
PAGE THE TIC VOICE SATU Tragic Week En were som Yast Expansion Work Planned for Pacific Side of Isthmian Canal GENERAL AGENCIES LIMITED Avast program of expan sent military garrison in this De Commission Merchants Several trepic occurrend sion on the Pacific side of the partment.
Look place at interior point Isthmus for the defence of the Work on the vast expansion Manufacturers Representatives our Province last week end Panama Canal, which will cost program, General Lear stated, We handle and make Escritos From Guacimo on the Old almost 49. 000. 000, was outli will begin as soon as plans and ne we got the horrifying. in ned by Major General Ben specifications are drawn, and Legal Documents, Land Affairs, etc.
mation that one Wilfred Blad Lear of the Pacific Sector it is expected its completion JOHN DRUMMOND wood had murdered his CO of the Panama Canal De will take about two years, mon law wife, Lilian Danie partment, during the cour Siquirres He described the Isthmus as during the afternoon of te of a talk on the defense 33 667 square miles of land bor Saturday. As a consequence, course of a talk on the defense dered by Colombia and Costa Ri parently, of a family disagde of the canal which he delivered ca and bathed by both the Paci. tal to all. There are people wnol be provided with runways 6, 000 ment, Lilian father remov at a Rotary Club meeting. fic and Atlantic oceans. On that advocate ownership of the ca feet long for the use of airships her from Blackwood reside General Lear described plans land, he said, exist three institu nal by all the nations whoze and will have a capacity of ce back to his home. This for expansion at Fort Kobe, tions the Republic of Pana ships transit the waterway, the 300 airplanes.
infuriated the man that he má, the Government of the Ca speaker pointed oul.
Funds for the contruction of reported to have sought rear Arraljan, the Curundu minal Zone and the military for For the sake of brevity. he all these projects, which aggre. out and so brutally butcher Kitary reservation near Fortces, including the US Navy. Edded, let admit that thts is gete almost 49. 000. 000, al. her with a machete, that si Clayton and for the construc defending the canal which ins ideal. But, in care of war it ready have been appropriated died almost instantaneous tion of an air depot near Altitutions, though separated in a seems to me that the strongest General Lear declared, and in his rage, the murderer als brook Field. The proposed ex political sense, are closely rela nation would seize the canal, work is to start as soon as plans wounded her father and a pansion program contemplatested in their economic life and and either own or destroy it. and specifications are drawn. ter; the latter to such a extes the addition of 425 officers and in their personal feelings.
At the present time, he conti. The proposed expansion that she had to be sent to sa around 000 men to the pre The defense of this land is vinued, the Panama Canal is ow program, the speaker pointed Josee the next day. Blackwoo ned by the United States, which out, will bring great benefits is now in jail.
ASEGURE SUS INTERESES pays the Republic of Panama to Panamá. For one thing, We next had it from Sigu for its use and a casual study the General declared, there rres that Yiyin Romero an FRANCISCO AMARO CASTILLO SALAZAR of the geography of the Western will be employment for a pe another man arresta en la ciudad de Limón hemisphere, shows how vital riod of two years for any one and lodged in the local jail Se hace cargo de comisiones, arriendos de propiedades, the canal is to the defense of wishing to work. There will await transportation the follo casas y locales de comercio the United States. It permits, be some importation of skilled ing day to San Jose. Yiy he declared the rapid tansfer of labor and possibly some uns Romero hawever did not leas SUS INTERESES ESTARAN BIEN GARANTIZADOS the nation might from one killed labor, although he ex for on entering his room t1 ocean to another, a quick shiftpressed uncertainty as to the same afternoon with Dirija sus comunicaciones a la Administración de of power.
Mercados discover last point. He voiced the be food, a policemen The canal, the speaker empha lief that Panama would expe his dead body. He had kille PUERTO LIMON sized, is as vital to Panama as rience some difficulty in furn himself ty hanging.
it is to the United States. He ishing all of the common lab Then we received the illustrated this by pointing out ishing all of the cammon lab ther new that Elizondo LAST SUNDAY NIGHT AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH change of ownership of the results that would follow a or required for the projects. Farlane, an eighty year old the For business in particular. sident of the district of 23 24 waterway and also an enemy General Lear said, there will les entrained at that statio very Impressive Service was held to the Memory of the Ettack on the Panama Canal by be the patronage of 425 of filifor the Capital, evidently, forces landing in the Republic cers and some 000 men soll a condition that he did late Rev. Edwara Augustus Pitt of Panama anywhere from difty will be added to the garrison before reaching the next stop miles away from the canal.
already serving in this Dey ing place, 24 Miles, where In mournal toll the Bell we formatica the Rev. Mr. Chinn The present unrest in Euroartment Lody was handed over to heard et evening. The peats sked his sick colleague what pe. the General declared, not In order to carry out the Police Agent. It is said he did not denote the Curfew shall tell Brethren in to mention the Orient, has caur expansion program, he said without any near relatives, nor the arrival of the hour for Jamaica Mr. Pitt, in answer sed the United States to be the Army will require addi Ve pers. they were the call scid Tell them the Tent is more conscious of the need oftional land for the acquisition to humenity to enter the sacred being taken down, shall soon self defense than at any other of which the cooperation editice and lend their ears and pass across the River, and home, except po sibly during Panama will be necessary.
Liearts to the solem service pe to meet them on the other the World War. Is is spending The defense of the canal convened to the memory of side. Such words could only hundreds of millions of dollars must be accomplished to such Ivir. Viola Sullivan take our Grand Pioneer Missionary have come from the lips ch in defense an extent. the General decia this medium to convey to he now dead, Eccording to the one with a heaveniy hill top General Lear then outlined Flesh, but alive in the spirit. inspiration, and the calm and the vast expansion planned on red, that our guns must be many friends, her grateful In a central position in front clear manner in which they we the Pacific side of the Isthmus not on the canal but outside thanks and sincere apprecia the Canal Zone in order to tion for their numerous ex of the Altar rails, was placedre quoted by the Rev. Mr. Fordeto strengthen the defenses of meet every plane before compressions a beautiful wreath of varioga carried abundance of the Panama Canal.
of sympathy ang ted roses with ever green bor truth, sincerity and Chris. At Fort Kobe, he said, over beautiful floral offerings du ders, at the top of which was tien satisfaction. Great was the 000. 000 will be spent in He pointed out that an cn ing her recent bereavement th 2 Bow made of white over Pastor appeal that every one Lan in: tallation that will be up emy plane attacking the canal black. Attired in their white within hearing of the soul stir ic the standard of Fort Amador. would drop a bomb while at uniforms with broad mourning ring words should meditate on at the Curundu military reser. a distance of from one half ready has been appropiated Sashes, the Choristers present them and act accordingly. vation, 200. 000 will be mile to one mile depending by Congress.
ed a pathetic picture. Mrs. Ja. very appropiate solo was spent on another installation on the speed of the plane total of 1, 500, 000 alrea rrett. the wife of the Rev. John rendered by Mrs. Carmelita Lo that also will be up to the stan from the canal so that when dy has been appropriated for Jarrett of the Biblical Insti pez. The richness of her voi dard of Fort Amador. At Fort the bomb landed, it would fall the construction of a roadway tute in San Jose, was sented ce was heard to good effect. Amador itself 175. 000 is to in the canal itself.
between Panama and Rig with the Pastor and Choristers. Mrs. Jessie Wright and At Rio Hato, he said, the Hato. Once completed, the fa Mrs. be spent in improvements. The The congregational re hymn, Cambridge, daughter and appropriation for the install American Government would speaker said, it will become few more years shall roll grand daughter of the late Rev tion at the Curundu reservation purchase 19, 000 acres of land an artery for traffic and traf.
was heartily sung; and after Pitt attended the service, includes 600. 000 for the which are now being held fic means trade, a propriate exercises by the construction of a hospital for mi under lease for training pur Consideration should be ti gi Pastor, the choir rendered Some of our fellow creatu iStary personnel.
poses. In case of war, this ven the possibility of a road Day is dying in the Weat res have been won for Christ total of 895. 000, is also area would be used as an air way across the Isthmus, whieh is said to have been one by a song: others by a sermon, to be spent to increase supply field for Panama Canal. General said: Its construcof the deceased favourito and still others by the foot activities in Panama ships.
tion would be of benefit to lymas prints left by the depart An air depot costing We don want all our the military forces, which With the heart moving od. we heartily believe the 000. 000 is to be built near planes in one basket. We would then have a double a words And Enoch walked Rev. Edward Augustus rite has Albrook Fleldwhile an air bn want themspread around route to passage in time of with God the Rev. Forde nalet Soul winning prints one will be created on the Paci. General Lear said, adding that war, but it also would prove rated the effection and deve. the cands of time, if we would fie side at a minimum cost the money for the purchase of greater benefit to the com on which had characterised but see them. 23 000 000. The air base will of the land at Rio lato. al munity, he concluded.
the life and works of the One whose memory was being hos oured. He stressed the sincere Nos permitimos llomar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back and intense interest the depart de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads. Missioner had taken in the Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina Baptists, so no matter how ma This bill must be paid at our office before y services of a like nature dentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
he might attend, he fel it a ra.
de cada mes.
Be so good as to coraply with this request and do not cred duty to conduct this one Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which in their own Church. Referring de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
to a conversation between the Rev. John Chinn and the de ceased, while the latter on his sick bed, Pastor Forde Eaid. On the verge of leaving In Appreciatio as an ing near.
er ca 01 ti was COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON ELET Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    World War

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