
TAGE 10 THE AETANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, APRIL 20th, 1940per The Anglican Easter Programme at Zent BRITAIN STARTS MASS PRODUCTION OF Germany Loses MERCHANT SHIPS one third of Navy TAPIZADORES: The race to break all ship They will not suffer the fate of In a statement before the Se.
building records and a plan to the standard ships of the last nate on the 15th. instant the Harina especial para empapelar, con todos los massproduction of cargo ships war, many of which had to be French Premier Paul Reynaud at a speed never before known scrapped. The ship building declared that Germany had lost ingredientes necesarios para que las cucarais described by Mr. William industry, says Mr. Westwood, almost one third of her navy chas y otros bichos no carcoman el papel Westwood, General Secretary entered the war fully prepar during the recent fighting in of the Ship Construction anded to make a maximum contri Scandinavian waters.
Shipwrights Association, in his bution to the national effort. The specific figures given annual report for last year. Mr Vessels which had been under were thirty per cent of the Nazi OFRECE TOMAS FERNANDEZ ALMACEN Westwood, who recently took construction during the past navy including twenty per cent up his duties with the merchant months were soon added to the cruisers and twenty five ShipBuilding and Repairs De launching output and before cent of destroyers. This amount teléfono 2198 SAN JOSE partment of the British Admi 1940 is far advanced there will of shipping had cither been rality, which is responsible for be an exceptionally heavy de sunk, scuttled or captured the carrying out the ship building mand on the outfitting basins Premier concluded.
programme, says. In the ship. Some of the vessels under cons yards all over England cargo truction will have only a short ships be taking shape on very joyous and inspir. were contributed by Master the spell in the out fitting basins, RED CROSS REPRESENTATIstocks faster than our vessels as quite a large percentage of ing exercise was evidenced at Scott, Maxwell and VES ASKED TO SUBMIT can be sunk. It will be the nea the work is now completed be the St. John Church in Zent Calvin. The solo Gospel Tid rest thing to mass poduction fore, launching them. The back REPORTS on Sunday the 14th, instant. ings by Mrs. Thompson The sacred edifice was regal was richly the shipbuilding industry has bone of the present yard activi rendered, while ever known.
Each yard will lies is, of course, the Governed for the occasion. The kec the recitations by the Misseja Through this medium the tor officiated, and build only one type of ship, and ment decision to order a huamong Brooks, and Whitehorna present were that type will be the one they ge tonnage of tramp vessels of Red Cross Committee, in repre those Mrs. were worthy additions. Th can build the fastest and most the simple type. These Govern centation of the local Drive for Evans and Mrs. Keates. The solo My Father is King wa ma economically. Labour will bement orders will enable the the Overseas Red Cross Fund programme opened with the given by Miss Walters, and of Great Britain, France and cut down to the minimum, but yards to build economically.
congregational singing of a Miss Robinson followed the ships will be built to last.
their Allies, beg to say they will hymn, followed by prayer. with the recitation Christ thite be glad if the respective Repre melodious solo was then ren Lord.
th sentatives will submit written dered by Miss Drysdale. Miss Calvin and her as Remember!
reports to Mr. Robert Johnston, The Misses May well, sociate cheerfully gave thim at the British Vice Consulate Nesbeth, Whitehorn and solo belong to a King, whiD For BASEBALL EQUIPMENT, here, regarding the movements Brooks contributed recita le Master Dunn was indeedto CRICKET GEARS, of the Couvenir Receipt Cards tions, and Miss Herbert and humorous in Blue Sky. Mis las BICYCLE TYRES, TUBES PARTS issued to them. Suggestions partner were next with their Walters was very much as which might be deemed expe duet Words of Love. Mas home with her solo andre Visit dient for a more successful outters Brown, Maxwell were a Flower was well dele come of the venture, will be and the Misses Scott and livered by Miss Drysdale JACK ORANE SUCS.
gladly accepted and greatly ap Brooks splendidly execut quartette by Miss Brook preciated by the Committee, ed their respective items.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE. Limon and others a recitation bysis It is understood that the Con solo by Miss Nesbeth was Miss Reid, and a duet bifon sul is preparing for publication well received. Recitations we Mr. Scott and anothehe a list of all who have already re again rendered by Masters were the closing renditions. ve How to Influence a Boss Broadcast shows degene responded to the appeal Brown, Calvin and Miss The Rev. Evans was verjer Bell. Mrs. Maxwell was impressive with his closin ration of German Youth TOENSBERG se rindió a los loudly cheered for her solo remarks, and very sympath ALEMANES Like the Sunbeam. The Mistically referred to the vas Here are 10 rules for theunLONDON. Commenting on ESTOCOLMO, 19. Los corres ses employed to follow in getting a Clarke, Hamilton number of homeless persons job. They were arranged by the Herr Goering reference to cri ponsales suecos en Noruega in and Master Williams very the aftermath of the great co me in blackouts in his speech forman que Toensberg se rindió efficiently helped with their flagration which has overta employment bureau of Fordto German youth on April 3rd, ayer a los alemanes sin hacer recitations. The choir relished ken Colon. The Benedictio ham Universcity.
the Yorkshire Post coments: resistencia y que Hamar se en the proceedings with the Ant climaxed a well spent even Don high pressure your He would hardly have refer cuentra todavía en poder de los hem He is risen today. ing.
self noruegos Don try to show up rd to this subject, so promi que pueda ser defendido con éxi ther much appreciated items Special Corresponden old times when you get a job; nently through all the German to, ya que no existen alli forit the short cut to losing it. radio stations, if it had not be tificaciones suficientes para ello.
DID YOU KNOW Don say: havent come of importance. So we may La línea principal de defensa con got what it takes. If you ha take it that moral deterioration comienza más al norte. En todo That Well Known Phrase Istoms in existence to day Urually Misquoted?
has set in among Hitler Youngi caso, llama la atención este incerns the exchange of affectid ven got it, go and get it. When Geek meets Greek nate greetings, usually in the Don be bold; adopt an People. Can it be wondered at forme, pues los alemanes haThe Nazis belittled and slandebían afirmado desde los prime. then comes the tug of war. is form of suitably illustrate ettitude of intelligent meekred the teachings of religion. ros dias de la invasión que ha a well known line that most of cards and tokens, on Februar ness.
bían oeupado esa ciudad, que Don talk too much: Lis. They have encouraged the youth fué a donde se trasladó el go other. There is, however, us have used at some time or 14. The observance of the data of German blood to believe that bierno noruego al no is said to have been deriveha ten to your interviewer.
producirse he is one of the MASTER PEO la agresión alemana.
such line in English literature from a Roman pagan festivativ Don pull personality PLE, above the restraints propThe line, which really reads. But we call it St. Valentine Ag acts. Be natural and your personality will sell itself.
er to serf people. The thru Nazis REYNAUD SE PRESENTO When Greeks joined Greeks, Day. And St. Valentine condoned sexual immorality to Don think: There are LA CAMARA DE DIPUTA. then was the tug of war. oc lover patron saint wa liar improve the birthrate. They DOS curs in The Rival Queens; or Christian bishop who suffer Sta no jobs left. There are more have coarsened and jobs today for trained men than poisoned PARIS, 19. UP. El premier Rey Alexander the Great. a play martyrdom for his faith at Ron the la naud se presentó hoy a la cáma by Nathaniel Lee, one of the people life. Earl de the in the reign of the Emperexe ever before.
Warr, the President of the ra de diputados, en donde le es minor Restoration Don feel you have to dramatists. Aurelian about the year 27any but He was tamed for his love amip start from the bottom; make Board of Education, said in Pa peraba nsiete interpelaciones a Lee work has perished, ris, on April the 3rd, that the cerea de la condueción de la gue that solitary line still survives charity to all folks, and it use of what training you have.
ria. El premier tiene a su venand is invariaby misquoted recorded by Wheatley in Don act as if you know most terrible crime of the Hit taja hoy la favorable acogida Book of Commons every thing. you Prayelles did you ler regime was the deliberate que dió ayer el senado a sus er.
wouldn be looking for a job. perversion of the minds plieaciones sobre la situación Why Valentines Are So that the custom of chosing you and Called?
10. Don try to ram ideas, souls of their young general y sobre las operaciones lentines upon his festival, toplot people.
down your employer throat. That indictment might well he sesión secreta. Los diputados ha militares, que fueron dadas en One of the most ancient cus its risce from thenee.
Offer him the ideas.
annotated see Goering speech rán sus interpelaciones primeund of April 3rd, 1940. How can ro, y luego eontestarán Daladier CONFIRMASE QUE FUE TORPEDEADO EL ALMIRANTE Dest Following these rules may not men who continually instigate y Reynaud, esperándose que el SHEER, get you a job, but they ll get you deeds of darkness expect their debate durará toda la tarde. Al ay attention and it won be your followers to be children of iniciarse la sesión el primer miLONDRES, 19. UP La tripulación del submarino británic ico fault you don get the place. light?
nistro dijo que el gobierno pe Spearfish llegó ayer a un puerto inglés, declarando que efectly dia que se llevara a cabo inme mente ese barco alcanzó con un torpedo al acorazado de bo diatamente la discusión de las sillo alemán Almirante Scheer, y que aun cuando no pudieroete interpelaciones sobre la condue esperar para ver el resultado de su ataque, nadie puede creee ción de la guerra, pero deseaba que el acorazado lograra salvarse.
Jet que el debate fuera organizado en tal forma que pudiera ser LA BARBARIE EN CHECOESLOVAQUIA und concluido esta misma noche, MATINA y 24 LLAS ya que el tenia perentorias PARIS, 19. El comité nacional checoeslovaco, con sedde bligaciones de carácter interna en Francia, ha publicado un libro azul en el que da nuevond cional, acerea de las cuales no detalles de la barbarie cientifica de los nazis en lo que Los más surtidos Establecimientos de di óexplicaciones. Atendiendo refiere a la ocupación de los colegios y universidades checo LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES su solicitud, se acordo inmedia lovacos. Todos esos centros han sido clausurados, los estudiar la tamente proseguir la sesión con tes arrestados, torturados y asesinados y los profesores han Háganos una visita.
carácter seereto pero la cues do equiparados a verdaderos criminales, pidiendo afirmarga tión de confianza se decidirá no hay una que no esté en la cárcel o en los campos de cor de nuevo en sesión pública. centración.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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