
Short Wave 6, 165 Kc.
SUCCESSFUL RACE PROGRAMME AT GUACIMO TOMORROW SPORT EVENTS OPORTUNIDAD PARA On the 6th. instant the Gua Barland Knight, pulled away cimo Sport club carried from her opponents and kept TODOS If all goes well with the chosen rather than riches through a very successful Ra to the front till the stand was Le pago el doble de lo que weather. man the Baseball also that Fame is sweet cing Programme which was reached. Four appeared for the puede ofrecerle cualquier Team from Bocas del Toro the treasts of mortals teh appreciatively patronized with third Race. The Stump. The otra persona que quiera will engage the Cubs tomor will, we have no doubt, giv horses from other sections and Carrab, Babylight and Runcomprárselas.
row morning. The match will a good account of emselve people from far and hear. Thoning Cloud. The Stump made Desde 0. 75 hasta C10. 00 be played in honour of Mr.
Race Tract afforded a fine magnificent gallop though y más colones el CIEN. Bookout, of the Costa We suggest that the bes spectacle, though owing to the outclassed by The Carrab: It Rica Banana Company. The players be used in the Line unfavourable weather during the distance had been ten JOSE MARENCO match during the afternoon ups not those for friends July it could not be placed in yards more, The Carrab would Apartado 172. LIMON will be against the Motive hip sake but they who ar better conditions.
now be singing another song: Power and do homage to Mrkwown to be torughly effi The Ist. Bugle sounded at however The Stump is satisJ. Phipps of the same Com ient. Let it be digested tha 12. 30, and the two horaes, La fied with till we Meet again ANTES DE REGRESAR dy Louise and May Gorl, fac pany victory is not only achieve At this juncture the progra by the making of runs bu ed the Starter. The former mme had to be brought to a Viene de la página UNO.
Our Tips on the Encounters. largely depends on defendin won. The 2nd event brought close on account of a heavy out a field of three. Silver fall of rain.
le en ese mismo edificio públi.
whatever runs might be as The Visitors will not make cumulated. We would Rool, the gallant daughter als of co: el pic nic de Ojo de Agua, Russell Roberts la visita al Sanatorio Durán: la more than 10 runs in any of advise our selection to pla asamblea del Colegio Superior the matches. Limon will win according to their accustome THE SUNDAY CLOSING MOVEMENT de Señoritas, la fiesta en la Es, at least one of the games method and acquired talen We observe it is stated that that the large number of worcuela República de Nicaragua, Notwithstanding that our and not try to imitate foreig the movement now underway kers who have to labour daily.
y el concierto que la Banda Mi Boys will be up against a stunts. The integrity for the purpose of putting a from an early hour, are in di litar de San José ofreció el miér very strong selection, if they our Province, in things Base coles último, frente a la residen maintain their stop to the general trading in re need of the relaxation the cia temporal del señor Presi. cool headednes and rememberling, we therefore hope accustomed ball, is placed in their keep dulged in on Sunday is mak proposal will afford them.
dente Somoza.
ing steady progress through Their health will benefit great that a good name should be seem PLAY THE GAME. eos festejos hay que agre.
out the principal commercially and thus enable them to centres of the Republic, and give better service to those gar la recepción que ofreció la that as soon as the Manage who employ them. We further organizó el Congreso de Costa nación que se vanagloria de te gobernante, y que, sin provoca Legación de Nicaragua, la que civil, como corresponde a una por el alto espiritu civico de ment of the Assoeiation of hope that all employers Commercial Employees, under this Zone will readily assist dió el general Somoza en in Rica y la fiesta de despedida que ner más maestros que soldados, dificultades, los derechos nues whose auspices the effort is be the movement, for by doing Club Unión, la noche del juemos querido ver, que la guar. ma definitiva.
el Precisamente por eso habria. tros quedaran salvados, en for ing carried out feel the project so they will be serving their ves.
dia de honor del Presidente de Terminamos consignando un has secured sufficient support, greater interests apart from Todos los actos estuvieron Nicaragua, en nuestra capital the Republic Legislative Bo furthering an impetus for the concurridisimos, animados y dis no la formaran gendarmes ni mi nicaragiiense.
despedida a la comitiva oficia particularments dy will be requested to inau improvement of comcurrieron sin la menor nota de litares, sino maestros y ciudada. un saludo atento al Jefe de gurate a general law prohibit imunity general health condi sagradable.
nos civiles, comprensivos de tado y su apreciable ing a continuance of such ac tions.
familia tivities.
Es verdad que algún sector los deberes de hospitalidad y de que seguramente tendrán We are in agreement with Off on del paí se abstuvo de partici la cultura.
Costa Rica, hoy y siempre, a well Earned par en esos festejos, aun en los Como consecuencia this movement and hope for de esta hogar acogedor y un respeto go its ultimate success. We feel Vacation desfiles, por las calles de la ciu, visita, ha quedado presentado neral.
dad: sector bastante apreciable un proyecto de arreglo para la Our well known citizen. por cierto; también fué incomo formulación de un nuevo traFrancisco Fonseca Ch.
Sport Fan and old employee da la exagerada movilización de tado que confirma los derechos of the Costa Rica Banana fuerzas de policia, resguardos ya reconocidos, de ambos paises, LA IBERIA LAWYER NOTARY Company. Mr. Aubrey fiscales y detectives, todo lo cual en las aguas del rio San Juan, Spyer, has left the Republic re ulta en nuestro medio ilógi los cuales se trata de canalizar. PUBLIC ESTRADA Office: to spend a well earned vacaco. Pero comprendemos que el para servir mejor los intereses tion in his native Isle. Ja Gobierno de la República esta comerciales de buena parte de Adjoining to the City SALOMON CHIN maica.
Public Library ba en la obligación de ofrecer el Nicaragua. En este punto, no po We wish him a very enjo máximun de la protección a demos ni debemos extendernos, Articulos del pais ENGLISH SPOKEN yable stay in the beautiful los visitantes.
hasta tanto no se conozcan, con Island, and hope he will reFORMER JUDGE OF THE Los costarricenses hemos decretamente, esas bases contrac.
Lbar e us y Licores LEMON DISTRICT COURT turn fully rejuvenated to re sentirnos complacidos de que u tuales. Naturalmente, presenti.
Precios económicos sume his life of usefulness na vez más se apreciara nuestra mas que los intereses costarri.
among us.
vida tranquila, esencialmente lcenses están bien garantizados!
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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