
CONSTRUCTION OF SOU HOP LEE LUNG Нор an de ol CH de ASESINATO al anun a k a с a TAGE 10 THE ALTANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd: 19 UN CONTRACT GRANTED FOR POR NO SER POSIBLE ATENDERLAS SIQUISE VENDE EN LIMON DOS BUENAS MATINA y 24 LLAS PROPIEDADES We learn that the Municipal Board of Siquirres have accorsituados en lo más céntrico del puerto, libres de ded Mr. Rodrigo Smith the con Los más surtidos Establecimientos de grevámenes y produciendo buena renta.
tract for the construction of Para más informes, dirigirse a: LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES the plant by which he will sup.
don EZEQUIEL GUTIERREZ, en Limón y al piy that township and its suHáganos una visita.
rounding districts with electri APARTADO 115, en CARTAGO.
As readers are aware, Sioui. ALLIED POWERS PREPARING FOR GERMAN rrus has been without this service for quite some time, SPRING OFFENSIVE much to the serious inconvenience of traders and other re.
LONDON. ilitary circles The information, secured sidents. The contract is of cour reveal that the British and from various sources, indica Es la guerra de Alemania contra nuestros se subject to the approval of French High Commands te that the Nazis propose to the National Board of Electriciare pushing froward prepa force a rapid decision of the marinos ty, which it is hoped will orations to confront the offen war on the plains of Flandreadily given so that the woris sive it is expected Germany ers. Three hundred army diSOLO CON ESE TERMINO PUEDE CALIFICARSE LA can be commenced without any intends to initiate in the visions are being got together CION CRUEL INHUMANA QUE ESTABAN REALIZA further delays.
DO LOS NAZIS CONTRA NORUEGA Spring by way of Holland for this purpose, it is estima.
and Belgium ted.
OSLO, 19 Las declaraciones táneameote sus protestas en PERSONAL hechas ayer por el canciller mismo sentido. La prensa OUR CITY MAIN EMPORIUM Koht en el parlamento.
clara que en algunos casos ciando que Noruega se propone alemanes han dado exa Mrs. Ethel Goulbourne, the With the view of further providing a large sum of mo enviar una nueva proteesta a compensaciones por el hur wife of our popular utility Yo familiarising themselves with ney with which to redeem Alemania con motivo del nun miento injusto de barcos nor reman of the Northern Railway the serious financial crisis several hundreds of sewing dimiento de barcos noruegos gos, pero esto no es suficiet.
Yards, has returned here after many are undergoing, we machines on Pawn and re por las unidades navales germá pues lo que Noruega dema)
spending several months in the would invite those having an turn them to their original nicas ha sido acogida unánime les que se ponga fin a la ar su milder clime of San Jose mente por la prensa nacional sión injustificada de los in interest in the economic con owners. We are not aware if the interest of her health El importante diario Tidens marinos y otras unidades na ditions of our Province to ta this very humanitarian effort Tegn dice que Alemania lle les alemanas contra buques Mrs. Goulbourne looks in ke a look in the establishm was realized, nor are we ag va a cabo una guerra contra son neutrales y que navegan the bloom ol health, and is ents devoted to the business itating a similar action here; nuestros marinos que sólo pue. pacífica misión comercial load in her praise of the medi. of Buying and Selling. In we are but calling attention de calificarse como asesina punto de vista alemán, de cal staft who attended her. We these will be seem almost to the matter with the hope to y violación continua del de cualquier barco que lleve en extend her a hearty welcome.
every article of wearing ap that some mode of relief will recho internacional y del honor sus pales permiso de nave parel, very imaginable piece be forthcoming.
de los marinos. El mismo dia ción britnica puede ser un of furniture, jewelry, kitchen rio expresa la esperanza de que do ieralmente por los subn la acción del gobierno noruego rinos gerbėnicos es enteram utensil as well BOOTH as sewing machines, typewriters, etc DEATH PENALTY FOR BAG no sea retrasada por la interven te inadmisible, ya que los ción de otros que no tienen en cos neutrales no tieel mot THE PEOPLES BAKERY In fact, it will be noted that SNATCHING DURING estos asuntos el mismo vital para ccbazar esos permisos there is hardly an item, which interés que este pais. Según en ál na instancia, carecent once adorned some home, or BLACKOUTS informó Koht, los otros países bien de la fuerza necesaria d Down. 6LT xogo a helped to cover someone escandinavos presentarán simul ra ello SYVO SLINOSI body, that has not been sacri.
ficed in order LONDON Death for to provide a SNOS morsel or perchance appease snatching of handbags during VUELOS DE RECONOCIMIEN LOS RUSOS SIGUEN PREPARA avua the rent collector.
And by blackouts is among the senten TO DE LA AVIACION BRI. DOSE PARA OCUPAR VIP Isa TANICA the prices at which a large ces now given for crimes HELSINGFORS, 19. Los HSILIU number of these articles are Germany, according to reliable LONDRES, ly El ministe continúan reforzando sus tropas offered for sale, it is evident information reaching official 11 rio de aviación infornia que du preparación de un asalto definit they were pawned for small circles here.
fo amounts. It is certainly Particulars have been recei rante la noche las fuerzas aé contra Viipuri, mientras sus as an FROM ESTRADA alarming situation a real, tra ved regarding forty six senten reas británicas realizaron nume nes prosiguen implacablemente gic ordeal, which confronts ces for blackout crimes during rosos vuelos de reconocimiento obra de destrucción contra top sobre los territorios enemigos Ins poblaciones finlandesas te the first four months of The continued rains during our less fortunate citizens.
ihe Una escuadrilla volo sobre las buena fuente se indica que prá the past several weeks com We recall reading sometime war. Forty two of these were islas Frisias con el fin de con camente ninguna de estas se pletely washed out the Harvest ago of a Bill which was prepronounced during November trolar las actividades de los ale ayer de los bombardeos soviéti aun cuando se ignora el núm Thanksgiving Services which sented in the national Con and December. The lightest sen manes en relación con la colo of eignteen cacićn ce rainas. en taito ¡ue de victimas registrado, es inte were arranged to for Sunday gress of one of our Sister Re tence was February 11th. at the Hetho publics for the purpose of months imprisonment; the ave otras llevaron a cabc recono ble que hubo bastantes Lubeck, dist Church here. It is now pro rage period was ten years. Twen cimientos sobre Kiel, posed to conduct them ty were subjected to suffer the Hamburgo, Premen, Hanover, Cuxhaven Brunsbrutiel, HeliSunday the 10th. instant at the death penalty. Punishment for goland y Berlín usual eleven, three and seven crimes of a political nature in BE WHAT YOUR ARE Costa Rica Soda o clock services cluded the death penalty for the compilation of atrocity sto DISUELTAS LAS CONCENTRA Don be what you ain A well prepared Cantata will WATER FACTORY ries, conscientious objections, be staged on Tuesday night the CIONES AT EMANAS Just be what you are refusal to work in trenches and 12th, as a climax to the Festival, fortifications, and assaulting of PARIS, 19 El alto mando in If you are just a tadpole cordial invitation is given to Fábrica de Hielo SS men concentration forma que la artilleria francesa Don try to be a frog all our residents to attend these camp.
disolvió las pequeñas concen If you are just the tail services.
traciones de tropas alemanas Don try to wag the dog.
y Refrescos que se llevabau a cabo en la You can always pass the plaj Special Corrspondent RALLY OF THE PARISHES región de Lauter ayer. No hu If you can exhort and prea Limón bo en general otras actividades If you are just a pebble. PRESIDENT ASSURES OF JAMAICA que las acostumbradas de pa Don try to be a beach trullas y aviación. Los aviones In this world of ours 20 alemanes realizaron dos vuelos PANAMA OF HIS HELP FLORIDA ICE AND It is reported that the WO sobre el norte y el este de Fran The thing that counts is this According to the information FARM CO. men League associated with cia, en tanto que nuestros gero. Don be what you ain the Methodist Church at Siqui las posiciones enemigas.
planos tomaron fotografias de Just be what you are.
relased by the Press of Pana rres will stage a grand Concert John Drummond ma, President Boyd states that LA FLORIDA and Rally there on Monday at his conference with President night the 11th. instant. The Roosevelt aboard the Tu saloosa on the 27th. February Fábrica de Hielo Concert will, we are assured, qurdo all previous ones held FOR EASTER regarding the many important y Maderas in that district. The all. inipor matters pending between tne tant feature on the programme See the specials in spun rayon dress goods two nations, the Chief Execut:Venta de Leche ve of the United States assured will be a competition for disting tion by fifteen representatives leading colours Designs him he would not approve any. equivalent to the fifteen palaw in connectin with the pro said to have promised to solve rishes of Jamaica.
BARGAIN PRICES jedted work on the Isthmian the problem of the employinent Mrs. Holmes will preside at waterway which does not pla of coloured labourers, and to the Concert, but as she will JACK ORANE SUCS.
ce Panamanian workers on an financially assist the construc be the moving spirit in the equal footing with those of his tion of the Panamanian transa Rally, the Pastor will officiate THE PEOPLE HOUSE. Limon country. Mr. Roosevelt is also tlantic highway.
at the latter event.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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