
SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. 1939.
Arthur Dunn, New York at It is estimated that Louisia Mr. Durin reiterated his pretorney and economist, who has na can produce three crops out diction that domestic tung oil THE SAME FINE MILK FROM ME!
Coleted a recent tour of sout of five, whereas Florida growers production may well be develo heastern States to get firsthand believe they can get five crops ped into a 50. 000. 000 indusinformation about the tung in out of six. However, the excel try, affording direct employdustry, announce he is tre lence of Louisiana soil would ment for 50. 000 persons in the mendously impressed with the make for higher yields at less South. possibilities of tung production expense, and there is much mo He made his inspection tour in Louisiana.
re land suitable for tung in this for clients interested in investHe was the guest of Samuel state. Mr. Dunn is convinced ing large sums of money in the Zemurray of New Orleans, at that the tung industry can be new industry.
Mr. Zemurray lodge north of developed on a much larger sca (From the New Orleans Hammond, where 000 acres of le in Louisiana than Florida, Item. land are being stumped in preparation for planting tung trecs.
POWDERED He also viewed a three yearNEW MINISTER ARRIVED FOR METHODIST WHOLE MILK old, 000 acre grove of tung DENOMINATION nacht trees near Rogalusa, which; he raid, is about the best growth The morning and evening, ment on Monday evening next, he has seen.
services at the Methodist the 3rd. instant, welcome ad Louisiana has much fine Church tomorrow will be con dresses will be extended well adapted for tung trees. he ducted by the Rev. Hol. Rev. and Mrs. Holmes. All are observed. am convinced the mes, the new resident Mini: ter cordially invited.
land is better for the purpose for the Circuit.
than Florida s, but, on the otThere will be a service at The Atlantic Volcc adopts milk nourishment and rich KLIM never varies in her hand, Florida appears to ha 30 for the Rose of Ok this medium to bid them a joquality, purity, and nat flavor. You simply mix ve a slightly better climate in vet Lodge, Modern Order of yous welcome. They will we ural milk favor.
Klim with water as you Le sections for tung Bethany, at which the Rev. doubt not, find ouf blimate need fresh milk. The rest Chinn will be the preacher. ideai, the panoramic view exIt is pure, full cream milk, will keep for weeks even This will probably be the Re citing much admiration, our go powdered and packed by an aiter the tin has been opened.
verend gentlemen last public vernment purely democratic exclusive sanitary process There is no waste. So service here, it is hoped there with equity, and our citizenry so that it will keep without si Klim is economical. Order will be a large attendance. amiable and charitable in all refrigeration. Only water Klim today.
At the Silver Tree entertain respects.
is removed nothing added.
Klim gives you all the THE HEREDIA VESUBIO FOOTBALL GAME The Milk That Keeps.
Cardui helps to relieve With Carlos Vilchez sta chance for victory was very And Keeps 14s Natural Flavor functional pains of men rring as Goal keeper for He doubtful.
struation; and, in cases redia and the aggressive, An extraordinary amount of malnutrition, it aids skilful defence of his comra of Fistie Pepper Sauce was in building up the wholo des, it was noticed, from the served during the game. What OUR CHICLE INDUSTRY system by helping wom earlier part of the game vengeance they must have en to get more energy which took place last Sunday been hoarding to warrant from their food alternoon, that Although up to this we are trees which produce the gum Vesubio such unwelcomed displays of not aware that any of the required for the widely fights and fistic encounters known and popular Chcle during the ninety minutes of play, is better known to both Vesubio for sudenly the game to be found in this Zone, we or Chewing Gum Trade, are ITALY FOREIGN POLICY DEFINED teams. It was certainly not turned into a perve tingling nevertheless give the followthe badge of sportsmen, par one, as they stormed up to Premier Mussolini has officia, pal points. Adherence to the ticularly when so praisewor secure a tie goal; but Vilchezing information regarding the terms under which the govlly deciared that Ialy Colo German Pact and cpposition to thy an interest is taken by baffled them. For speed, atel problem with France con any Democratic coalition for our sport loving public. In tack defence and accurate erment is prepared to permit exploitation on National of her chaime upon Tuni med aganist it. Persuance with keeping with the laws of hu placing of the ball, Heredia sia, Djibouti ant die Suez Ca the her Colonial Demands. man nature, the aspiring Se had things all their own way be read with much interest by lands, as we feel sure it will nal. This is the first occasion refusal to take any action to cond Commander of our City Perhaps it was excessive beon which the much discussed co a large number of our citizword procuring a leifgthened Constabulary, who donated wilderment which provoked lonial demands against France Peace, so necessary for Euro the prize, must have experi the severe rounds of fistic ens.
have been accorded official pean civilization, until Italy enced a reduction of the high Pepper Sauce dished out. For sanction.
According to the regulatisacred rights are recognized. degree of offering originally a second time Vesubio tried ons recently published, our In his speech during the cele Protection of her interests in possessed by him.
their best, but they could not Central Government, is prebration of the twentleth anni the Mediterranean and Adria In the first half of the play, penetrate, their opponents pared to rent the lands on versay of Fascism, the Dictator tic Seas, which are held to be Heredia got off with a flying were masters of the situation which the Nispero and sialso stressed the point that For predominant, though not exclu start and registered the first and slipped another goal du milar gum producing, trees ce is the keynote of the Fascist ding Slay interests. contipolicy, and deciared his coun nuance of re arming at all costs was, apparently, too tame for goal within ten minues. This are located to nationals and To Page 10. foreigners, who have resided try foreign activites will be in view of her belief that force guided by the following princi governs international relations: PTOS CAJ CAT here for more than ten years.
in traets not exceeding 100 hectareas after the rate of la UNIQUE DRAMATIC PLAY thorities in the construction of the great one colon per hectarea per Engineering Feat.
annum, Leases will not be in the realm of commerce, the unselfish dealer seeks the granted for more than twel SCENES FROM HIAWATHA best goods, we think this condition also holds true with ve months, but are renewable.
labour The rays of the tropical sun have but little ill The extraction of the gums combined with the Melody of Fair Minnehata effect on the colored man and he is possessed of certain will not be permitted during quathe months of January, Fe will be staged at the Catholic School Hall lities which are not easily equalled in manual labour. As bruary and March. The cutMAY 1st. 1939 o wage earner the coloured man must advance. The woying of other trees and the reCome and enjoy a delightful Programme to opportunity has been chartered out, and those most con moval of lumber are strictly General Admission. 0. 50 cerned should act quickly and wisely, as time and tide prohibited. The Department wait for no one.
Our advice to our young generation, the of Tributación Directa will offspring of British nationals, is to get their Constitutio be directly in charge of the matter, but applications for THE CLOSE OF THE SPANISH WARFARE rol rights from our government.
leases should be directed the Minister of Hacienda. From Page le all public services are beina This decision is the outco flags the signal of the virtual reintugurated and the populace LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA me of an application by a fo end of the warfare. Not a shot supplied with much needed reign Corporation for specia is said to have been fired as food, etc. Previously SAITA concessions to exploit the in the triumphant troops marched The best Assortment of First Class dustry on national lands ld into the ancient city. All the LUMBER ON THE MARKET cated in the northern sectia Republican leaders RELIEVE are supbof the country, where larg posed to have left the city du TIRED Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Coños y quantities of the trees wer ring the earlier hours of the LAUREL and CEDAR some time ago discoverer day. One of the first acts of the We do hope that we may y vietors was the setting free of WE BUY LOGS hear the pleasing news thi 18. 000 political prisoners and APARTADO. 197 some of these valuable tre Nationalist sympathizers held Murine soothes exist in this Zone, and incat in the prisons. Arrangement and refreshes Sow Mill located in Siquirrest cient quantities to perm are already being made toward irritated eyes.
Ure dolly.
FOR YOUR EYES ploitation along payable the city reconstruction, whies Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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