
PAN AMERICAN DAY THE ATLANTIC VOICE The President of the United States of America recently issued a proclamation regarding the celebration of the anniversary of Pan American Day, April 14th. Just fifty years will have then possed since the Union was established. The Flag of the United States will, we gather, Se displayed on all Government buildings on that day, and the Churches, Educational Institutions, Civil Associetions and the people in general have been requested to observe the event with commemorative ceremonies.
6th. Pan American Day is the outcome of the resolution adopted on April 14th. 1890 by the First International Conference of the American Nations, which has during its life of half a century consistently fostered the development of mutual comprehension, closer economic relationsChip, cultural advancement and juridicol relations throughout the Western Hemisphere. This year celebrations will, we think, be of greater significance to the twenty one Latin American Countries.
The Europeon turmoil calls for a more comprehensive co operation among the governments and peoples of our Continents, and the Union has much to accomplish to maintain the ideals on which it has been established.
Ideals have, we believe, no segregative tendencies regarding race, creed or colour, only principles for the welfare of humanity generally. There has, however, been a certain amount of partial displays in the carrying out of these ideals Mendicancy has been the ot of certain groups, while many, who have not even contributed in the least to the progress of the Americas, have been kept robustly suplied with the good things of life.
e The year 1890 also reminds us of this province of the completion of the Atlantic Railroad which is an oustand ving credit to the pioneers who were guided by that neverto ve forgotten American. Minor Keith. This was the couse which really brought about Costo Rica coloured population, at a period much in advance of the Banana and Cacao Industries. The man of colour also contributed his labour and talent in the 1880 to the Panama Railroad ofterwards shedding his blood and giving his life for the construction of the great Isthmian Waterway. He has also been one of the principal factors to Cuba most progressive Sugar and other industries. Many others fell victims to the pestilential conditions encountered during the construction of the Quito Railroad.
Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone VI YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA APRIL 1940 289 WIRELESS NEWS SWEDEN AND NORWAY THREATENED From London we get the in should the necessity arise.
PARIS, The Office of Po formation that in retaliation It has been stated that the lish Informatino announces for the determination of the government at Stock solm had that in the zone of Lwow, Allied Powers to impede the ben notified that Ger nany had occupied by the Soviets in transportation of iron ore and gathered a number of ships in Poland, an average of 250 other Scandinavian products to the Baltic for the Trpose of persons die daily including Germany, the Nazi High Com transporting troops to positions seventy five per cent of the mand are considering the ques of importance if the interests newly born infants, from tion of launching an expedi of the Reich were interfered hunger and epidemics, the la tionary force of 400 000 men with by the activitie of the tter being difficult to control against Sweden and Norway, Allied Powers.
for lack of proper sanitary services.
BRITAIN INTENSIFIES ECONOMIC WAR In intensifying her economie, trol of the sea, with he navy war on Germany in a three fola having already tak certain LONDON The British drive, Britain cautioned neutral practical steps to inte ere with Admiralty annnounce that nations that aid to the Reich passage of German go ships the German freighter Mimi might render them liable to the from Scandinavia ai halting Horn out of Curacao Nether hideous fate that has overta Russian ships in Far Eastern ands West Indies, had been ken previous victims of German waters. 2) Trade reements intercepted in Northern Wa policy.
with neutrals surrour iing Gerters by British men o war Prime Minister Chamberlian many under which Bitain outand then fired and scuttled delivered this warning to neu bid Germany for vital products.
by her crew.
trals in a statement in tine (3) warning to nei trals that House of Commons in which he their imports from the Empire announced that the British stran would be cut down unless they BUCHAREST. The Ru gle hold on German trade limit their sales to Germany.
manian government advises was being tightened by. 1) con it would be drafting 4, 000, 000 young Rumanians to form an WORLD LARGEST AIRCRAFT agricultural army in an at The announcement has been built by the Glenn Martin tempt to keep 1940 producton made that the Navy of the Company in Baltimore. Its wing normal, and to meet export United States of America has spread was reported as of 230 demands, especially from Ger under construction as eighty fect, motors developing in exmany. The Reich had propos four ton flying ship which is cess of 000 horsepower, ed that Rumania demobilize expected to be the world lar radius of 12 000 miles, peed of 500, 00 Oof the 1, 600, 000 men gest airplane. It will be capable more than 300 miles in hour she had under amrs and put of flying non stop from Califor and capable of carrying a load them to work raising grain nia to Japan and return. of thirty tons.
for Germany The giant craft was being ie We mention these incidents to prove that when the Pan American resolution was presented fifty years ago, the man of colour was already, either directly or indirectly, y associated with it in all its aspects. Let us hope that when celebrating this coming anniversary, all the peoples of our Hemisphere will do so in full harmony with the fundamentals of the original ideal.
STOCKHOLM Foreign Japan to oppose British Naval Activities in Far Minister Christian Gunther Eastern Waters has informed the Riksdag Parliament that early in Commenting on the intention lake, the Japanese flect would March Premier Daladier of of Great Britain to extend her take the necessary mea to pre France sent a personal messa blockade activities in Far Eas vent the committing of illegal ge to King Gustav asking per tern waters so as to prevent im acts.
mission to transport allied portations reaching Germany Meantime the British uthoritroops through Sweden to by way of the Russian port of ties have, it is said, formed help Finland. The Swedish Vladivostok, an Official of the Japan that England in ends to King reply was that Swe Japanese Navy states Japan exercise all her rights. a belden neutrality made such will strongly object to the war rigerent wherever necessary, permission impossible being brought within her heigh though she wil lalways respect bourhood, and as the Sea of Ja Japanese susceptibilities.
pan is regarded as virtually FOR LADIES ONLY UNITED FRUIT COMPANY NEUTRODOR MOSCOW. Russia stepped up her defence appropria tions with the announcement of a 1940 Budget of True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops 57, 000. 000. 000 Rubles, rominaunder arm PERSPIRATION ly about 11, 400, 900, 000 SERVICIO DE VAPORES DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES Last year appropriation is a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream, was 40, 885, 000, 000 Rubles or yet it stays there and imparts elegance and delicacy around 8, 177, 000, 000. She Solidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS also decided to declare a new con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA y HABANA: Republic the 12th within the Soviet Union with the incor VAPORES SALIDAS Just rub in gently and poration of territory won it will dry instantly, from Finland to form the SANTA MARTA Abril 12 leaving the skin soft nion Karelo Kinnish Soviet and smooth, with no TOLOA Abril 19 Socialist Republic trace of grease.
Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK The refreshing perfuNEW YORK con escalas en PUERTO BARIOS y HABANA: Liberalizame lingers and its betion of the Episcopal Chuch neficial effect lasts JAMAICA Abril 13 laws regarding divorce and from one to three days.
remarriage of divorced per Chiriquí Abril 27 sons has been recommended ALVARADO Co. Sucs.
Effectively checks odor perspiration and keeps armspit by a committee in the dry and healthful.
Church after a two year stuAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas dy. The present Episcopal It a Product of Chuch law prohibits the ma Para más informes dirijase a las oficinas de la rroage of divorced persons, except that of the innocent UNITED FRUIT COMPANY party in a divorce for adulte San José Costa Rica ry, and then only after cer en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José dose tain invstigations and decis passing sions by the Bishop or an TELEFONO 1 6 Ecclesiastical Court.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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