
BOOTH national Pan American lea gue convention will be held in The members of the Marine THE PEOPLE BAKERY God pot country, happy lit coffee season by bankers on the San Francisco on Pan American Benevolent Association unveiled last BEST tle Costa Rica. as its inhabi curb, biding being conducted on day, April 14, she stated with Thoir Embematic Chart BAKED presence tants call it, was described gra a basis of good United States Western Women building head Monday night in the BERLIS phiesity for Pan American leagold quarters and the Fairmount ho of a representative gathering, BREAD gue at its luncheon meeting. Life is divided between busi tel setting for a grand ball. Ses splendid programme consis BUNS San Diego, California Tues nes and plearure, he indicated, sions will be held on Treasure ting of ddres es, by Represen tatives from many of the FraP. Box 173. Limon dny March 7th, in hospitality st 12:30 all offices being closed Island.
DISCUITS CAKES House by Charles Otis, who and remaining so until late in Mrs. Robert Masters, ceafts Iernal Societies, onthems, solos spent many months in its capithe afternoon while the men chairman, announced that the and recitations, were the usual airs.
tal. San José, in the banking mount their horses and ride usual meeting of her depart concert version of the evening ne savati Army for field with abort casusiness about ment would be omitted and in exercise. The function was pre Bernard was re ponsible Oveelooked by the Spanish the city park where gorgeous vited luncheon guests to go with sided over by Major Lynch of the well prepared musical pro the conjust, since it is set irls sit on the stone walls, os her group after Tuesday Bramme sell, the country on toinen ibly plying ticedless or luncheon to view the textiles it. personality, he said, reading.
and lace exhibit at the Fine and pursues ils leisurely, proArts gallery IS FOREVER LOST: Edna Prons. ocals way of life Mrs. Maurice Herschel, prest Sylvester gorgeous DON MISS THIS! OPPORTUNITY PAST in nuruul barmogy. San José dent presided, introducing a dramatic soprano, heard in sev on a cool, high plateau, which number of distinguished guests, eral big numbers, highlighted Big Excursion to Bocas del Toro and Almirante makes it the resort of people reversl of whom have lived in the luncheon. She was accomfrom the lowlands around it, South America. Plans for the panied at the piano by Charles The Big launch Bocas del Toro will leave Limon at has a population of but 60, 000, Pen American flesta of the lea Satun Preceding the program, 10:00 Satu day, April 29th, and returning will leave yet has the finest theater in the gue, now definitely set for Mrs. Fufus Choate, official piaBocas on Monday evening May 1st: everybody will be going world. It was built because we April 14, she announced, at nist, played the US and Costa then why not you? Lile without pleasure is no life at all.
hed the money, why not spend going forward rapidly under Kican national ainthems.
The Cubs and Motive Power Baseball teams will be there it for beauty? a typical attiwith a Will to whip the best teams that Almirante and tude, he found. Its people are GALAPAGO. REMINISCENCE Boeas can present and for this your presence is so much well dressed much in the Ameneeded to give them courage: rican fashion, are corteous, cul. Alout 36 years ago Mesrs their individual constitution.
The price rond trip is only twenty five colones includand fond of athletics. Its Mc Donald and Shea contrac This exneed them to the exing identification paper: The accomodation is very limited, buildings are much like ourted a considerable number of acting demands of the Finso book today by making a deposit with Mr. Oscar Edwards own, but more colorful. Jamaicans to work on the cadores de Haciendas. They at his residence about 75 yards south of the Moderno Theatre!
Much of Costa Rica business Guyaquil. Quito Railway in were forced to live under the Tomorrow you may call in vain! For information you may is conducted on the street be South America. Great were se disadvantages for some ticonsult the following centlemen: cause the offices are too cool, the hardships experienced me, when the chance for exLIDON Messrs. Egbert Polson and Clarence Sankey.
Mr. Tous said, and commented by them and many, not accus cape turned up in the form ZENT Mr. Murdock.
on the thousands of colones tomed to such rigorous out of another contract to work MATINA Mr. Sutton. with a exchange value of door lives, decamped to seek on a farmn at Galapago at a SIQUIRRES Mr. Oliver McIntosh.
four to 1) handled during the occupations more adapted to very fair daily wage. Nine GUACIMO Mr. Lester Lee.
of the unfortunates. five Ja maicans, three Barbadians REMEMBER THE DATESATURDAY APRIL 29th.
and one St. Lucian signed for six months on the promiBIG BARGAINS AWAIT YOU se of a return pass to Ecua AT THE LIBERTY HALL LAST SUNDAY NIGHT dor at the expiration of the at the term. They embarked on their second adventure, but no so Service was a unique success dered with much effectiveThe Harvest Thanksgiving, solos and recitations were ren GREAT CLEARANCE SALE oner had they lost sight of the and gave indication for a gre ness and richness. The voices mainland, sailing for the high at revival of the Division. were not many, but it was at seas, than they discovered they had only got out of the tion Army was the principal interwoven in the Cause Major Lynnch of the Salva evident their spirits were well THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON frying pan and into the fire speaker. He based his address which increased the volume This was unmistakenly ma on Bless ye the Lord of the and melodies of their tones.
nifested on their reaching, Harvest, and touched on mathe Island and informed Mr. Jos. Thomas, in an of the local laws. They realized ny important features of the impromtu address, added his they had practically become past and present accomplish quoto to the importance of ments of the Universal Ne the hour; he seemed to have captives. Three of gro fraTiene de la página UNO) dica muy a las claras, que One died from effects of Te.
venation, apeño, a darle pronta realiza el punto de contacto con el res ill treatment. All might have Effective unification of the one of our Star ElocutionGipsy, insistimos con tenacidad. to del mundo, más apetecible. lended their lives in that fam: scattered Negro Race, was ists, contributed an appropriaie algún día se nos habrá de mejor colocado. Siendo así, al e locality, but for the visit the timeiy topic of Mr. te Poem. With deep inspiraconocer ampliamente. pals le conviene que el puerto one day of the Captain of an Mitchell Association tion and a true recollection Mis fácil es limitarse a in de desembarque del extranje. American Cruiser, when the esid His address was se of the days of yore, Mrs.
rtor noticias, recortes, publico que llega de visita o con men besought him to rescue asoned with the reading of Sinclair one of the pioneer ciones del momento, que ánimo de quedarse e invertir them from their sad state. He several paragraphs of the re nembers of the Division, lead jedan cautivar la atención del su dinero, de una buena im expressed his regrets at not port given by the Blackman the singing of one of the eariblico ávido de sensaciones; presión.
being able to do anything for Magazine, re the Convention lier songs dedicated to Mr.
sro, hay también una obligaargumento irrefuta them then, but promised he held last August at Toronto, Garvey. The audience lustily ón de parte del periodista, de ble en favor de la urgencia de would on returning home, inCanada.
abajar por el bien común, por regar en ayuda de nuestra pro form their government dijoined her in the singing of The several anthems, duets, the chorus.
progreso y la prosperidad de vincia.
plomatic Representative of colectividad a quien sirve. Veamos la estadistica mariti their infortunate condition.
From a point of view of or e o nos situamos en este ma, el documento oficial was Shortly after six months their rescue, though only to numbers, the audience ano, con decisión de conven que fundamos este comentario: had passed the British Minis meet more trying difficulties, pleasing as well as the dos.
Fondearon en gifts.
Limon 304 ter in Washington cabled to for all the British RepresenLimón tuvo el año 38 un menaves con un tonelaje de. the Cónsul in Panamá to have tative could do for them was when extending thanks and Mr. Mitchell remarks, movimiento de vapores: la 922. 966 y 972 pasajeros. the men released and sent to to give each one an axe and sminución fue general en am Fondearon puertos: nos visitaron 35 357 naves con un tonelaje de was passed on to the Vice go down the lagoons on a ba network of the Association, Puntarenas: their homes. This instruction a machete, with the advice to encouragement for co operation through the organized sidades menos el año pasado. 664. 871 y 663 pasajeros. Consul in Ecuador and funds landra (raft. cut wood and to con todo, el mayor movi El año 1937 hubo un movi placed at at his disposal for sell it to pay their way out.
were listened to with uninterento de pasajeros correspon miento de 696 naves y el 38 the purpose;and so for the rupted earnestness. Altogetnuestro puerto. Esto in solamente de 661.
second time, they secured Eugene Roper her it was indeed a pleasurable and inspiring function.
ATRACANDO MENOR. Old sufferng they endured with much hope for the futu grance of the Division rejues the Es un en en Lic. Daniel Zelecón nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso de su recibo que dice: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena de tener que cortar su servicio.
We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of receipt which reads: This bill must be paid at our office before the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not oblige us to suspend our service, a step which we would much regret to take.
Abogado y COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Notaris Público Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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