
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH. 1940 THE ALTANTIC VOICE PAGE Cortal COAL PRODUCT WICH RIVALS SILK WOMEN LEAGUE TO REA fabric which possesses, always returned to its origi STAGE DRAMAS the same lustre as silk but of nal shape and was much stron greater elasticity, which is ger. It also took all dyes restronger than steel and can markably well It is understood that in be made into ladies stockings Rotarians were also, dur consequence the persistent which never ladder wasing the same function, shewn demand by an appreciable described during a talk on specimens of fabrics made public, the Methodist Womnew fabrics at a Rotarians from glass, milk and wood en League have consented luncheon given in Liverpool, pulp. The party making the to re stage the two soul stirEngland, recently.
display declared that with the ring dramas. The Church It was stated that the marketing of rayon made Clinic and One of the Nine. thread, an American inven from fir wood great possibi on the night of Tuesday the tion, represented the success lities had been brought about 12th February at the Church ful effort of a chemist to and as British Chemist were in this city. We learn the encreate a molecule, It was ma well ahead in these tertainment will be greatly de a coal product. It was ex tions, it was very possible embellished with a new drapected that the fabric woven that in a few years time a ma entitled Meet Mrs. De from it would eventually su number of wonderful new ia Long.
percede real silk as in ad brics would be produced in dition to having all the ad England.
CUBA FACED WITH vantage of that material, it NEW POLITICAL TROUBLE costa la Cortal invenINFLUENZA For Sale. Real Bargain Pa en cualquier farum BRITO Bayer his The Republic of Cuba is stated to be confronted with a new political agitation in BAYER consequence of a declaration by the four principal parties macia o botica el nuevo who constitute the oppositioproducto Bayer de acLot Nº 30, Cieneguita, near Hylton Pen pists to the government and ción ultra rápida conLand runs from Road to Sea Beach the group affiliated with Gen tra resfriados, dolores, Residence of four apartments with, two kitchens eral Batista Premises equipped with all water and sanitary conveniences The efforts of Presiden la goma. etc.
Large Water Tank Variety of bearing Fruit Trees Brut to secure an accord with the oppositionists having fail APPLY. JOHN MARSHALL On Premises ed completely, the four par 12 TABLETAS 15 ct. ties have demanded a further postponement of the presiden REGARDING WAR RATIONS CUBS. MOTIVE POWER BASEBALL EVENT tial election to a date three During the earlier part of months after the promulga Former outplayed latter with a score of to the year following the outritical constitution. They clain.
break of the 1914. 1918 war Francisco Fonseca Ch. tion of the country new po The game which took place! Motive. His deliveries were very Germany found it necessary Lawyer Notary Public that this is essential, in view last Sunday afternoon trailed good throughout the major part to distribute Bread Tickets.
of certain important changes along in a somewhat mediocre of the game, but in the 8th. inning the batsmen found It was not until 1917 that Bri Office: which the constitution authomanner until the final inning tain started her rationing reStrikes very rapidly. Pitching rises when much unnecessary exciteAdjoining to the City ment took a very for the Cubs, Miller held the unpopular gulations; most of the other Public Libray.
nard batting Motive Power bridturn. Whenever these clubs en led. They failed to score in inEuropean nations did likeJAMAICA BANANA AND wise. On the outbreak of the ENGLISH SPOKEN gage in a match they generallynings one, two and three. The present war carefully planned draw a large number of spectacourth gave them two; the fifth Former Judge of the SUGAR TRADE schemes were, however reators, due principally to the po was another negative; the sixth dy to be carried into effect Limon District Court pularity of the players of the Spotlight for the month Motive, and though it is very took place in the 7th and 8th.
registered a single: no changes with the idea of guarding against that which happened at instant. Ham, butter, bacon maica Banana exports have pporters to boost their fevou off defeat in the final, but were of January advises that Ja natural and permissible for u They tried strenuously to shake the time of the previous war and sugar were the first items dropped considerably as a re rite, Germans are said to have re restricted. sugar being plac sult of the storms which visit it our duty to complain about which brought them a total of once again consider only able to secure two more, ceived their ration cards five ed at three. quarters of Dieways before the invasion of pound per person per week ed the Island a few months the encroahment on the of Poland. This was most natural it is expected that a national ago. It is said that official mond during the progress the year play.
For the Cubs, Chiripp made a in view of the known shortage product will take the place of total loss will be at least sources estimate two bager in their first inning, of meat, butter lard, coffee, the rich Danish butter. FranThe game went along in this and Charley a three bagger in wheat, sugar, eggs and fresh ce still cats unrestrictedly; 10, 000, 000 stems.
wise. somewhat re organi the fifth. In the sixth, Ashley fruit. Germany is the only na her only item of shortage was With respect to the output zed Second Division of the Cubs secured two bases off one of tion that has instituted a clo coffee, but this has recently of Sugar, the latest estimates, was apparently well charged as Maxwell s, with Kerr repeating thes rationing. Thoug England been strengthened by the sei we note, place the present they took the lead in the first, the order in the 8th. Pitching distributed ration cards as far zure of four thousand tons crop at 113, 000 tons or some inning with two runs against nil for the Cubs, Miller had Rowe, back as the month of Novem while on its way from Brazil 13, 000 tons less than anticipat Maxwell, a former star pit Scarlett and Harrison left at the ber, they were held in abe to the Reich. Finland has noted. The shortage is also due cher for the Pathfinders, was plate. Levy bunt his last yance until about the 10th. vet resorted to the system. to heavy rains and storms.
entrusted with the pitching for strike and was automatically struck out. Ashley, Charley and Kerr took two catches each.
Honours for the Motive went to Maxwell for hitting two bag gers in the 4th and last innings respectively, as well as for leav ing Jack on at the plate in three innings. Evans gave entire satisfaction chief Umpire while Gerard, as Base Judge, squarely performed his char We a tive runs.
Life Insurance gives Mother and Dad Peace of Mind Coming Social Event On Tuesday night, the 6th.
proximo, the St. Anthony Burial and Sick Aid Association will stage another of their popular Socials in the Hall of the Catholic School The Troupe is, we understand, busy with rehearsals and the characters are undergoing the nec:ssary coaching for their stage creations. Those who decire to enjoy a real wholesome entertainment before the Lenten Season should not miss that which the Sports Department of St. Anthony is offering.
San José Banco Nacional de Seguros Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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