
Greater Grows the Threat of a Universal War THE ATLANTIC VOICE Statel are Increasing interest is being own against much superior for test European conflict as the materially assisted by the extre forces of Finland continue he me cold and heavy fall of mow Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone roically to defend their natioIt is now feared in most dinal rights and freedom against plonjatic circles that Russia the hordes of Soviet Russia. may attempt warlike activities VI YEAR LIMON, COSTA RIC. DECEMBER 9th. 1939. 274 The reports reaching us indi against the Balkan cate that the Russians have through Rumania, in the near EX PRESIDENT PORRAS VISITS US WIRELESS NEWS been, and are yet sustaining future, and for this reason the serious losses in men and mate announcement has been releaWhen the Sixaola drop his nation has made. Mrs. Po rial in the different sectors of sed that not only will Great Bri MEXICO CITY. According their warfare. They are said to tain and France go to the defen ped anchor here last Monday rras is a member of one of our to usually reliable sources, Ger have lost 000 men and more ce of Rumania, but that Italy mouing ex President Belisario distinguished Costarrican fami many is pressing Mexico to pro than sixty planes in the attack would also. This fear has been Porras of Panama and his wife lies. They entrained for Sanſ test to Britain and France athey made ag nst Karelia a gaining more ground each day were among the passengers who Jose the same day, but had to gainst the blockade of German the many part from reverses on account of the assistance came ashore. The more than ni return on account of the abnor. exports. The sources said Ger they experienced in other locali which it is known Italy, Brinety year old man of the neigh mal railroad conditions brought many had advised Mexico she ties. It has also been announced tain and other countries are af bouring Republic is well rated about by the incessant rains. was ready to fulfil her part of that 15. 000 of their troops vo fording Finland in planes and as the Father of his country their barter agreement, but luntarily surrendered to th other materials of war, as well During his political career he is The Atlantic Voice bids the that the blockade prevents desaid to have been a tower of ex President and Mrs. Porras alivery of finished goods to dis Finnish Command for lack of as the moral support she has food and proper protection been receiving from the Ameri intellect, courage and vision, right hearty welcome with the charge the 16. 000. 000 peso and his statemanship paved the hope their stay will be very com debt which the Reich incurred It is estimated that up to two against the severe cold weather. cas.
In addition to the success way for the splendid progress fortable and enjoyable.
by earlier purchase of Mexican days ago, the aggressors had being achieved by Great Britain petroleum lost 120 of their air machines, in her efforts to clear the high RAINS SCOUR OUR RAILROADS ar seas nearly 100 of their heavy of the dangers of the TOKYO. Foreign Minister Admiral Nomura is reported to moured tanks, and more than German mines, it is now stated 000 men taken as prisoners that she is using another ne The incessant rains exper tions, which are somewhat have announced Japan refuin addition to those who had invention which is destined to ienced throughout the Pro yearly, do not result as serio sal to recognize Britain bloc. been either killed or wounded nullify whatever attempts the vine for the past several usly as heretofore.
kade of German exports, and we ks have caused much da note of genuine praise that consideration was being si cow, it does appear as if Despite the denials from Mos Nazis may in the future make the to raid the British or other als ma e to our railroad systems. must certainly be struck for ven to the question of seizure Finlanders are holding their lied territories by aircraft.
Comunication between he the Company genial Super of French and British shipping rend San Jose was cut oft intendent, Mr. Sheehy, and in far Eastern waters equivaon several occasions; howev his stars of workers, for the lent to the losses Japan might Government Seize Illicit Radio Station er, we have the pleasing in very able manner in which suffer through the blockade.
According to one of the San apparatus was seized and dis.
formation that conditions are they have tackled the repair Jose Dailies, it is noted that mantel we understand.
im roving The bridge at work and so caused the traWASHINGTON High go the government authorities ha It is thought that this station Mare de Dios is said to ha velling rublic as little incon vernment officials have been ve discovered a radio station was responsible for the messages ve been hard hit.
venienc as was possible un conferring on a plan for a set which was being illicitedly ope which had been intercepted by Now that we are afforded der the very trying condit tlement of Colombia defaulted rated a short an efficient air service with ions.
debt to American investors. The that City, by a national of distance from the Naval authorities of the Uni ated States of America and the Capital, these interrupplan would, if successful, pro European Power, for the trans brought to the attention of our vide a pattern for solving simmission of coded messages lar difficulties throughout La points outside the Republic. The to government.
ho Tightening Up on Our Heath Requirements in America.
Nazi Secret Police Chief Alleged Author una Aeria Costa ter UNITED FRUIT COMPANY aCUEL LA WASHINGTON. Without During the course of the past is hoped that all our citizens, for night our naming countries, President well managed particularly the less careful of Munich Bombing Roosevelt həs formerly stated Uni ed Health and Sanitary De Jones, will give the matter their that the government hopes Apar nent was observed conduct special attention. The pamphlets merican manufacturers and ex PARIS ing a house to house distribu are printed in Spanish and En porters of airplanes, aeronauti exiled Nazi opponent of Hi le project was planned by. Otto Strasser, ply devoted to me. The who tion of handbills. These were glish so that all may fully cal equipment and being issued, we gathered, as a derstand what is required, as it would bear in mind the govern sed of organizing the Munich needed the attempted assasmaterial tler, who is officially accu Himmler. He toll Hess he reminder of the existing regu is the intention of the Authoment policy of lations which the Department rities concerned to strictly imcondemning Beer Cellar bombing, has ac sination in order to unleash unprovoked bombing of has been endeavouring to en pose the penalties prescribed civi cused, Himmler, Hitler Sea campaign of hate against lians. The statement force on all and sundry for the for continued violation of the re followed cret Police Chief, of plant Britain, and also to have the President appeal to Fin ing the bomb himself.
prezervation if their health. It gulations.
pretext for dealing with inland and Russia not to bomb ci Strasser says The Mu ternal enemies, especially vilian populations; the coun nich attempt on Hitler lifel members of the Plack Front.
tries were not mentioned, but was organized by Himmler Himmler is Chief of the GRAND VARIETY CONCERT there was little doubt that it himself. have received for Gestapo, the Nazi Secret Powas intended to apply to their mal proof through a mem lice.
ber of the party who is dee. December 18th. P.
GENEVA Backed by other South American countries, Proceeds to go to Churches and Organizations to assist Argentine has demanded the their Christmas Treat to the Poor.
immediate expulsion of Soviet The Programme will be offered by the St. Mark Philhar Russia from the League of Nanonic Choir. The Baptist Women Federation. The tions for her aggression Methodist Women League. The Salvation Army. gainst Finland. The demand has The St. Anthony Association and the Jamaica Buria! received widespread approval Scheme Society.
among the delegations at Gene SERVICIO DE VAPORES Special feature of the Programme will be the Debate va and is expected to clarify on the interesting Subject. Heredity has more to do whether the Allies would wink with the formation of Character than Environment at Russia actions.
SALIDAS SEMANALES de LIMON para NUEVA YORK in which three Dadies will compete against three CON ESCALA EN CRISTOBAL HABANA.
MOSCOW Soviet Russia has informed the League of Na VAPORES SALIDAS ADMISION. Luneta 00. Butaca Alta tions that she regarded Finland appeal to that Body un 0, 50 Galería 0, 25 founded. and declared she CHIRIQUI.
Dic 10 was maintaining peaceful rela Will you please help to bring a little Cheer to our tions with the peoples govern TALAMANCA Dic. 17 Poor on Christmas Day.
ment of that country.
QUIRIGUA Dic. 24 SI Congratulations ALVARADO y Cía. Sucs.
German Mines Mr. Robert Johnson, British Vice Consul, is the proud Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas London advice releases Nothing is known, exactly. father of a baby girl which the the very important informa as to the manner in which the Stork deposited with Para más informes dirijase a las Oficinas de la Mrs tion that Great Britain is in invention is being but it is Johnson on Monday the 4th UNITED FRUIT COMPANY possession of a new secret in said that it operation has the instant Mother and babe vention which she is employ effect of exploding the mines reported in excellent health.
en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ing o rid the high seas of the and thus making them of no Our warmest congratulations TELEFONO 3156 dən ger of the German mag value.
to our highly esteemed diplonetic mines.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del misterio de Cultura y juventua, Costa Rica.
TURN CE SI giva Oa Britain Using Sew Secret Invention against our Very are


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