
a Budweis (From Page 9)
tation by Wall Street and simi BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de larly minded thoroughfares, experiencia en su elaboración.
of serfdom imposed by the Spa In recent boom times Costa niards onthe native Indian po Rica exported up to a record La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de pulation was preserved, to total of 12, 000. 000 bunches of considerable degree, by the con bananas yearly. The depression La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la certinued existence of big estates, pushed down these exports to owned by afew privileged fa 000. 000 bunches a year. Now vecería mayor del mundo.
milies, on which the bulk of the they are up to 000. 000 again people worked under conditions and one is told by hopeful Costa Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
almost equivalent to slavery, Ricans, acting the host at pleaCosta Rica succeeded in forming sant San Jose cafes, that their COMO BUDWEISER considerable body small country will scon exporting ninguna landholders, who, after develop 10. 000. 000 bunches of bananas, ing their holdings during a li and even more, per annunm fetime cf industry, handed them which will mean the return of over to their sons.
the Golden Banana Age.
This has proved an invalua As for coffee, little Costa Rible aid to stability and peace. ca markets, on an everage, 500. The new element knows well 000 sacks yearly of a particularLIMON TRADING CO that it has everything to losely excellent grade, for which and nothing to gain if a small foreignconsumers willingly pay political clique gets control and a high figure. One third of this DISTRIBUIDORES revolutions like those that have coffee, roughly, goes to the Uniso often devastated other Cented States, one third to Britain, y Den tral American republics reach one third to continental Europe out also into Costa Rica, substi especially Germany.
tuting chaos for orderliness. Costa Rica foreign trade For this and kindred reasons, shows a nice balance in her IN THE INTERESTS OF SPORTS successive governments here, favor just now; and, since she only too well aware of the wish continues to keep the expenses es of the bulk of their fellow of her army down and those of Smart new model Last Sunday marked the ed Silver Cup to the Limon citizens, have helped bring to her school teachners up, and her official opening of the 1939 Junior. Vesubio was given a the Costa Rican nation a brand mind on ballots and off bullets, By VERA WINSTON 40 Football League. The pro very costly football, while of political calm and material her future looks rosy. particu gramme was of a very out Gimnastica came in for a meprosperity that causes these nurlarly if the natives maintain the drawer full of lovely standing nature. Quite an ad tal figure mounted on a well tured in the Richard Harding attitude illu trated vividy by the blouses in the goal of every mirable and significant pro poised wooden base.
Davis o. Henry tradition of Cen typical Costa Rican who asked gal who goes in for suits cession made its way from The Atlantic Voice extends tral America to exclaim, az did an American: and don we all? Here are the Park to the Playground. its heartfelt and sincere conthe former when he first saw a What is the most profitable wto exceedingly smart new The participants were first, gratulations to the Limon Jugiraffe: There ain no such ani business in the world. models. The first is of pink the City Band, then Sr. don nior for the progress they mamal. Bananas?
and black striped taffeta with Gonzalo Marin Torres, the de during the past season, and Year in, year out, Costa Rica No.
interesting detail. The stripe Governor Secretary, and trust the Trophy which they sells her coffee and bananas, Coffee?
is used vertically, with three our genial Comandante of Po have now received, may serve pockets as much of the profits No.
diagonally set. in bands a lice; behind them came the as a stimulus for further aas she can get, and minds her What, then?
cross the front. Self. colored President of the League and chievement in the Realm of own business, An ardent desire Peace.
buttons down the front. The his Associates. Then by order Sports. To those who have not to spoil her century old re Shades of Richard Harding second blouse is a dressier of merit the Junior, as the lost, we also desire to offer cord of peace keeps her aloof Davis!
model. It is of white satin 1938. 39 Champions, the Ve an expression of cordial apfrom the rest of Central Ameriwith stitched sections in leat subío, the Heredia, Gimnasti preciation for their efforts, ca. only once in her history Labour Adviser for effect from was she united with the other the neck band, ca, Guapiles and a represen with the hope that they will and two matching flap pock tative number of the Cub endeavour to profit by past Central American republics and Jamaica ets. Two vertical folds meet Baseball Team.
failures and so afford us the seldom since then has she even felt for them anything except at the center from yoke to The Stadium was graced happiness of one day hailing the most superficial friendliness hem.
By the Gleaner we learn with the presence of His Lord them Champions.
they are far too bellicose for that a Labour Adviser for the ship Bishop Odendhal, our Vi her taste! land of Jamaica has been seHUMOR car Apostholic, and one of the Oones cured in the Mother Country at Rev. Fathers, as also a throng Los consejos solamente sirAs for the rest of the outside a suggested salary of 1, 500 of sporting Fans. The Goverven para despertar la curiosiworld, Costa Ricans have few per annum plus 217. 10. toFernando del Barco nor Secretary gave the open dad de los inocentes.
deepseated prejudices and a ge ward his pension.
ing address, and the Director nuine desire to like foreigners This is an entirely now Offiof the local Post Office, who ABOGADO Entre más leemos más and be liked by them. At times ce and has been created as the is the President of the Lea convencemos de nuestra ignolike other Latin Americans, they result of the labour troubles the gue, was heard in a stirring rancia.
Oficina. Limón worry over penetration of their Island experienced some time Frente almacén Peña Sues.
discourse along the avenue of country from abroad, and urge ago. The party selected for the Apartado 446 sports. His Hordship briefly! No era tan imbécil como paupon their government measu po ition is Mr. Norman, congratulated all who had recía: le gustaba emborrachar.
res to prevent it. Up to now, an Assistant Secretary San José played, as well as those who se.
however, neither the penetra of the London Labour Ministry Apartado 626 Tel. 4120 had taken a fively interest tion nor the counter measures which deals with Frente Botica Francesa unemployin the games throughout the Hay tantos hombres justos en have assumed formidable pro ment insurance.
past Season, and delivered las cárceles como bandidos portions.
the beautifully ball. design. las calles.
In Costa Rica, as elsewhere in Latin America, there has been HUMOR lurid talk of Yankee imperia. Socorro! gritó un hom AHORRAR no es guardar dinero para gastarlo en la primera oporlism. of imminent encroach bre que se estaba ahogando ments by avoracious Uncle Sam en la opulencia.
on Costa Rican liberties, of ruth AHORRAR no es tampoco amontonar monedas por el placer de conless exploitation of national re Le tenia tanto amor al agua sources by predatory American que no se bañaba por no ensutarlas luego.
capital. All this, however, hasciarla.
AHORRAR es asegurarse una futura independencia económica o, a way of blowing over here cuando menos, una veje tranquila.
the liberties continue unim Se envejeció trabajando en una paired and the country bears up mina de oro y jamás conoció SABER AHORRAR es poner a producir las pequeñas economías bravely under alleged exploi dicho metal.
de cada semana, y disciplinarse en la obligación de hacerlas. Pídanos prospectos del magnífico plan de abonos semanales, quincenales o mensuales para la adquisición de BONOS HIPOTE QUIERE SER RICO.
CARIOS que devengan intereses a razón de LA LOTERIA NACIONAL CINCO POR CIENTO ANUAL le ofrecerá la manera para llegar a serlo. El Ahorro al servicio de la Nación y del ahorrante. SEPA UD. AHORRAR!
BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Compre su Billete y espere una fortuna Sucursal de Limón nos en Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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