
Ard Zea NA pa an pro IN he ol Budweis 14 PANCRESALETS a ed words. Motion is another ELOCUTION. AN ART, NOT SENTIMENT great thing which requires So many uncomplimentary ent establishing communica close observation. The action remarks have been brought tion between a speaker and should suit the word in a naBUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de to my attention. since the his or her audience is com tural way. awkward, strain experiencia en su elaboración.
Championship Challenge Conprehended. The elocutionist tul and ungraceful movem La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de test at the Arrasty Theatre, should possess the knowled ents should be avoided. The that decided to offer a few ge that the immediate effect speaker must confine hims.
hints, educationally, to those is not on the matter recited, elf or herself, as far a possiLa popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerof my friends who, apparen but on the delivery whichble, to see that Gesture reigns vecería mayor del mundo.
tly, have been viewing it sen, nables a great Reciter to and not tyranize No motion timentally ri, her than intel way the hearers, and thus should be made unless promtlectually and comprehensive lead their minds to retain aed by some impulse. Exce sAhora se consigue en latitas doradas.
asting impression. The obje: ive indulgence in anything It would ill become me to tive should be to study all is a vice. and this holds true COMO BUDWEISER remain silent and allow evil ne rules of the Art. The Elo with Elocution.
ninguna influence on so valuable utionist or public speaker Finally. desire to reeducative asset to gain gro hould learn to pronounce commend to the attention of und against those who possessvards properly though those who may not be well regarded to Gesture. a vell unciation alone will not renacquainted with or proficithe knowledge and sense of aer a recitation fully effectient in the Art, to remember appreciation. I, therefore, de ve. Voice pitch and Delivery that the Subject matter shosire to impart some of the tenut not be neglected. The uld be recited in such a manLIMON TRADING C!
nets of the fine Art; and it Reciter ought to be careful might perhaps be well to be not to think of self, the deli ner that, those to whom the DISTRIBUIDORES gin by referring to the words ery of his or her voice, but words are delivered cen understand them without uneaof the eminente Apostle St. of what is under recital. With அத யத Paul, who as Saul of Tarsus, egarded to Gesture. a wellsiness and with pleasure and sat at the feet of the learnedrained speaker can easily uti with them in such a way that interest; and be impressed Camaliel. In his Epistle to lize a natural and appropria their reasons may lead them the Colossians he wrote Let te gesture by maintaining a to gladly accept the equitable SOUTH AFRICANS SET ENGLISH CRICKETERS your speech be always with proper carriage of the body judgment of those who are grace seasoned with salt. He with grace and expressiven always selected by reason of RECORD SCORE TO BEAT not only wrote the words but ass. The value of pause or their intellectual qualificatably expressed a similar opi break to empha ize important ions. Continued from last Week Issue)
nion in the address he delive points should be strictly adLet us have more Elocution red on Mars Hill in Athens. hered to as a means of powerContests.
In the face of a continuous was clean bowled by the pacy Those who would take the fully arresting the attention drizzle, South Africa completed Perks. His inning was a demons pains to read it will find it of the hearers to the expectJOS. THOMAS her Ist. inning for 530 runs; tration of all round solidity and a marvel as well as a model thus beating her previous re lasted three hours and twentyof oratorial tact and force.
cord of 513 for lignt declared tive minutes.
The human voice can sur. Puerto Rico And Virgin.
against England in 1931, and When. South Africa took the pass all other known instrusecuring an exceedingly good field Mitchell appeared to be ments in variety of tone, pro. FROM PAGE 9)
kes San Juan and indeed all of start in this the fifth and final suffering from a strained leg.
vided that basic human elem that lenda charm that ma Puerto Rico, a truly romantic Test of the pre ent Tour. England opened with Hutton place, one that cannot be dupli The game was resumed bero and Gibbs, the latter getting Blessing for Humanity cated under the American flag, re a crowd of 000 et Durham, caught just before the tea in which has flown over Puerto and on a wicket unaffected by terval by Grievson behind the Rico for forty years. In all thea hec vy over night rain. Nour wickets. The score was 14 for hu tle and bustle of this thrivse and Gricvson for the Ho one, Paynter joined Hutton and ing metropolis, even the casual mesters continued balting, and toth were batting when a stea visitor can sens ethat he walks soon 450 were on the tins When dy downpour of rain forced amidst the handiwork of centu the score reached 522 Grievcon clo. e of play.
ries. He can see it, too, in edifi the only activated efficacious ces that remain staunch and end ia: greens in the bottom sunken gerden and shaded ter golier race are a delight to any visi peroral treatment fo strong even to this day. Stron of old meats. Many a and most all has made the trip to Puerto Ritor. La Fortaleza is the residen the e is mighty El Morro For co pust to play this strange but ce of the present governor of tresse completed in 1606. some magnificent course. And after Puerto Rico as it has been for years after it was begun. the game, the player wants to every govrenor of Puerto RiEven before El Morro was wander around the sprawling, co for 300 years. Its gardens completed, its guns routed Dra fortress to see its walls, the dun are the pride of the city, with ke mighty fleet. The marks on geons, barred and gioomy, and great hedges of gardenias and its walls bear mute, yet elo to gaze at the thick stone stair huge flamboyant trees makquent, testimony to the can ways that skirt the dizzily ing of it a tropical Eden, but nonballs that crashed against high walls. El Morro is a sight one easily attainable.
them in vain. Today its an and a experience not soon for There are modern buildings cient walls shelter the 56th gotten.
too, of which San Juan is Infantry, composed of seur Casa Blanca is another visi proud the Carnegie Library, ry Puerto Rican soldiers. The ble example of San Juan an the Cara pana or Spanish DE VENTA EN TODAS LAS BOTICAS approach is a sloping hillside, cient spirit. It is the oldest ha Club, with its cool patio and the fairway of one of the bitable building in the New shaded swimming pool, the bea 4, 000 YEARS OLD SKULL TREPANNED world mot unusual golf cour World today and houses the tiful domed Capitol building ses. This course has its tees on commander of the United Sta and the splendid School of Tro skeleton found near Long the operation, is to be presentop of the ancient battlements, tes troops in Puerto Rico. Its pical Medicine.
Crichel, in Dorset England, isted to the Royal College of Sur that of a primitive man whose geons.
skull was operated upon with The skeleton was found by Mr surgical instruments of flint and Mrs. Stuart Piggott, nearly 000 years ago.
archaeologist, who are excava It was announced at a meeting ancient burial grounds on ting at Dorset County Museum, the Downs before the Air Minis Dorche ter, that the skull, which try take over the site as a bom is complete and bears marks of bing renge.
Mr. Piggott exbibited photo LIMON BRANCH THE HEREDIA. graphs of the skull showing Ecratches made by the surgeon flints. He said a circular piece ring a close shuffle at mid of bone, 14 inches across, was Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its departfield.
cut, removed and replaced. The After the intermission the existence of such technique et ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for Huddle was spectacular that time was remarkable.
The Referee had to signal so At the Royal College of Surdirect disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainmany fouls that the Field be geons, Mr. Piggott said, he had able and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the came veritable Poultry ex nined a similar operation Farm. Almost by a freak in performed on a skull about 1860 building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. cidert, when but fifteen mi and the operation was no betnutes remained for play, Veter. In fact, it was slightly worThe Bank is willing to make cash advances on the consubio broke their Ducks. se than that done on this primi The beautiful Ball was won tive man, who lived about 1900 signments to those Producers who may need same.
by Heredia after one of the With the skeleton most aggressive, bitter, fistic found a pottery vessel which encuonters we have witnessed indicated the date of the skelet in many a day.
Si Ilon.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss DIABETES mellitus Regular reduction of sugar excretion 3mproved tolerance for carbohydrates No undesirable after effects twc EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA a was


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