
THE ATLANTIC VOICE are AR: to de inos, on the MORE CRUCIAL GROWS THE CONFLICT With the passing of each her flagrant disregards for the each four and twenty hours lives and rights of humanity are the lines of battle being the evils which Britain and her drawn tighter and tighter bet Allied Powers are endeavouring ween the constructive and desto eliminate. It behoves each tructive forces of the Old Con and every one, irrespective of tinent. The problem which domicile, to assist in the hercu Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone Co. Great Britain and her Allies lean effort and to be prepared VI YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA NOVEMBER 25th. 1939 272 have undertaken with the ob to face the worst.
ject of ridding civilization of The appreciable number of the evils of Nazism is not to be sixteen German planes are re WIRELESS NEWS THE NAZI SUPER WEAPON len the walk. over as manyported to have been destroyed thought, for in addition to the during the past three or four strenuous opposition of the Dic days by the allied forces in enLONDON. Mines have, The sinking of the sixteen as a subsurface mine, contained tatorships, the dubious neutra counters along the western front at least temporarily, or more ships over the last week in a four foot submarinelike tusuplity being indulged in by many these bring the number lost, ac planted submarines as the end off the British coast is re be, intended to be sown and plan.
of the proclaimed Democracies cording to German disclosures, leading sea menace off the garded in many circles as theted on the tide by the use of a create much complications. to sixty. The French have also British coast, as the floating super weapon. a German se drift with the tide to a location opening campaign of Hitler timing device, and designed to All who base their functions destroyed two of the large type explosives added further to on freedom and liberty should Nazi submarines within a like the war greatest week end cret believed to be an offensive at a safe distance from a subbe steadfast and direct their e period of days. As it is estima. toll of shipping. Eight vessels mine of devastating force capa. merged egg laying Bct. Innergies toward the defence the ofted that the Germans were not were reported sunk in ble of being sown and planted vestigations conducted by the conditions are becoming more of these at the start of the con with 177 persons dead or miss voc to enemy harbours and ship netic and function auto nati il the principles of Democracy, as possessed of more than 36 or 40 North sea over the week end by the tide alone. The purpose British disclose it is said that IEL of the weapon is to produce ha the mines are powerfully meeand more serious with diploma flict, it is felt their submarine ing. The total tonnage of the cy playing dangerous games, campaign has been a failure.
ping lanes rather than to afford ly when a ship of large tena eight vessels was 27, 748. mainly directed against the in The decision of the British go Three were Busitsh and the self protection ge passes within a certain radius terests of the British Empire. vernment to intensify the bloe others of neutral countries.
Experts describe the weapon of them The lives of hundreds, nay thou kade against Germany by seizsands, of innocent beings conting and holding all her export BERLIN nue to be cruelly and wantonly cargoes irrespective of the na winter near, the housing pro With. harsh Red Cross Committee Organized to Aid Over Seas Subs destroyed as a consequence of tionality of the ships by which blem in Warsaw has become Fund The ruthless activities the they are transported is creating a pressing consideration esSO high seas. The sinking of the the greatest concern in Berlin. pecially as it concerns Simon Bolivar has been this is a retaliatory measure Jews. These were being pro Cigarette and Tobacco Fund for start and are just as hig y es Our suggestions regarding are equally considered from the one of the most touching, espe for the kind of warfare their vided, is was said, with emer Allied Troops have we, teemed.
cially as it is mentioned there High Command has decreed geney buildings on certain think stimulated many British The European struggle sum is a possibility of some of Cos against all and sundry en the streets, but they insisted the ers and others, attuned to the es more serious aspects sach ta Rica nationals being among seas.
those who suffered. This and ot re would be no ghetto. Plans tenets of Freedom and Liberty, day passes, therefore it expe were speeded for the crea to do whatever they possibly dient for those who belile in tion of separate Jewish re can to aid in the preservation the cause for which the lemo HARITIME LOSSES CINCE START OF EUROPEAN WAR servation in southern Po of Christianity and Civilization cracies are fighting, should lend land The number of lives lost as The losses in merchant ships with Lublin asc its subsantial It delights us to report that their aid in some centre.
on the invitation of the British manner. The Committee alrea experienced by all nations sin the result of this ruthless cam ce the start of the present con paign is stated as 033 up to Vice Consul, a Red Cross Com dy busily engaged making slans flict now total, we are told, one the 23rd. instant DETROIT Representa mittee was instituted last Fri for a Drive. and a great Mass hundred and fifty. one ships The British are the greatest tive Martin Dies, Chairman da yafternoon, the 17th. at the Meeting is to be held at the St Com Methodist Day School Hall. As Mark Parish Hall on Mnday with an aggregate of 572. 633 losers, their loss being eighty of the Congressional the evening December the 4th com tons. These figures include the ships. The French come next mittee investigating subver it is desired to iniciate losses sustained during the with eight, and the neutrals sive and un American acti work with a limited number, mencing at 30. Many oricule give past few days, which represen with 45. The German lossses are vities, has stated that Nazi the Committee consists at prenent persons are slated ted the unually large number of 15.
and Communist agents now sent of a personnel of nine but addresses.
25 oss the ocean had stolen the Consul adopts this medium genuine appeal is ex ended important information of to assure those who will, at a to every section of our upon to cratic Country to fall in line THE PERALTA. CARTAGO ROADWAY AGAIN UNDER military value from Detroit later date, be called Industrial Plant. The prima help in the great humanitarian with this enobling effori.
DISCUSSION mary purpose of his Corrimit and patriotic work, that they we Accustomed as we have beco, roadway from Cartago to Pe. tee now he asserted, was to me to the spasmodic efforts to ralta was onge more fully dis break up foreign spying and ward the construction of the cussed and certain conclusions to prevent sabotage in indus highway which should eventual reached which might enable trial plants.
ly afford this Zone access to the work to be carried to a fi the interior of the country, wenality before the present AdHAVANA Unofficial len are nevertheless greatly pleas ministration goes out of Office. but conclusive election SERVICIO DE VAPORES ed to note the move which has With a view of facilitating the turns show that the opposiagain been initiated in this res government activities, the pu tion to the present governpect.
blic throughout the localities ment of Cuba will have a to SALIDAS SEMANALES de LIMON para NUEVA YORK It has been reported that Re have guaranteed much financial tal of 41 out of the 76 seats CON ESCALA EN CRISTOBAL HABANA.
presentatives from the Munici aid, and it is exceedingly gra in the Constituent Assembly.
palities of Turrialba, Jimenez tifying to us to observe that The Parties who will have a and Cartago, along with other our highly appreciated indus majority in the Assembly re VAPORES SALIDAS interested parties, had a confe trialist, Mr. Cecil Lindo, has, present a coalition of opporence with the President of the with his well known magnanimisition to the regime headed Republic during the earlier part ty, headed the list with a dona by Fulgencio Batista, Cuba of last week when the important tion of fifty thousand colones strong man.
JAMAICA Nov. 26 question of the completion of the VERAGUA Dic. La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de HONG KONG. JapaneCHIRIQUI Dic. 10 se headquarters on Dragon BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de Haed Island in the Gulf Of Tonking report that a drive ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
experiencia en su elaboración.
aimed at southwestern ChiAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas nese supply route to French La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerIndo China and Burma, had Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de lo penetrated Kwangsi Provinvecería mayor del mundo.
ce and captured a walled ciUNITED FRUIT COMPANY ty thirty miles from Naren los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica COMO BUDWEISER ning, the provincial capital.
ninguna TELEFONO 3156 ас no UNITED FRUIT COMPANY rebe LONDON. The war on the seas grew increasingly with ten vessels reported PRAGUE Approximate steps were purposeless The sunk by mines or submari ly 1, 200 students have been conflict between dis nes between the 18th and sent to concentration camps Chechs and the Germ es21st. instant Enemy air acti in connection with the LIMON TRADING re tablished government vity over London became a cent demonstrations which Protectorate of Bohem Mo first reality when, for the the recent DISTRIBUIDORES demonstrations ravia began with clasi JOR time in the war a German which led to the execution October 28th, the 21st aniairplane reached the edge of of 12 Czechs. Parents, relati versary of the foundir oE the city. It was driven off by ives and others making en the former Czechoslov: Re pursuit planes and anti air quiries or attempting inter public.
vention were advised such Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Budweise chaft guns.


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