
1939The Gloomy State of The World. THE ATLANTIC VOICE a ΟΙ RA said our Со War storms are raging might. there sewed seeds of tears for ly on the continent of Europe which she was given the Okay Mid there are indications they of all the household. We have Niti ere long cover a muen no desire to belittle the League, wider area. They are aiready as a whole, 1or we are aware un Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone spreading, in fact, and though what gouai nas done, but since all human beings will not be ac nas in no way helped Demo VI. YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA SEPTEMBER 23rd. 1939. Nº 263.
lually engaged in the fighting Lacy wnose very lite is now everyone must in some measure at the Stake. it must be adIndustries are WIRELESS NEWS be affected HOW WE CELEBRATED THE FIFTEENTH mitted it has bein a nuge tauu.
bound to be curtailed to a very te winn waste much SOFIA German Trade Our Municipal Fathers and cises were performed.
serious degree, some will be ac energy, time and cash.
Delegation has arrived to dis Citizens, conducted the seve During the evening hours tually suspended, while general As it happened in 1914 the cuss details of Trade Exchan ral functions, as customary, in of the 15th, and continuing up trade activities will experience magac o Germany armed for ges with Germany for 1940. honour of the anniversary of to the night of the 17th the an awful slump. Diseases, too ces is being employed or wan Well informed quarters Republic Independence Public School provided quite will be seen as an afternath of ton, cruel destruction. The old the Nazi Representative were Day. With a liveiy and inspir. an appropriate programme of the obnoxious gases and other na nestone country of Poland asking an immdiate increase in ing serenade the City Band festivities which were, much TOS destructive elements so much is being rapidly torn to pieces the volume of Bulgarian export awakened the citizenry at an appreciated. Almost every secresorted to in present day ci and win the aid of Soviet Rus of foodstruffs. They denied early hour to prepare fer the tion of our community was re.
vilized) warfare. Never was so sia deprived or its very exis that the Reich had promised joyous celebration. Next came presented and took an interest terrible a universal upheaval rence England and France, the Turkey a feer hand in Bulga the procession under the aus in the proceedings. Away from threatened. The evils and ho ames Poland, are engaging ria in return for Turkish neupices of our Educational De the primary object, these funcrrors of the 1914. 1918 devas the German 1orces in intense trality.
partment which included the tions were measures of whole.
salud, tation are likely to be entirely operations along that nation Officials, the Priests from the some recreation for both young de surpassed Western frontier and are repor BASELSwitzerland Cathedral, the children from and old. We extend our warmsonen When, on the 11th of Novemita be steadily gaining Swiss observers report that all official and private schools, lest congratulations ta those ser 1918 the Armistice was sig ground. The smaller and wea. French and German forces are and the 1st. Limon Troop of who shouldered the task and ned and the League of Nations ker States are now experiencing apparently ready for a tremen Cadets. The line of march was achievede such a mammoth utsequently installed, it was much rear that they too may dous test by fire of the Sie from the Plaza Ygiesias to the success.
mo cleclared that such an assemb be included in the wave of fried Line. The French had CACAO trade Shews ImproveArtely would establish international siaughter, notwithstanding their completed mass movements of friendship, strengthen the ad neutrality throughout.
men and materials preliminaministration of Justice, act as Having failed to penetrate ry to a major offensive against THE RELIGIOUS FESTIVITIES a Body guard for Democracy maginot Line, it is rumoured the heavy fortifications guar In keeping with the program vities will long be remembered and make conflicts among the Germany contemplates, to again ding the German frontier. The me previously outlined, the fes by our entire community. They nations an impossiblity. After u. ae Belgian territory to get Nazis are supposed to have con tivities in connection with the greatly impressed all who wittwenty odd years of trial it has at the French, counteracting centrated behind the defences 25th, aninversary of the Eucha. nessed them.
not only completely failed, but preparations have been begun. all the men and equipment that ristic Congress were befittinhas produced fruits of intense The cold bloded assassination could be spared from the Pol gly commemorated at our Ca HITLER LATEST hatred, universal mistrust and, of Rumania Prime Minister, bysh compaign.
thedral from the 14th. to the finaily, this bitter struggle. The Nazi terrorists, might, it is gen17th, inclusive. The decorations In his speech of more than failure began in 1935 when one erally feared in Europe di OTTAWA. Canada has in the Cathedral were of rare one hour in the Danzig City of its more prominent mem piomatic circles, precipitate the summoned trained fliers for im beauty and added lustre to the on the 19th. instant Hitler as.
ia bers deliberately penetrated a universal catastrophe.
mediate overseas duty, and la outstanding exercises which we sured France and England that Garden of pure wheat and unched organization for a Aims against re filled with true religious fer he had no War lunteers expeditionary force of vour.
them, but declared that Po32. 000 men to be available for On Sunday morning the Cen land, as created by the Treaty lad the European war if necessary, tral Park was the scene of an of Versailles, never again will Caso The doubling of the naval per extraordinary view as also the, rise. He warned the Western sonnel and the construction of highways leading from the sa Powers that Gemnay would ne a large number of anti subma cred edifice into the main ave ver capitulate and was preparSac rine craft had also been order nued and on to Park; the most ed for as much as seven years sem!
ed as additional measures of co attractive decorations consist of war if nevessary. He asserted SERVICIO DE VAPORES operation with Britain.
ing of buntings, flags, palm. that Germany had made impor frounds and streamers were to tant concessions in the West BERLIN SALIDAS SEMANALES de LIMON para NUEVA YORK. The Supreme be seen on all sides and across and South in the hope of secur.
High Command disclose that the thoroughfares and path ing a definite Peace in EuroGermany and Soviet Russia ways. The Mass and attendant pe and he believed they would have reached an agreement on ceremonies were most impres have succeeded had downright VAPORES their the war agitators not upset SALIDAS the partition of Poland, at least, sively carried through by so far as their armies of occu Rev. Fathers, and at the clost efforts, pation are concerned. The de one of the most photographic The Nazi Dictator concluded Russia marcation lines had been set, processions seen in many a day by stating that Soviet QUIRIGUA Setiembre 24 and the German forces would wended its way back to the concurred in his promise that withdraw from their Versailles present Cathedral where the final ser the Poland of Post JAMAICA Octubre pisitions after destruction of vices were given. These festi. days wouid not ris again.
the last remnants of the Polish VERAGUA.
Octubre cood army there. VO.
Simón Bolivar. 29 de Set.
on the ROME. Italy announces the withdrawal of her troops from the Albanian Greek fronAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas tier as evidenceof a complete reciprocal Trust between the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY two countries SHANGHAI. Japanese of.
en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica (Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
ficials declaré a newly opened Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la offensive in Kiangsi Province in South Central China is being TELEFONO 3156 extended rapidly. The report of PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: increased military activity came after almost a year of desultory operations, and following cloCACAO TRADE SHEWS IMPROVEMENT sely the Tokyo Moscow truce which relieved Japanese forces Our numerous Cacao produc quintal; they shortly afterManchukuo Russian ers, particularly the smaller wards disposed of no less than border OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 ones, would do well to bear in 500 quintals at the price of mind that trade indications thirty two colones per quinta. DUKE OF WINDSOR NOW FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG point toward a better future for The Management of the Bank this iine of our agriculture. is still prepared to handle un MAJOR GENERAL WITH Much concern war recently limited quantities of the proexperienced, when it was rea duct on the usual conditions, we BRITAIN EXPEDITONARY lized that by the cutbreak of the therefore advise all concerned Agentes ED JANIN Co war, we had lost one of our to keep in touch with them, It FORCES best buyers, and this was made is believed another increase in It has been officially announe Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs. much worse by the heavy drop price may soon be had ed from London that the Duke in local buying prices. Our We see it is stated from Si of Windsor will shortly be leavNational Bank however came quirres that the Banana Com ing England for Europe with AGENTES EN LIMON on the scene, and displaying pany is buyinSg the wet or the Expeditionary Forces, with their consistent interest in our green product after the rate of which he has been given the economic welfare offered to ad twenty five colones per 100 position of a Major General.
vance producers the appreciable kilos.
The King Brother is said to porary resignation of his Field. serve actively in the lower sum of twenty five colones per have accepted the Duke tem marshal rank so that he could grade, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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