
SATURDAY, March 16th. 1940.
THE ALTANTIC VOICE PAGE A Threat to Exterminate Christianity Wally and Gilbert to tain administration in rewe o ree PLEASING REPORT RUSSIA ORDERS EVACUATION OF BLACK SEA PORT London. The growingco opera ions, as the Soviet opposition We are pleased to be able to Information coming from the tion between Russia and Germ: o religion was inspired by the mention that Mrs. Gladys GorShould war break out Caucasian frontier dislose that in ny in the campaign agains heory of Marxism, while Gerdon, the wife of Mr. Thomas Christianity subjec was the have Southern Europe, it is generalmany was founded on the Gordon of La Perla. conti. the Soviet Authorities ly believed Batum would be of a speech by the Secretary Ge ace theory. This is why the aues on the road toward recoordered all women and chilwo countries cannot co. ord very from her serious illness, dren evacuated from the por neral of the Young Communist the first objective of attack by Organization as reported in the nate work on the Jewish questhough still a patient in of Ratum located on the Black Che Allied and Turkish forces the Komsomolskaya Pravda.
as it is the principal cutlet for He ion, in the first place. In ad San Juan de Dios Hospital, San Sea, a few miles from the Tur kish frontier and within ea: said The treaty of Jose.
he petroleum from the CaucaAugust dition, the Soviet Union can 23rd. was signed between the ot accept a position whereby Mr. Gordon, who saw her du reach of that country artill an regions.
Soviet Union and Germany to Orthodox believers in the Ger ring the course of the past week ry.
fight Christian Ideology, which man section of ex Poland, has expressed profound satisfac is hostile to both countries. crainians, and white Russian tion with the attention, both EAST INDIAN KILLS BRITISH OFFICIAL They consulted together regar should have a church in Ger medical and otherwise, which ding the different measures to many which might unite them. is being afforded her.
Sir Michael Odwyer, for ma Dane were injured. Sir Michael be taken and decided to exchan Anti. religious propaganda wili wny years connected with Bri died almost instantaneously.
ge information on the question. oe continued by this league of India The crime is supposed to be This struggle is particularly in the Godless, and practical mea was shot and killed by an In connected with the problem of teresting to Poland. This com sures will be instituted by the Entertain dian during a meeting of the the independence of India, or mon work however has limita Soviet Union and Germany.
East India Association in Cax the outcome of a feeling of reton Hall, near Westminster Atvenge against Sir Michael, who The night of Saturday March 30th will be one of Swing bey, London, last of Wednesday. was Lieutenant Governor Three others INTERNATIONAL BRIEFS at the St. Mark Parish Hall.
Lord Zetland, Punjab when the British troops.
for The information has been Secretary of State India, on the 13th. April 1919, fired Lord Lamington and Sir Louis on a multitude in Amristar cau lecsed that our esteemed ElterIt is been semi officially sheets, particularly in the sing 38 deaths.
tainers Messrs. Wally Logan announced that the governm region of Possen.
and Gilbert Shaw will be gient of México is disposed to ving the 1940 dancing creation settle the dispute with th: Orders have been issued, NO SNORING IN OLD ENGLAND CHURCHES Sinclair Oil Company in con nection with the expropriati In view of the threatening to bring the understand, to Harry Bradshaw In these days if anyone goes, he was paid an annual fee best orchestra on of their properties witl European situation, and of to sleep in church there isn 10 shillings for the work.
from the Capital for the Soi much that can be done about the payment of nine million the necessity to defend the Even more interesting must barrels of petroleum, which Western Hemisphere in the it. But this was not so in the have been the work done by Characteristically, it will be past, as a study of old registers. Robert Walton of Youlgceave, it is calculated, will repres future without the hope of a scene of outstanding importan disclose.
ent a value of around sever exterior help, Washington rein 1699. The entry shows that се. the Switzerland of Limillion dollars.
ports that the House of ReIn those days there was an he was paid 16 pence for whip mon, and will be graced with official known as the Sluggard ping ye dogges forth presentatives of the of ye has approved the cream of our dancing com Walker. He probably enjoyed church in time of Divine Servi a law which munity. It will certainly sanctions the expenditure of be his job. This was to patrol the ces.
British planes are officia 655 million dollars to increa good comradeship.
a night of merit, enjoyment and aisle, rod in hand, waiting for From a Castleton register co lly reported to have flownse the nation navy by twenthe urst nod. Then. rap wenc mes an entry of real historical over the portion of Poland ty one battle ships twentythe stick on the sleeper head. interest: 1745. Paid to ye rin under occupation of the Nazis two auixliary ships and 1, 011 An entry from a Derbyshire regers at the flight of the Rebels.
last week end and to have new naval planes.
Salidas de correos gister dated 1772 shows tha. 5s. Od.
dropped thousands of flyPara Centro América, todos los martes a las 15 horas.
Para Cuba, Panamá, Canal NO EXTENSION OF FATHER DIVINE Zone y Sud América, viernes 15 a las 30 horas, vapor To. HEAVEN loa.
HYDE PARK, The estate is near the property and be COMPRA CACAO y todos los productos Para Estados Unidos, Eu Feae al Government has sked the Chief Executive if he ropa, Antillas, Asia y Africa ten Father Divine to the draws objected to having the Righdel país. via Nueva York. sábado 16 nence the Frederick Vand cos Government Movement as IMPORTACION VENTA de Mercaderías a las 30 horas. vapor Vebilt Estate will not become ar a neighbor Divine had alrearagua.
extension heaven of the Har en general.
y become a Roosevelt neighDEPOSITO DE MADERAS Para Cuba Panamá, Canal lem cult leader.
or in the meanwhile, however, Zone y Sud América, viernes 250. acre section of th hrough the purchase of the del país y extranjera.
29, vapor Ulúa.
700. acre estate will be dona fowland Spencer estate at Para Estados Unidos, Euro. ted to the government as rum Elbow.
LIMON, COSTA RICA pa, Antillas, Asia y Africa, federal arboretum (tree sanctu Both the President and Mrs. via Nueva York. sábado 30. ry. President Roosevelt revea Roosevelt replied and assured a las 30 horas, vapor Tala ed, and the large house will ather Divine that any citizen manca.
maintained as an outstanding had the right to acquire any Cartago marzo 15, 1940, example of American domest property that he could buy. Mr architecture at the turn of th Roosevelt expressed the desira la cooperación económica gercentury.
e, however, to see the 200mano. ruso. italiana. La impor Mrs. James Laurens Van Alen preserved in a government arThe grant will be made by year. old trees on the property tancia de esta medida puede apre ciarse por el hecho de que en el of Newport, I, who scorned boretum.
año 1938 el valor de esa importa offers of the little cult leader Mrs. Van Alen halted all ción pasó de cinco millones de libras for the purchase of the whole negotiations however, by anesterlinas. La prohibición no in property.
nouncing through her lawyers cluye las jaleas ni mermeladas. Las Father Divine made the head that she had no intention of se frutas frescas dejaron de ser im lines when he wrote President lling the estate to Divine.
portadas desde el principio de la Roosevelt, whose guerra, Hyde Park Guillermo Niehaus Co.
114 AEROPLANOS COMPRO nión de anoche el comité ejecu DA EN INGLATERRA SUECIA FINLAND and Treaty further provides that tivo del partido republicano de ESTOCOLMO, 15. La pren Russia will have the right to mócrata acordó rechazar la a LONDRES, 15. El minis sa de esta capital informa que (FROM PAGE 7)
freely traverse the region of lianza política con el coronel terio de trabajo anuncia que el la delegación sueca ha adquiPetsamo to contact with NorBatista, candidato presidencial costo de la vida en la Gran rido en los Estados Unidos cien west and north of lake Ladoga way. Finland has also agreed to de la coalición formada por los Bretaña aumento en el uno porto cuarenta y cuatro aeropla which includes the populated join the Union in constructing cuatro partidos representados ciento durante febrero. Su auactualmente en el gobierno. Comento total desde que estallé la construcción de un número la and Suojarvi, a number nos de caza y está contratando districts of Kexhalm, Sortaya a railroad to facilite the latter mo es sabido, Batista ha tataof tzade with Sweden, la guerra es de un quince por de barcos de guerra pequeños, do de llegar a un entendimien ciento.
especialmente torpederos. Este islands in the gulf of Finland, The treaty is of course subto con aquel partido, que le informe se interpreta como prue the territory located to the eastject to ratification by the Fiaseguraria su elección. Los re PROHIBE INGLATERRA LA IM ba de que tanto Noruega como of Merkjaervi and parts of the nnish Diet o. Parliament, and publicanos demócratas, que en PORTACION DE FRUTAS Suecia se han dado cuenta de peninsulars of Riibachi and Sred the greatest interest is being cabeza el ex presidente Meno la urgencia de aumentar sus ar ny. The Soviet Union is also evinced as to what will be the cal, rechazaron también la a LONDRES, 15. El ministerio mamentos, en vista de la nueva granted a thirty year lease on final outcome of the drama lianza propuesta por el partide abastecimientos ha comunicado situación creada en Europa por the peninsular of Hango and which is roughly calculated to do revolucionario cubano, de que de ahora en adelante queda la terminación de la guerra ru the adjacent islands along with have deprived Russia of half a Grau San Martín, quien desea prohibida la importación de frutas so. finlandesa, y con el fin de the surrounding waters within million of her armed forces in ba formar un frente unido de en conserva, como un medio adicio que la alianza militar que oposición contra Batista.
the killed and wounded, 500 of Con nal de evitar la salida de fondos, trata de negociar entre los pai a radius of five miles to her la decisión adoptada anoche, el ya que la Gran Bretafia tiene que ses escandinavos tenga una versouth and east, and three miles her war tanks and 600 of partido republicano demócrata concentrar todos sus recursos en la dadera significación como meto the west and north, in return military planes, and sacrificed of irá solo a las elecciones, que se guerra, y especialmente ahora, an dio de defensa de su indepen for an annual payment of. the lives of around 65. 000 verificarán en mayo próximo. to la posibilidad de que sea amplia Idencia e integridad territorial. 000. 000 Finnish marks. The Finland heroic defenders.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismEnglandGermanyMarxismSovietURSSUnited Front

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