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commemoration of their Natal Day Vestidos completos para Ciclistas. Sacos de manga para THE PEOPLES BAKERY peones Delantales, sombreros, sacos para viaje y BEST With the greatest number cultivated. They have al BAKED género ahulado por yarda, of instruments heard in har dy commanded commun BERLIN OFRECE: monious strains, on a single tention and promises o BREAD occasion, more than eight sco port in all things under CENTRO COMERC FAL BUNS res of merry dancers were for the their welfare.
TOMAS FERNANDEZ P. Box 179. Limon seen in bright and jolly mood, At the midnight hour BISCUITS CAKES Teléfono 2198 San Jose. Apartado 614 at the St. Mark Parish Hall Bugle was sounded and on the night of Friday the 7th clock. like regularity a instant. The event was graced fect line of uniformed ITEMS FROM HERE with the distinguished presen stocd to attention in fro Panamanian Govt. Orders New issue of Coins AND THERE ce of our highly respected and their general Commander qua genial Comandante of Plaza, Crowther, while the dar who has gone on record as hav listened to a three minut The minting of fractionary of 3, 30, 000. 00 worth of the purse of 10. 000 sterling ing expressed a sincere appression of thanks by the coins of the medio and medios. which will be simi has been offered for a world preciation of the soldierly and rector of Sa. Anthony A cuartillo denominations has lar to the two and a half cent lightweight championship fight disciplinary pursuits oi the ciation who are now ne been ordered by the govern nickell coints in circulation between Henry Armstrong and Cadets.
the Cadets ment of Panama in response and 200, 000. 00 of the cuarti Eric Bon, the holder of the Brit The Trucking. so popular On with the dance to the urgent request of an llos. or one and a quarter ish title. It is expected the tout in modern halls, was indulged the final command, and important section of the Re cent pieces. It will be the first will take place in London next in with much admiration. Ittight fantastic toes trippe public retail merchants who, time that these latter coins September, was a real romantic night and the Swings oi Profoss07 it is said, were frequently dri, will be issued. They will be the Cadets are sure to reap man reinforced Orche ven to the use of tokens in made of an alloy of 95 per a rich harvest of recognition till the wee hours of the view of the shortage of coins cent copper and per cent France has ordered the buil from that which is sown and ing.
of small denominations. zinc, and carry a weight of ding of warship, they will An Executive decree has 48 grammes.
consist of four 000 ton destro been issued ordering a issue yers capabl eof speeds of more ASEGURE SUS INTERESES than knots and carrying heavy armaments; six 000 ton ones FRANCISCO AMARO CASTILLO SALAZAR slightly less heavily arned but en la ciudad de Limón almost as fa:t, and four 600 ton minesweepers.
Se hace cargo de comisiones, arriendos de propiedadele casas y locales de comercio SUS INTERESES ESTARAN BIEN GARANTIZADOS While leaving the church of MATINA y 24 LLAS Santa Barbara, Madrid, after a Dirija sus comunicaciones a la Administración de ceremony in which, as a symbol Mercados of final victory. he dedicated Los más surtidos Establecimientos de PUERTO LIMON his sword to Good in the preLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES sence of the Gardinal Primate of Spain, twenty Bishops, and Háganos una visita.
many high officers of the army 331. 121 DOLARES.
and the Spanish Fascist Party General Francisco Franco (Viene de la página UNO)
do haber terminado alli ls o Lord Nuffield Latest Benefaction taied to have wept.
ambas frutes y especialmente bra de banano y haber que las naranjas, a precios altos. otra actividad agrícola Un cinco por una naranja, en faltó visión e interés patria Great Britain Prince of national appeal for voluntary Costa Rica, es algo ilógico, por Dimos tierras a manos Givers. Lord Nuffield, has recruiting, and the willing Francisco Fonseca Ch.
no darle otro calificativo. sin reparar en el futuro del just placed one million shares acceptance by all classes of Para que se aprecie la impor sin buscar la forma de are in Morris Motors, which car the principle of universal serLAWYER NOTARY tancia de la aduana de Limón, a e as regiones que debían ry an approximate presentvice, which calls for equal saPUBLIC ofrecemos el siguiente detalle dar esterilizadas por el cu value of 500. 000 and crifices by all; and while he Office: respecto al movimiento habido del banano, medios par yield an annual income of a assumed that everything ne Adjoining to the City en el mes de junio anterior. Yivertirse en repastos, en bout 105. 000, 00 in the hands cessary for the health and hap Public Library agregamos el de la aduana de de agricultura menor, Ped of Trustees to be devoted to piness of the troops would be xaola, que cayó totalmente, esta es cuestión para otro ENGLISH SPOKEN ward improving the facilities provided by the government, por la imprevisión nuestra. Pu tulo FORMER JUDGE OF THE for recreation and enjoyment he was anxious to make a per of the Militia, Territorials sonal contribution toward the LIMON DISTRICT COURT EXPORTACION POR LIMON. JUNIO and other forces of the Brit comfort and well. being of ish Empire those who were giving up the ARTICULOS kilos: dol In his letter to the Minister ordinary course of their civil everyone at this time.
Azucar 252. 000 surof War announcing the gift, occupations and home As known publicly, Lord Bananos, Rae. 340. 201 290. 738 190 benefactions durCacao 621 473 this most philanthropic noble roundings in the service of the Nuffield 93 ing the past twelve years, inCacao molido man said he had been greatly country. He desired tha 175 Café.
62. 620 impressed and encouraged by gift be a permanent memorialcluding this present sum, aCarey the wonderful response to the to the spirit which animates mount to about 14, 650. 000.
428 Frutas 359 Hale 743 Legumbres y verduras 628 Maderas 044. 691 Metales viejos 747 Naranjas 22. 272 Oro en barras 74 16 Varios productos del pais. 903 Tiene el gusto de anunciar a TOTALES 10. 310. 849 331 ce sus clientes de la EXPORTACION POR SIXAOLA JUNI Cacao 59. 814 du NUEVA TARIFA Bananos, Rac. 841 20. 029 de 14 La EMPRESA MACAYA תו TOTALES 79. 843 de precios entre SOCIAL EDE CARTAGO LA NOVIA DE HOY CLISE la tol di du LIMON y SAN JOSE 20. 00 (o vice verse)
LIMON y BARRA COLORADO 27. 50 (o vice verse)
Para informes dirigirse a JOHNSTON Agenta en Limón SI UD. COMPRA HOY UN BILLETE DE LA LOTERIA NACIONAL Cumple con un deber cooperando al sostenimiento importantes instituciones de asistencia y protección social.
AEROVIAS NACIONALES COMPRE SU BILLETE AHORA MISMO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este documento no posee notas.