
TAGE 10 THE ALTANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 9th. 1940 GIRLS LEAGUE CONCERT MOST UNTIMELY END BOOTH LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA During the morning of last BEST The date February 29th, Tuesday the settlement of San(Previously SAITA BAKED encountered but once in each ta Rosa was thrown into a state BRITISH The Best Assortment of First Class four years, should really have of bewilderment, followed with BREAD been a Banner evening for our LUMBER ON THE MARKET great grief and lamentation.
BUNS young friends of the Method Administrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas Lewis Acre, a young citizen of ist Girls League, especially as BISCUITS CAKES. twenty three years was almost LAUREL nd CEDAR we are informed they presented THE PEOPLES BAKERY suddenly killed.
a unique programme a splendThe Estrella Valley combiP. Box 179. Limon WE BUY LOGS id offset for the scanty supnation left the Yard at 30 a.
port accorded their efforts. In on the regular Tuesday trip.
Saw Mill located in Siquirres point of truth, the evening was and it is stated that while the exceptionally delightful and all train was passing Lewis resiwere reminded by the ringing Mr. Garvey Slightly Better dence, he endeavoured to hop ST. MARK CHURCH of the Church Bell; but numberon toit, missed his balance, The numerous friends, here, fell in the track and was terri.
ed among others, we too, are HOLY WEEK AND EASTER DAY SERVICES. 1940 guilty of negligence, in not of Mr. Marcus Garvey, who is bly mangled. the butchered being present to give our cheer. still ill in England, will be debute dalong the roadway However, it is pleasing to re. lighted to learn his condition is parts of his body being distrifor MARCH 18th. MONDAY TO THRUSDAY 21st.
port, according to what we reported as slightly better, and several yards. So remarkable gather, that the young ladies that he is able to speak a little was his strength that he HOLY COMMUNION AT A. Maunday, Thursday.
reacquitted themselves nobly As was previously announc mained alive for about fortyThose who attended have ex ed, Mr. Garvey was seized with five minutes after the regretta.
Watch before Blessed Sacrament. pressed great satisfaction, there a stroke during the afternoon of ble accident. The gathering of EVENSONG AT P.
fore may we appeal to the Lea January the 11th. while at the his scattered flesh by his mother gue High Command to plan a Headquarters, in London, of his, and other members of the faSUBJECTS.
repitition of a more convenient Organization. He is being treatmily was most pathetic, we are MONDAY EVENING: The Trial before the Church.
ed by a Specialist.
told TUESDAY EVENING. The Trial before the World.
Fate has led the young life WEDNESDAY EVENING: The Mockery of Christ.
to an untimely end. It is true he THURSDAY EVENING: Incidents on the Way to Calvary. BAPTISTS HELD INSPIRING took a desperate chance, but as we understand he was the bread GOOD FRIDAY.
MISSIONARY EVENTS winner and was bound for his weekly cash advance in order a. Litany and Ante Communion, a. Speci There was much evidence of splendid singing and reciting to brighten the homestead, the Children Service. 12 noon p. Meditation (Collection to great enthusiasm, among an out programme was staged in the incident is made all the more the Jews Society. p. Special Crucifixion Music by ti standing number of the memb afternoon. The Chair was occupathetic. The remains were taCombined Choirs.
ers of our religious community, pied by Mr. Maxwell. His ken to the hospital and from for the annual Missionary Servi opening remarks on Christian there to the Salvation Army HOLY SATURDAY ces and Meeting held by the Bap Mission was highly appreciated. Hall where Major Lynch pertist Denomination.
Monday night meeting brought formed the religious rites, con6 a. Litany and Ante Communion.
The Report regarding the ena climax. The Church was well cluding same at the cemetery in deavours to spread the Christian filled, white the Rostrum was the presence of a large number EASTER DAY.
warfare throughout many iands, graced with the presence of the of mourners. a. Holy Communion. 10 a. Sung Mass, Sermo bespeaks volume of conscien. Rey. Holmes, Mr. Angus and The unfortunate young man and Procession. At this hour in order that our friends fror cious labour. During the year Major Lynch, as guest speakers, was born in this country, the the lines may attend. p. Special Easter Music by th under review there were 66. 888 with the Rev. Forde presi son of Mrs. Robert Acre, Brit.
Combined Choirs. p. Festal Evensong, Sermon and Pro baptismals. The news from Ja ding. The respective addresses ish nationals, who with a broth cession.
maica was particularly encour were full of inspiring thoughts. er and three sisters, are left aging. At the close of 1939 there to mourn his loss. We extend MONDAY in Easter Week: a. Holy Communion was the gratifying addition of our profound candolence to TUESDAY in Easter Week. a. Holy Communion.
7, 571 members with an increase CITY OF MEXICO. Naval these bereaved ones.
oi 10. 000 in the Sunday School. circles state that two Russian The financial aspect was also cargo boats will shortly arrive very pleasing, though this Dis at Manzanillo for the purpose of GRAN RESERVA GUARDA 1 LEMANIA SOBRE LAS NEtrict fell somewhat short in loading 000 tons of copper for GOCIACIONES RUSO. FINcomparison to previous years. Vladivostock. It is believed the LANDESAS The Services on Sunday vere copper is really destined for oustanding. The Pastor officia Germany and will be sent there BERLIN, UP. Debido a la Los inmejorables productos DEL TROPICO ted at the eleven and seven by way of the trans Siberian reserva que se guarda en los o clock sermons, respectively. railway.
círculos oficiales, no se ha po los encuentra Ud. siempre en su almacén dido saber con exactitud si Alemania, como se informa en el de confianza.
TAPIZADORES: terior, está conectada en alguna forma con las negociaciones de paz ruso finlandesas que se han iniciado por mediación de Harina especial para empapelar, con todos los Succia. aprensa alemana man ingredientes necesarios para que las cucara tiene absoluto silencio al respec to y ni siquiera ha publicado chas y otros bichos no carcoman el papel la noticia de que tales negociaVEA EL SURTIDO ciones se llevan a cabo. Al ser tapiz.
recibidos hoy al medio dia los representantes de la prensa en el ministerio de relaciones exOFRECE TOMAS FERNANDEZ ALMACEN teriores y contestando a una in.
terpelación sobre esta materia, un vocero de la cancillería res LONDON. The Measure is a Judas reward which they were teléfono 2198. SAN JOSE pondió: La posición de Alema full. Down with Nazism and Co to receive, for the betrayal, nia respecto del conflicto ruso. munism. This is the title of an from the hands of Hitler, finlandés ha sido invariable des Article in a recent rumber of de que estalló la guerra. Ne se the International Transport ha modificado en ningún sentiThey resolved to feed their EMPIRE PRESS HAIL RECOMMENDATIONS.
Workers Journal.
Imperialist lusts on the do. Yo no puedo decir nada aneig(FROM PAGE 7)
lard. In Palestine there is gra cerca de las supuestas negocia.
Sensible and experienced Tra hbouring small countries andi ports of the London Times. tification amongst the Arabs ciones de paz que se realizan en de Unionists have turned in dis invade Poland. They promised the press greeted the announce and Jews alike. The Jewish Estocolmo, porque no tenemos gust, it writes, from the lies, to supply Germany with tha ments in similar terms. In Ke Davar describes the state. ninguna información oficial so slander and misrepresentations materials and foodstuffs for the East Africa, The Stanment as the best evidence of bre ellas. Por lo tanto, no puedol which form the main feature of prosecution of the war, thus dard writes editorially: There the economic strength of the afirmar ni negar nada en este comunist agitation, and whose supplying German National So is a quality of highminded per Empire. It proves not only the sentido.
appeal is confined to the queru cialism with the weapons for pose and sincerity about the financial power of Great BriATAQUE EN LA REGION lous. The workers in countries murdering British and French White Paper which gives the tain, but also the political effiDE NIED with seasoned Trade Union tra workers. With this regime all work of Trusteeship a reality. ciency and psychological stead dition have proved to be posse. honest workers and their indeGiatification is also exgrosscu iness which enable. British sta PARIS, UP. El comunicadossed of too much common sense pendent Trade Union movement in Cyprus where The Cyprus tesmen to extend their concern oficial de la mañana dice que to be susceptible to the fallacies have finished for now and alPost writes: That a considera to matters not directly connec. el enemigo intentó ayer llevar called Communist tactics. The ways. May the Russian workers ble amount of this money is co ted with war. The Arab Ad a cabo un ataque en la región article goes on to describe the come to realize the horrible man ving to Cyprus is certain, and cifaa writes editorially: Its de Nied, sin lograrlo. En la ma. Soviet Rulers pact with Ger ner in which their banner of is the present Governo: we importance lies in the fact that ñana de hoy se registraron gran by have a man capable of planning it has been declared in wartime des actividades de patrullas al many as their horrible betra Socialism has been soiled este de. un yal of the cause of peace and their rulers. That will be the boldly and with sure instinct when the need for funds is ur soldado francés y otro alemán y their struggle against German end of Stalin Reign of Terror.
for developing the assets and gent. It is a great and com resultando heridos otros mu National Socialism and Imperia They call us Social Fascists economic resources of the Is prehensive scheme.
lism. They were negotiating on. They are the Nazi Communists.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
ATENCION LA PROVEEDORA Stalin Tactics will Cause his Downfall aya,


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