
With legal man dependencies by a simi the thirty two months of the tral Army, on this eventful Costa Rican citizenship, they would be fully armed for iar method. The paper com savage de tructive civil war, day, withdrew from the lines mented that Free Zones migration either individually or collectively. Many of their mentioned in a German Pu of all Europe or so many mon which had menaced the peace of defence and hoisted white forcbears laboured and died there leaving records of skill, To page 11 manian trade agreement reaendurance and efficiency on the files of the governing auched in Bucharest recalled to (TO PAGE 11)
mind the foreign concessions introduced in the past by foreign imperialists in China.
By similar methods, it was ROYAL NETHERLAND stated, Hitler no doubt will try to convert Poland and LiSERVICIO DE VAPORES thuania into dependent countries and introduce a semicolonial regime.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana WASHINGTON. The Com merce Department report that Llevando café para todos los puertos during the first two months Europeos y Americanos of 1939 the American people VAPORES PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: SALIDAS had a substantially larger real income. The department said that income of all indiQUIRIGUA Abril viduals from wages, salaries, JAMAICA Abril dividends, interest, relief payVERAGUA Abril 16 ments and income from enterprise, totalled 5, 090. 000, 000 during. February. This OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 was 115, 000, 000 above February 1938. Income ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
paym ents during the first two Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG months of 1939 placed more income in the hands of the Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la people than in January and February of 1938 which, alUNITED FRUIT COMPANY ong with a three percent loen los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
wer co. of living this year provided a substantially lar TELEFONO 1 6 AGENTES EN LIMON: ger real income, the report said.
Tarxist revolutionary ſelipe Alvarado Co. Sucs. at gas and fixed bayonets to re QUITO, Ecuador. Govern ternpt had been quelled by te striking students and tex ment officials assert that alrederal police who used teartile workers.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY STEAMSHIP CO. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
COLOMBIA. 31 Marzo

    Civil WarDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismNazismSovietSpainURSS

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